Division Department 01/IV

:+1: i would say definitely

Since IIRC you’re in Switzerland too, I saw on Instagram that there’s now one for trial in smem
I’ll also try to go once things clear up a bit.

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Thanks. Maybe I can visit once the Covid situation has calmed down…

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These have been sold out on their site for a while…

First post! Hope you don’t mind me bumping this…

How are people finding it? Looked like quite a few people sold it on? Someone mentioned not good Elektron sequencing - is this true? Limited CCs is a shame but velocity and timing works well presumably?

Thinking of replacing my Rytm mkII with an OT + this + Jomox modbase mk2 controlled via MIDI and would love some feedback from long term users :slight_smile:

I’ve only just gotten one so I can’t comment fully. but fwiw there are a decent number of CC’s. they mainly control the LFO and repeating options. it’s a little obtuse in that some settings are only accessible via midi. in fact, I thought track one of mine was broken before I connected the CC’s up and changed the settings. so it’s worthwhile to have either a midi controller or the CC’s mapped out in your sequencer/DAW/etc. sequencing with an OT should be fine.

also I don’t think velocity does anything, unfortunately…

I don’t think I would do this. unless you think you need more sampling power than the RYTM gives and just want some percussive weirdness as well. the 01/IV doesn’t replace the RYTM, imho. the RYTM’s specific analog instruments are much more tailored to their target sound than the 01/IV is. it’s more of just a blank slate analog canvas for percussive sounds and weirdness than classic kicks/hats/snares/claps/etc… you can get those sorts of sounds out of it but they’re going to be different than the RYTM’s, and take a decent bit of work to get just right.

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This is a very good way of framing what the device is. I really enjoy using it, I had used my digitakt to sequence it for a bit, but prefer the immediacy of the korg volca (though I am sure i am losing some wild midi CC action from the digitakt).

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Still sold out. I wonder if Division Department have anything else coming…

I doubt it. it’s their first product and it’s only been around for a little over a year. my guess would be parts and/or labor shortage; lots of companies being hit with this. you could write 'em and see what the wait looks like.

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Just posted one for sale if anyone is need of one.
Damn fine machine, I just prefer samples it seems.


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Came here while searching intensely for one for sale, got excited only to see you decided to keep it lol

Need them to put out the second batch so I can finally get my hands on one!


I got lucky and snagged a mint, lightly used one. Paid 700 but I have no idea when these will be back in stock and I almost never see them available.

I have very little idea what I’m doing, I just loved the sounds. It sounds ferocious, and seems to have an incredible array of noises it can make considering how minimal it is.

I’m trying to sequence it with my circuit tracks but thinking the deluge might be better for it. I need to RTFM…I’m a noob when it comes to sequencing one machine from another. But sound wise, this thing is insane and cool. Highly recommended!


Yeah sorry about that - I had bought a MK1 octatrack with the intention of selling the 01/IV to cover the cost, but then made the error of recording a bunch of samples into the octatrack whilst using it as the sequencer. And it just works so so well, and sounds glorious. The two units really work well together.


Once you get a feel for the options of seperately triggering either the standard gate or the repeat mode, and then throw in some chromatic stuff and ghost notes with velocity modulation, the machine really hits another level of fun. Lovely articulate really snappy sounds, with some crazy apocalypse kicks pinning it all together.


Once I have one I’m gonna sequence both it and my Atlantis with my Torso T-1. Shit’s gonna get real.


I wish there was at least one full tutorial for it on YouTube. I tried to set up the midi with the deluge, and it seems somewhat random which pads trigger each channel. All 4 work but all on midi channel 1. It’s hard for me to understand things from a manual, I’m definitely a visual learner. But yeah, it sounds amazing and I can’t wait to figure it out more! I want to do all those things you mentioned!

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It is funny, I got mine thinking I’d use my Digitakt as sequencer for it, but I got a little overwhelmed with the options of using chromatic voices and configuring the MIDI.

Using my korg volca-beats for a sequencer for it is very straight forward, although maybe lacking in depth.

I have a Volca beats! Would you mind telling me how you set the two up together? The Volca beats is only midi in, I’m not sure how you’d sequence it from that?

Yeah, for sure it’s a pretty straight forward mod, a tiny bit of soldering on the volca pcb that is clearly marked.

The way I did it switches the gate out into a midi out, and then i plugged in one of those 1/8" to MIDI adapters, then switch the 01/IV’s midi channel to 10 and bammo. The volca beats bass drum triggers the first voice of the 01/IV, the volca beats snare the second voice, the volca beats open high-hat doesn’t trigger any of the voices, but the other ones trigger some combination of the voices. Again it’s not perfect or super deep, but for whatever reason it’s really immediate to me.

I didn’t use this guide but they outline the process pretty well.


Thank you for the response!

I wish it were a little more straight forward with midi. I hope loopop makes a tutorial/review someday. This thing is amazing!