Digitone Keys - Discontinued? really?!

There’s an Analog Keys thread from 2018 that looks a lot like this one.


I could only see a DNK mk2 coming if there were also a DN mk2 coming. it’s possible of course, but unlikely. and from my understanding, @Ess was key to the DN development. with him gone, will we ever see a mk2? (prolly better to have a different speculation thread for that question, I guess…)



Plenty of reasons, could actually hurt remaining sales for retailers for people who would otherwise buy them.

And for people like me who think “oh, maybe I should buy this” when I know something is going out of stock, I mostly halfheartedly check after stock is sold.

I don’t believe that’s how it works in practice.

Again, because it’s likely been buried already, Nightlife Electronics in Vancouver, Canada has one in stock. They ship internationally as well:

If all of you folks are dead set on picking one up, here’s your chance.

P.S. No affiliation other than they’ve received gobs of money from me for euro rack modules.

Dreading seeing how much these will go up in price in a year or two

What if the HW rev for the DNK was only for the Fatar poly-aftertouch keybed, and a freshening up. There could be a SW rev for the DN with MPE input.

It’s a puzzle.

DN and DT are both due for aesthetic revisions (white OLED screen, brand-less model-less faceplate) to match the entire rest of the main lineup, so it could just be that.

And maybe the Syntakt FX block will be added to those too. And yeah, maybe a Poly AT keyboard version of DN Keys. All of that would make sense.

Or perhaps they need all the existing keyboard stock to make a new keyboard synth. Syntakt keys, Syntone or something else. Syntakt Keys with polyphony and a handful of new machines.


Good thoughts.

You don’t need a HW revision to do these sorts of changes. You could phase through, or do an added special edition. And it’s a lot cleaner as far as for customer relations, a lot less to gripe about, so less of a problem with stock. The OLED change wouldn’t need a HW rev, it is the same electronic interface, so internally it’s just an engineering change order, and testing is minimal.

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that would be quite a strange refresh, but sure.

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Time for Octatrack Keys!


Analog keys is not really inflating in price.


Digitone Keys really seems to have been discontinued now :disappointed_relieved:
Thomann doesn’t have any more and same on the Elektron website.
Really sad to see as it is by far my most favourite synth. (Most favourite digital synth I must add since having received my grandmother yesterday.)

… yet it isn’t ! It’s just not available.


why u think it isnt discontinued?

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If a grandmother is the benchmark, you must not love the keys that much! Grandmother is cool and all, but compared to the keys?

If and when it’s officially discontinued, it will appear on Elektron’s legacy products page.


Haha well you don’t seem to love the Grandmother that much aye?
Just had a couple hours playing it yet but I really like how it is both rich in possibilities and still quite restrained as to not get too distracted playing music. I really see it as my “this is where I’ll be playing melodies by hand“-synth.
Digitone Keys, on the other hand, is so nice and flexible that it can cover all I need sonically speaking + the strong sequencer makes me abandon actually playing its keys quiet often.
Never mind, I just love both :smile:

The DNK is no longer sold by Bax.nl


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