Distortion/bitcrusher/processor for digitakt

Hi, I am looking for an aggressive effect processor to put between digitakt and mixer.
I mostly play live, if I make some
songs they are edited extracts of live playing.
I play mostly aggressive/violent music (industrial, breakcore, digital hardcore, electronic punk, dark hiphop, claustrophobic dub…).
I use digitakt for drums and rhythmic noises.
I am looking a Ottobit jr and Kaosspad3(+ or not), analog heat or Oto Boum are out of my budget…
What do you think of the two listed above, which one would you favor for rythms from digitakt and why? Is there another affordable option I didn’t thought about?
Thank you!

Stereo distortion pedals are quite rare sadly. I would suggest a stereo filter box, Polivoks or Erica Synths. They’re around 300-400 euros used. Other than that, maybe just get two gnarly bass distortions like a Boss ODB-3 or a HM-2? Those two work great with drums. Suck a bit of bass out, tho but that’s to be expected with distortion pedals. You’ll probably get gnarlier distortion from a filter box, as well as a lot more options for sound sculpting.


I am now using a Metasonix Scrotum smasher on mixer auxiliary send, but I’d like to have a different flavor and something with sequencer or instant control like Ottobit jr or Kaosspad would be great for live performances…

I really like my Ottobit Jr, nice interface, very hands-on, sounds good, (especially on drums) the filter, sequencer and stutter options are nice bonuses, but bitcrushing is a very specific type of distortion and always sounds bitcrusher-y, for your type of music a more general purpose distortion might be better


You might also want to check out the Red Panda Bitmap 2.

Also, the Strymon Mobius does all kinds of cool stuff.

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Ricky Tinez’s Ottobit Jr video sold me on the notion of it covering this sort of processing.
Edited to note that sending MIDI from Digitakt to the Ottobit could get you to some great places/presets/locked in timing.


If you can save up a bit more or wait longer, get the Analog Heat. It’ll do everything you want and so much more, it’s perfect for smashing up drums. I don’t have any experience with the ottobit, but it might be a bit limited as mentioned above.

Another option is something like the old Yamaha SPX 50D (which has inserts for an FX loop) which you can get some really crunchy distortion out of, as well as all the reverbs etc. I think it has a more interesting sound than the Kaoss pad, which I never really liked the sound of.


The Ottobit also has a stutter effect, which is a plus…
I can’t find a convincing demo of the Kaosspad 3, I fear it to flatten the sound of the digitakt and make it sucks.
I am almost convinced to take Ottobit.

If you can find an Alesis Bitrman you’ll be in aggressive, smashing, filthy heaven.


EDIT - ignore me! Got that wrong


Just a side note, Meris use TRS midi so If you want to go down that road you’ll need to factor that cost in (empress midi box works I think, or maybe a custom cable? It’s 1/4” TRS).

Ottobit looks great though! Although I think I’d hold off and save for the Heat.

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Analog Heat, the envelope follower is priceless for rhythms.

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If you can find one, I highly recommend the WMD Geiger Counter Pro.


No need for that expense. I stuck a 6.3mm headphone adapter onto a 3.5mm to midi cable. Sending program changes and cc’s from my Octatrack to Meris pedals for about €5.


Nice! Good to know. I always thought they had the switched midi like Chase bliss etc. Great tip!


LA Lady has been on my watch list for a while.
It’s stereo, and it’s inexpensive.
Evidently, there’s a lot more functionality in the pedal that one might think just by looking at it. I think you can stack two settings simultaneously, and also there’s supposed to be a big library of tones that you can load in from the computer over USB.

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I’ve used the KP3 (not the + version) quite a bit with the digitakt. They work really well together, you can even use the Digitakt’s MIDI tracks to automate the KP’s parameters and trigger the sample pads.


Does the digitakt sound as good as raw through the KP3? Why did you stop?

The Source Audio Aftershock seems even better than the L.A. Lady for the Digitakt…

I don’t think the KP3 degrades the sound of the digitakt at all. I mostly used it on a aux send though.
It is a little noisy maybe due to the rca inputs. I don’t use it all the time just because of a lack of space/inputs but I still have it and break it out pretty often. It’s a lot of fun and maybe one of the most “playable” fx units I’ve ever used.

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If you don’t mind coming out of DT in mono then Analog Drive could be an interesting option :slight_smile:
Correct me if I am wrong.