DFAM mind melting thread

I recently bought a mint used one for 450€. I think thats a pretty good price right now. If you find any at around 400, it will be an absolute steal at the current prices imho.

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Make sure you check both sequencers’ pots as mine has arrived with some of them very loose and others not so much.
Not sure if there is a fix for this…

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I’ve owned a couple and one of them had a loose pot. I think it’s a bit of a thing with DFAMs. Never caused me a problem though.

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Can I use this thread to ask beginner questions? I just got my DFAM today and so far I love it – very easy to create interesting sequences with. I just don’t know how to do anything with modular, so: If I want to sync the DFAM to my MPC One clock, what do I exactly need to do?


I’m not familiar with the MPC one, but I know it has CV/gate out, so I’m assuming you can configure it to send an analogue clock pulse out of one of those, then connect that to the ADV/CLOCK input on the DFAM, manually advance the sequencer on the DFAM to step 8, make sure you’ve hit start on the DFAM. If it’s working right, hitting start on the DFAM won’t advance the sequencer, but then hitting play on the MPC will. The DFAM doesn’t have reset, so it won’t go back to the start of it’s sequence when you hit stop on the MPC (you’ll have to manually adjust it back to step 8 again.

I’ve made that all sound more difficult than it is.

If I remember rightly, the DFAM clocks at 4 ppqn (pulses per quarter note), but I might be wrong.


Appreciate your help! Yes I saw a video where someone sequenced other gear with the MPC One and he also used reset and then I was like “okay I just have to ask”. That explains that mystery. I’m gonna try it out now. As far as I can tell you can set the CV outs on the MPC only to gate, note or velocity (that’s at least the options it shows me), and he just sent one note (the highest note, whyever). I’ll also hit up the manual.

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I did this track with the Dfam, Basimilus, Plaits and Matter II. All sequenced on the Launch pad pro.


Another vinyl jam! DFAM and vinyl blend well together


Are you using the launchpad pro as a standalone sequencer? how do you like it for that? Are you talking to modular gear with midi to cv?

Yes I used the LPP as a stand alone sequencer for this track. I sent midi out to a Polyend Poly to convert midi to cv. I really like the LPP especially for my eurorack setup. It’s very quick and intuitive to get interesting sequence’s. I also love that you can launch the patterns independently from each other. It’s feels like a better version on the Novation Circuit.

im gonna look into it. im still contemplating a midi sequencer – I have my MPC one but its too much of a DAW for me sometimes. I didn’t consider LPP because of the size. I want something like SQ-64 that I can put on my keyboard, just maybe with 2 more poly tracks.

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I personally like the size of it. It’s lite weight and easy to power. I’m a Ableton user though. I purchased it mainly to use with Ableton but quickly realized it’s actually a really good stand alone sequencer. The track count is limited but what can be done with each track is very impressive. Lots of options!

The LLP doesn’t have an arpeggio though.

I’m using a JDXA as my master keyboard, so I’m good on the arp, I just need a simple small footprint sequencer. (edit: sorry if this is getting too off topic, not sure about sanity rules on elektronauts yet – just reprimand me if necessary :D)

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To get back on topic I used the the LPP TO sequence the DFAM and Bypassed the DFAMs internal sequencer. I found this to be a little bit more predictable yet also flexible. I can still use the velocity to modulate the DFAM thanks to the Polyend and also the clocked LFOs and envelopes in my eurorack. It’s nice to detach from the DFAMs sequencer every once in awhile.

my problem with my a4 was always, that only 4 voices was not enough, since I usually used 2 voices for a good kick / noise layer. I bought this DFAM, now I can take kick/noise from the dfam, and have live control over a lot of amazing extra noises and bleeps from the DFAM, from a4, I have a hh & some percussion, and then 2 channels left for melody, pads, soundfx or whatever.
A4 & dfam, they feel like a perfect fit to me, they takes me out of my pattern-based elektron workflow, and suddenly even song transition is no problem anymore. Also the vc sequencer on the a4 and the fx inputs from my dfam (and my subharmonicon, which I don;t understand yet but can bring me nice acid sometimes), these combination of my moog studio with the fx on my a4, gives me a very, very complete techno-cockpit, I can handle it and my brain doesn’t fall apart when playing.


I did enjoy both, had them at the same time. I wish I made beat shit more, but couldn’t justify keeping them when I felt constrained by the sequencers too much.

sequencer of the dfam?

If you have any guitar distortion pedals I highly recommend it on the DFAM. Just plain nasty and amazing haha. The A4 input should take it well

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Techno with two DFAM and Quadrantid Swarm only