DFAM mind melting thread

Yes I do. Send me a PM and we can sort something out.

Done :slight_smile:

hello everyone, nice tread, I was thinking of buying a dfam to pair it with my A4 (also to make sense of the cv outputs that I have never used) one thing, however, is not yet clear to me when it comes to the difference in audio signal between modular and Line, if I use the ext instrument in of the dfam must it be a signal as strong as the eurorack one or is the Line signal brought to the same level? the idea is to use the sine wave of my Perfourmer mk2


If the Performer has a VERY hot output, a line to modular level converter may not be needed. Or a direct out from a mixer with preamps could do the trick. Some eurorack VCAs can boost linelevel to modular levels. I got one of these: Rides in the Storm CON Not expensive and good sound quality.

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DFAM bass with vinyl on top


Did you have a go on the Samples? I feel similarly about the Cycles but recently got the samples and I’m finding it does great hats - both sampled and “synthesized” (i.e. using short loops and HPF). Also decent snares, claps, etc. Seems to defeat at least some of the purpose, but the two together might be nice.

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The EXT AUDIO patch point is expecting euro rack levels. You would need to boost a line level signal up in order for it to work.

“NOTE: Because this is a unity gain input designed for typical Eurorack signal levels, an external audio source
applied to this input should be 10V peak to peak. Signals lower than this (an MP3 player for instance) will
need to be amplified prior to being input to the EXT AUDIO jack for proper volume performance levels.”

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I’m using DFAM external audio to filter the root note of Chord v2 and then add some rhythm to it by changing the VCA decay (so that the external audio follows the sequenced velocity) and some extra percussive/melodic notes.


There have been a bunch of great and mellow Moog Sound Studio bundle videos posted recently with some fantastic music; I think AB85’s stuff is my favourite. So I decided to add a Mother 32 to my setup and see what I got.

But as ever, as soon as I add the DFAMs, I want to head toward “mind melting”. They’re just so good for travelling from contained percussion to maximum intensity. To add to the meltingness, I added fuzz and stereo delay to the kick DFAM, and some out of control delay stuff (via the Erica Synths Zen Delay) to the cymbals DFAM. Love where it ended up.


Intense indeed ! Well done.


that is epic. you really got ‘your’ sound out of those machines. beautiful as always.


Having some troubles with syncing maybe you guys can help.

I use the TR8S to send a click sound to the ADV/CLOCK on the DFAM.
On the sequencer I can set triggers and the DFAM plays them.

This used to work marvelously well.

Today I wanted to record some sounds and patterns, but the DFAM only advances randomly. The step that its on gets played several times, after a few hits it may or may not advance.

So the strange thing is it receives triggers, and playes the step. What it doesn’t do is move forward which it should do.

The even stranger thing is it used to move forward like a clock work. Played all the triggers it got from the TR8S. It worked really really well and was super reliable.

Any one ever had this issue or an idea what’s going on here?

A buddy of mine was using his TR8S for this too and then discovered that the voltages Roland throws out of that box is a lot higher than what is recommended on the Moog gear. I believe when he measured it it was coming out at up to almost 15v! It seemed like, over time, that would be quite unhealthy for the DFAM.

Not sure if this would have anything to do with your issue.

If you can, I would test it with something else triggering the adv/clock to make sure the input is still ok.

This was something I hopped would not be the issue, but at the same time thought it could be become one.

just use the TR-8S trigger out ! works perfect.


@acidhouseforall nailed it.

When using the assignable outputs as trigs, if the fader is up on that channel, you get a very hot signal. The dedicated trigger output doesnt have level control, its fixed. So thats probably the answer to those having trouble with TR8-S and DFAM.

Same thing applies when using OT sample to trig the DFAM. Sample gain too low= DFAM wont be happy, gain too high, you’ll get weird shit.

How you take advantage of this information is up to you.

This. I use a gate trigger on the Analog 4 into the ADV clock and it works great. Also works great for conditional trigs.

I used to use that setup all the time. Just turn the gain down to INF in the Mixer Page. Shift + CTRL button then go to the last page. Using a normal track, I use CC for this, let’s you use Last Step for even more polymetric goodness. The trigger track is fixed at 16 steps.

Some DFAM + LXR02. Bits of 909 here and there.


Delay is the best for rhythm!

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