Digitakt 1.50 : Bug reports

I made a thread a couple days ago about a bug I’m experiencing even though it predates the 1.5 update. I thought I’d post here to acknowledge that I’m hearing a mismatch between a sound when it’s previewed and the imported sound. Elektron appears to be aware of the issue and says they’re working on it.

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I am getting pitch jumps for no reason when randomizing slice locks. Any ideas why?

Unwanted re pitching can happen with Note Slice when you’ve created your seq trigs by Step Rec or Live Rec. In these rec modes, the trigs’ slices are p-locked via note value, not via the Slice Select value. As a result, changing the slices with LFO ends up playing those samples at the uncorrected pitch (octaves down).

I’d prefer if slice Note mode would p-lock the slices, not the notes themselves, but maybe that’s not possible. A feature that translates /corrects the note pitches in the background maybe? Hopefully they’re working on something for 1.50A. The current version feels broken in this regard.


Hi there!

After the new update I’ve been trying to get into a different project but unfortunately it’s not loading anything. When I select the project again is asking me if I want to overwrite it and I’m stuck in the project I’m currently working. Anyone is having the same issue?

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  • After Update my whole Project was erased.
    Unfortunately - it’s bin a while since my latest backup…

  • Sustain Filtering. The DT filters the midi value from the sustain pedal when it sends it to other synths (via the MidiTracks).

I’m having trouble with a slice changing pitch but have p-locked the slice number not the note value.

It’s ok when the track plays normally but this one slice is locked to 100% and when I turn down probability for the rest of the track to stop, to let this one slice carry on, it starts to vary in pitch as if assigned to an LFO. There are no LFOs being used on this track.


Short loop or a longer slice ?
Audio example ?

Was just about to record an example but I think I may have got t the bottom of it…

The pattern used a different sample initially and had been really messed with, live recording automation.
Putting in a different sample, I think, has meant some things aren’t sitting quite right regarding the automation, so I’m stripping back what I can.
It seems to involve where/when I turn the probability down to zero, as if catching a particular trig makes it act this way as I can turn prob. down to zero in different places and it not happen.

I shall try and recreate the pattern with minimum of p-locks to see if I can eliminate altogether or at least reproduce consistently

So, it’s a short stab sample with 8 slices although the last 4 probably have no sound.

I deleted a couple of trigs that were not needed as they had weird p-locks from the previous incarnation and that cured the problem above.

I can recreate, or at least point to something that is causing the problem now.

When I drop the probability to 0% but just have the one trig locked to 100% playing, all is well, until I play other slices chromatically. That’s when the pitch changes and doesn’t go back.

You can see this in the slice waveform screen- the playhead moves slower.

I think it was the weird p-locks and inappropriate pitches that were causing it previously and now it’s like an overhanging ‘something’ affecting the pitch.

If I play different slices from the keyboard, the locked slice changes its pitch in some related way but never plays its intended pitch, even if I play that particular slice.

I hope that makes some kind of sense.

Gonna see if I can recreate it on another track…

Just tried but all was ok.

I think it might have been a problem of over doing the automation, swapping the sample and having p-locks that were redundant all playing a part.

I shall keep a close eye. :wink:

I got a crash when I tried to record a sample…

I have had a couple of instances of work not being saved. I always save multiple times when working on something. The first time it happened I booted up the DT and the project was gone. Recreated same project, saved and then opened up an older one, went back to the new project again and the most recent changes had not saved, tried this a couple more times, changes not saving. Eventually saved but it doesn’t inspire confidence.

Got a new problem. I’m syncing the digitakt with the behringer TD-3 via midi having the DT as master. Since a couple of days ago suddenly it stoped sending midi messages. After checking the digitakt midi settings apparently everything is as usual. Is sending and receiving clock and transport. The weird part is that is only being synced with a project that I was working before but is not syncing with none of the other projects I have. Even if I open a new project is stop sending messages. I also checked the TD3 and its in MIDI mode so I don’t know what is happening. Can any one please help me? Appreciate it :wink:

I have that as well,in previous firmware too,something like two versions back perhaps

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:thinking: DT saying you should change sample ? :pl:
Apparently not systematic ?

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Probably. In my experience most things sound better after I fiddle with a sample for an hour and mistakenly load an unintended sample in after. Did 1.5 include some AI feature we weren’t told about?


On Page 64 in the manual it states:
You can also replace a sample in the RAM memory by replacing it directly in its audio track.

  1. Press [TRK] + [TRIG 1-8] to select the audio track that contains the sample you wish to replace.
  2. Press [FUNC] + [SRC] to open the RAM memory sample slot list. The sample assigned to the track
    is highlighted.
  3. Press [FUNC] + [YES]. to open the +Drive library
  4. Navigate to the sample you want to use, and then press [YES].
    You can preview a sample in the +Drive library by highlighting it and pressing [FUNC] + [YES].

This seems not to work anymore? The fastes way to load a sample lost?

Yes, that info on page 64 of the 1.50 manual is outdated. I think it’s been reported to @eangman already. Page 30 describes the newer sample quick-assign method:

You can also use the Quick assign method to load a sample to a track and the project’s Sound pool.

  1. Press [SRC] to open the SOURCE page, and then turn the knob for the SAMP parameter.
  2. While the Sample list is open, press [FUNC] + [YES] to open the SAMPLES menu. For more information, please see “15.2 SAMPLES” on page 63.
  3. Navigate to the sample you want to load. Any sample can be previewed (played back by the voice of the active track), just highlight it and then press [FUNC] + [YES]. Approximately, ten seconds of the sample can be previewed.
  4. Highlight the sample, and then press [YES] to load it directly to the track and the project’s Sound pool

The sample pool popping up randomly on mine seems to be happening more frequently the last few days. Anyone else still experiencing this?

Happened to me earlier today, and a couple of times in the past week or so. Its strange, sometimes I go for days without seeing it. Put in a bug report if you haven’t already :wink:

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Sometimes I cant adjust the micro-timing.

I want to set it to +1/32 but ist keeps jumping between +1/32 and +13/384 and so on.

Anyone else?