Digitakt 1.20 & Digitone 1.30

Okay, doh! - my head was in DN land - Possible to see name of Sound loaded into Track?

when you(anyone) suss it out please update this thread - it’ll be trivial/obvious with hindsight

if there is a track button - hold that and the track with the sound on - something along those lines

Previous OS, the filter env would retrigger on the second note, even with tie and slide.
OS 1.3 mono legato mode means legato notes (read ties and slides) do not retrigger the filter env. So it behaves more like an analogue synth.
More Acid. :slight_smile:
Thats what my ears tell me anyway.


Cool, thanks. I get it now, I experimented that before, having to disable FLT.T, can’t wait to try that mode!

Edit : done!


You can get a usb midi host device or roll your own with raspberryPi I think @mzero may have some posts on how he’s done it. Been meaning to look into that since I’ve started using the Akai Fire. For 00$ It’s like cheating at life. Been banging out tracks almost daily using that and Bitwig Studio / FL Studio and my Elektron hardware.

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I have not checked that myself but it is bothersome until you just give up and figure out another way to accomplish what you want… that may, in fact, be better than what you thought the solution was in the first place.

That’s my take. Much love overcoming the limitations on gear like the DT it’s the same with other things. It’s just more meta than one upping an operating system to make it do something you want.

But back to topic - THANK YOU @Elektron FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK !!! 99 out of a hundred see a black box with knobs - the end. The rest of us consider that same enigmatic box as a source of creativity / problem solving / and yes, joy. (I’m not even being gushy here - this some real talk!)


Updated today. Trig preview and step record, oh man. It’s getting so easy to get weird on the digitakt.


Cool, thanks for the tips!

I have been using Overbridge with the Digitakt on a Mac + Ableton without any timing / latency issues.

When not in Overbridge mode but just using Digitakt as a an audio interface (audio out via USB) there is significant latency. Any ideas why?

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Apologies if this has been asked already, and it’s tangentially related… but regarding the new 100% trigger condition: why doesn’t this exist on the Model:Cycles when it had the overall Probability feature first? As far as I can tell, it only has up to 99% as an available value for TRC. Am I missing something? Seems strange to me as both a DT and MC user.

A Digitone?
There is X% of chance to get 100% TRC for all Elektrons having TRC for next update (Tuesday). :content:


It really makes perfect sense how it functions if one keeps in consideration how elektron sequencers work. Plocked parameters always override track parameters. Seeing as trig conditions are plocked values they will always take precedence over the probablility parameters which is a track level parameter.
Accessing the parameters reinforces this idea as the user has to hold a trig to access trig conditions.
It’s quite elegant and thoughtful.


Wanted to echo this, also seeing the same issue on Mac with just AU Lab hosting TAL U-No-LX.

Ha! I didn’t see anything about an impending update for those machines. That’s fantastic news.

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Depends on which Tuesday it will be. :wink:


New DigiMixFx box coming tuesday? (I heard it had codename OT MK3 internally)

@jefones could you tell me some „weird“ tricks for the DT? All I tried so far didn‘t work - on the DN no problem (sound pool live recording especially)


I’m not sure what you have tried or what you consider weird. Personally, I’ve been doing a lot of left field minimal/soundscapes/music concrete/pseudo generative and the addition of trig preview and step mode made doing this exponentially easier. I like to use 33bpm and use
track scaling to slow things down even further. The new additions especially trig preview streamline my process, no more waiting for conditional trigs to become true just to hear steps, etc.


This wasn’t implemented in the DT,. It might be something that gets included eventually though, only time will tell

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Thanks for letting me know!

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Should be possible with a midi processor I think, sending the sample slot Control Change + Notes.

Yes, this works. I set an iPad midi control app to do it. I used it to live drum kick, hats and snare onto a single track. It was clunky, but it did work.