Digitone feature requests!

Me neither :wink: Nokia forever !


Youā€™ll feel liberated from your personal, as well as hardware constraints.

Its ā€˜optionalā€™ in addition to the hardwareā€¦ :wink:

No, if the app adds effects, more synthesis possibilities, etcā€¦ It means that my ā€œDigitone phonefreeā€ cannot be used at its full potential. I would strongly prefer ā€œinternalā€ updates of the device (and the last update of the DT shows that we could have a lot of surprises :slight_smile: ) before this kind of thingsā€¦

A computer and DAW connected to your digitone gives lots more effects, synthesis possibilities, etc. I still never connect my digitone to the computer. But generally speaking I agree with you, I would prefer elektron to focus on updates that make the standalone device as good as possible.

Yes I agree that a device connected to a computer (or other devices) will get a lot more but this is different from a device that could be ā€œsplitā€ into a hardware part and a software part. For example, even if I never tried it, I donā€™t like the fact that the OP-Z needs a phone to get the full potential and workflow of the device. Itā€™s a kind of ā€œsemi-standaloneā€ device for me.

ā€¦ lo-fi and brr and srr is all the rage (and I hate it so much), and Digitone has a lo-fi character anyway, so why be concerned about aliasing ā€¦ just sell it as feature ā€¦


look at this person over here with a healthier brain, more productivity and mindfulness!

in theory


Haha, yes.

Subtle :sweat_smile:

Im still looking around, so much good stuff going on and in development. Depriving yourself almost feels like a crime.

(yes the electric guitar is an invention by satan, better watch out for inviting in those demons when listening to modern music)

maybe Iā€™m doing something wrong, or perhaps this has come up 100 times already, but I would love to be able to use polyphony from the trig keys to play a chord while still in the sound manager selecting a patch. Maybe Iā€™m doing something wrong, but I canā€™t seem to audition chords, only notes before loading a patch to a track.

once again, Iā€™m not dismissing the possibility of user error here, but it would be nice.

Sound manager, just to be clear, as in: Imp/Exp -> Manage Sounds?

If so, I think this must be user error of some kind. I donā€™t know what kind, because setting the track sound to mono play mode doesnā€™t recreate it, and surely you donā€™t have likeā€¦ a whole bank full of mono sounds, right?

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Iā€™m just using the language of the manual, 14.2.2 sound manager, but when I audition sounds there is no polyphony, yet when I assign them to tracks, polyphony a plenty. so I donā€™t disagree that itā€™s user error, but I donā€™t specifically think that what Iā€™m calling it is the issue.

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Bizarre. At a glance they look like they are the same menu, but who knows maybe there are differences. All the same, I have polyphony from that page as well.

itā€™s super inconvenient, Iā€™m messing with it right now. I donā€™t want to be one of those people that cries about what they donā€™t have but it would be nice if I could preview chords.

Ever since the AA filter came up I havenā€™t been able to get it out of my head. Now I want two controls on filter page 2, one that reduces the sampling rate pre-filter, and one that controls the AA filter cutoff.

Controlled aliasing can be delicious, FM is ripe to generate the appropriate spectrum and here weā€™ve got an FM synth with filters on it to keep it all in check. And just imagine putting a subtle LFO on the AA cutoff. Something I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard was a random LFO on an AA filter, so the aliasing doesnā€™t sound characteristic because the spectra arenā€™t moving continuously. So you can get that magic fizz without the giveaway that itā€™s a defect.


Definitely you should have polyphonic preview of sounds in the sound browser.
Are you previewing from a track with LOCKED VOICES set to 1?

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No, the locked voices are at 8 and unison is off but Iā€™m still thinking it must have something to do with user error in the direction of locked voices because I found a few which are polyphonous from the sound browser by going to presets I wouldnā€™t normally use and just kept scrolling until I found one that had polyphony. Iā€™m not sure what to make of it but I must be doing something wrong. thanks.

I wish my DNKeys would stop lagging when using Overbridge.
Thatā€™s really spoiled this instrument for my use : it have the ability to be a synth + a controler, but in real context I have to choose between one of its feature if I dont want it to crash.




I wish the digitone had instrument models, like the recent digitakt update.
Models: synth wave table, virtual analog, west coast ā€¦


So there is definitely a latch/hold function missing for when playing live and not using the sequencer.

So i thought there would be an ideal place for this: in the add notes/arp button menu page!

There the top rows of knobs there is space left to add a latch/hold on/off function!

This would be accesible while holding down the keys and would be such an essential addition to this great synth!