Derrick Carter's MachineDrum is for sale

Derrick Carters MachineDrum anyone?

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A signed and embossed certificate of authenticity… hahahahaha


His store has a whole heap of stuff. Even the bits that dont work get the signed and embossed certificate of authenticity. :grin:

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Cheaper than some MDs I’ve seen recently.


The shipping and tax would make it impossible for me, however it would be nice to get some Classic Records drum patterns!

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nah… it’s a MK1 and non-UW (let alone + drive). I’ve not seen any similar MD’s priced anywhere near that. but yeah… because it’s his, I get the pricing.

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Love DCs productions but not enough to pay twice as much for his gear


The Fizmo is competitively priced

If this is setting the price range for this device, I can say that I have 3000 $CAN in bank. Yeah!

Sorry, I was referencing the 2k MDUW that was on here recently, please ignore my snark. :slight_smile:


Did’nt knew the artist nor the song.
But I find this tape dope

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The price of the MD is mad. But yes, the bigest problem is mainly the shipping cost :crazy_face:

Love him, Luke Solomon and the whole Classic/Music For Freaks/SWAG type thing.

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From the man himself:

Thanks for hopening me at this music. Always happy to discover new lands

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I’m not really sure what the appeal is of buying something once owned by someone famous (unless they modified it in some cool way). Autechre could try to sell me their MD and MnM and I still wouldn’t be interested. (Unless it was a good bargain, of course).


No problems, this was the sort of stuff I was dancing (badly) to late 90’s/early 2000’s. :laughing:

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For me, This man’s music in the 90s was golden…started house music dance to his tracks, was introduced to him by one of my friend who used to dj at 1015 Folsom and underground warehouse parties in Sf around 93-94…love to own his gears but I have stopped buying…too working class to afford them, for now.

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Prefuse 73 was selling his Mini-Moog for 2k a few years ago. Decent price- no real ego.

I see the sentimental appeal where I would prefer it over another at the same price. But, no, I wouldn’t pay extra for it

It was used on One Word Extinguisher, bro!