I’ve had an Analog Four Mki for a long time. I love it, but I recently got a good deal on a Digitone. I’ve been watching Cuckoo’s tutorial, and poring through the manual and came across the “Control All” feature where you hold the midi button, and turn a knob, and it changes that parameter for all of the tracks.
I know the A4 has the Performance page where you can set up macros, but I think this little shortcut is pretty sweet for on the fly changes. Does anyone know if you can do the same or similar on the A4 without setting up the performance macros?
Control all can be fun, but I generally don’t find a good use for it in my sets personally. Maybe just to mangle something before a transition. I always forget to revert to temp and end up having to copy sounds from the previous pattern or just end up sort of SOL. I much prefer the Scenes in the OT. Are the performance macros on the A4 similar?
There are some similarities in terms of what you can do, but it’s a different concept.
5 parameters from all tracks per macro knob, 10 macros. Each macro can be bipolar (-64 to +63) or unipolar (0-127).
Each macro can be renamed.
I suppose what you could do is make a blank kit template with some useful macros already in place, and duplicate that as a starting point for a new kit.
Sure. I usually have a few template macros per project I use. Stuff like a simple mono synth macro layout (cutoff, reso, env depth, env decay, amp decay, amp release, lfos, accent, fx), transition macros, modulation macros, stereo filter macro for external sources etc.
You can copy/paste all macros as a whole, individual ones and names, so it’s quite simple to combine macros from kits into a new one or copy macros into a new kit.
Don‘t know about sets. But for quick jamming I think what i like most doing on dn ( apart from randomizing a page and that a new pattern starts like a blank canvas with 4 sinewaves) is ctrl -all and then reload a track sound. A4 perf is probably great, just feels more like work, also probably on mk2 its a bit easier.
Each macro can be controlled with a CC individually. A midiprocessor like the Blokas Midihub, that can take one midi CC and convert it to several CCs would work.
The Midihub allows to set min/max range for all CCs, so even more control than with the Mk2s quick perf.
Or the Gibbon Digital Goliath, one knob that can send up to 16 CCs.
That doesn’t sound very quick
I was assuming that you’d go into QP mode and push some encoders to assign them to the one knob but that’s a pure guess. I should watch some vids on how quick perf actually works as I’ve never seen it in action cheers
Ctrl-All on the machinedrum is an incredible feature, but its much more fully-formed. its a dedicated track that can be p-locked, muted etc. Haven’t found myself using it on the DN much even though i love it on MD