Digitone Vs Nord Rack 2(X)

Digitone. You know this. Fantastic box.

No I didn’t even look at the Nord Rack.

But still, DN.


…well, both swedish hardware synth rockers are serious sonic weapons…

one tries pretty uberconvincingly to cover ALL kinds of analog synth at once, with a great knob layout and unbeatable multitimbral polyphonic voicecounts…

while the other is pure digital bliss with no shame, runs it’s own midi engine and tries uberconvincingly to keep the mantra “less is more” alive and grows big out of it’s voicecount limitations…

but hey, both do great drumsounds…anyways…
but one is famous for it’s percussive capablities since ages, while for the other, well, u still gotto remind many people that it’s not only suitable for eternal breathing pads and glimmering arpeggios…

but hey…speaking of arps…the tone defenitly got the better arp options… :wink:

and if it’s ll about no new gear in 22…well, i think u can catch both for breathtaking cheap 2nd hand prices right now…and lean back without any further gas for quite a while, way longer than just next year…

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If you’ve got the octatrack and a midi cable, i would get the nord 2.
The old nords are just really good

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Nordlead 4 is the one :+1:


The nord 2 is also quite limited few waveforms no effects no sequencing limited FM

Nord is sick…but its old. with that…you could be buying someone else’s issues.

while you can get a DN new. any fuck up would be your own.

I think you’d be stoked with whatever you got. but you only have 25 days left to close out your setup. so…hurry hurry :slight_smile:

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There’s time, the only issue is raising enough money to buy one.

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Yep. 4 outs to OT’s 4 ins. It’s a no-brainer really.

This thread made me get my 2x off the shelf again. I’d forgotten how good it sounds, even without FX.

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A1r sounds like a better option to me than 2x

I have a 4 and still want a 2X

Percussion kits!!!

A1 is starved for modulation, sadly.

But yea, 4 is super ideal. Good modulation, some FX, 4 note chord memory (saved in the patches), impulse morphs (aka scenes). Organ waves for your Detroit techno stabs. If only it had the percussion mode. 🤌🏼


I have a Nord Lead v1 and the Digitone. Love both. The Digitone is a good choice. Although, the Nords are becoming a thing. There are only so many left out there, and the DN are still in production. That would be my only reason to get one before the other.

The percussion kits aren’t the coolest thing ever…Maybe I just haven’t messed with them enough. They are fun, but I wouldn’t say they are that interesting.

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Thanks! You just saved me $700-$850

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I’ve never messed with the percussion kits. I probably should have a go with them at least once. I always assumed they wouldn’t be that interesting given all the modern drum synthesis options that I have. Maybe I’ll report back later…

A nord drum 3p on the other hand…:wink:

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Well, that was a mistake. The percussion kits sound great! And they are very expressive. I have a couple of loops going already. Now I have GAS for a Nord drum…


Since the Autechre reference was already mentioned… I read in an interview that they mainly used it for percussion sounds. They were excited that you could have 4 slots of percussion kits available via midi.

Cichlisuite Ep is said to be Nord rack only. One of my favorite eps of them


You get way more drum voices with the 2X.
And it’s cheaper!


Also individual outs! That’s the big sell for me with the Nord Leads

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