Digitone Keys - Discontinued? really?!

Guessing I’m no longer saving for up for one :skull:

Your first image is from Elektron.

One certainly can make other explanations, but your conclusion seems possible. A new model is another. Or just a production lapse.

Perhaps something used. Still plenty of nice Analog Keys on the used market still, so the Digitone Keys will be in the used market for years.

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For sure, but I do hope that there are enough floating out there to keep prices down!

If you’re in Canada, Nightlife Electronics in Vancouver has one/some:

Just checked and they also do international shipping. See their shipping policy for details.


Thanks but I’ll wait and see what the used market prices do! Currently ballin’ on a budget :joy:

I heard this back in November … hopefully there is another interesting product from :3lektron: soon of equivalent attractiveness & function & playability

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I do wonder what the future of Elektron “-keys” products are. I hope that both having such short runs isn’t an indicator that they don’t see a market for it.

It might not be the biggest audience but they have such potential as instruments.

Had one for a bit and the encoders lagged slightly which was a pain for programming steps, but as a package it’s hard to beat if you’re a keyboardist and dig Elektron gear.


Once they discontinued the case I knew it was a matter of time… Glad I got one… future classic for sure.

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I really wish I had picked one of those cases up…I’m still in the place of not being sure how I’d transport the thing if I had to.

Very similar thread here: Digitone Keys out of stock?

Very glad I got one, if it does become discontinued!

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£19.99 on ebay!


This looks legit, as the sweetwater page now says this:

I think they learned their lesson twenty years ago with the SFX6 and didn’t do a huge run of either Analog or Digitone Keys. doesn’t mean they never will again though. just that they likely only made enough that they thought they could sell.


There were good deals last black friday, I think they were already offloading them. I got one for less than 600.

2nd hand prices are quite low I find. I think because they are 3 or 4 times the size of a normal digitone it’s less attractive to just keep it in a closed and use it every once in a while, they get resold a lot. The analogue keys is the same. At least here in Europe.

What’s the lesson anyway?

That people hate relentlessly on everything that looks different, thus other people are less likely to buy, thus once people realise it was amazing all along it’s too late, thus people just love to shoot themselves into the foot …


Really wanted one, never had the room. Maybe one day I’ll find a deal and a landing spot.

that while there’s massive interest in their design of tightly coupled sequencing and sound engines, that interest is less when you add a keyboard to it. but it’s still there enough to sell some units.

the SFX6 came out as the only option for a Monomachine. it was followed up a year-ish later with the SFX60, which sold much better and remained available while the SFX6 was discontinued.


As amazing as it is or could be, its size and dimensions can definitely be unwieldy or, at least, awkward, especially when there’s a compact desktop version available. In other words, it’s a niche version of a niche product. It would make sense to build in smaller quantities and avoid overstock (which it seems still happened occasionally).

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Eh, there were legitimate complaints imo. DNK was awkward and not very ergonomic. I feel like it might have sold better if the layout was different.

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Right hand on keys and left hand on knobs was never going to be a winning combo for me.