Dodgy purchases


Itā€™s the most common ā€œjokeā€ in these kinds of groupsā€”men talking about their girlfriends/wives as though theyā€™re some kind of dictatorā€¦ kinda sick of it tbh


My missus tries to encourage me in music and wants me to fulfill my dream of making songs and an album. She actually bought me my Digitakt from part of money she got for Christmas from her dad. She always says if she ever makes enough money sheā€™s gonna surprise me with a Nord Lead.

I think the only thing that would piss her off is if I were to buy another Korg instrument (commented on this in another thread, she thinks they all sound like toys and are a waste of money).

Canā€™t really share any stories directly related to topic, Iā€™ve never really done any sneaky purchases like that. Definitely made purchases that were not ā€œwiseā€ and the money should have been used on other things, but never if it would have actually hurt us financially regarding bills/food etc.


Sounds like a keeperšŸ‘

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Please donā€™t take it there it was all light hearted :grin:


The OP didnā€™t refer to women at all, only partners, which could be a man or a woman. Fairly gender neutral approach.


Iā€™d love to be able to have a conversation where you donā€™t have to tippy toe around and hold your tongue.

Perhaps we change the tone of the topic to what you hate but canā€™t be shouted down for?

Whoā€™s first? And bear in mind you canā€™t be judged or replied to!



Does an iPhone have a tumbleweed emoji?

doesnā€™t spouse imply either gender?


Both genders ( in relationship or not) have habits of spending money. so please its not necessary to get into gender politics discourse. gosh

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Thatā€™s awesome, thatā€™s how a partner should be. Wants you to be happy.

By the way Iā€™m a woman, so not everyone is a dude on the forum, I think most just donā€™t feel the need to say what sex they are since this is about making music, I bet there are quite a few ladies in the forum. Iā€™m sure not as many women as there are dudes tho.
But either way, I personally didnā€™t take offense to the thread, Iā€™m sure there are a lot of ā€œpartnersā€ out there that get mad over gear purchases. Iā€™m single, but for example my mom always gets mad at my dad for his purchasesā€¦fishing poles, boats, surround sound, new truck that cost triple what my moms car cost, without asking her. & my mom makes WAY more money than him. Heā€™s always in trouble for buying ā€œtoysā€.
I learned in my 20ā€™s that I will never be in a relationship with someone that doesnā€™t support me. If all bills are paid & foods on the table you should be able to buy what ever makes you happy! Especially if itā€™s your money.


can we continue and pretend you are a dude too? would make things easier for me ; D

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Hey 'man (see what I did with the apostrophe?) I grew up on the internet in the 90s, and played a healthy dose (addiction) of MMORPGs (EverQuest, WoW) ā€¦ I know for a FACT that women do not exist on the internet. Case closed. Sorry!


haha, yeah thatā€™s fine :o) I actually have a lot of guy friends, my best friend is a dude. Theyā€™re great too, never treated me like I was fragile, their thought was if I was gonna play with the boys I better keep up (like snowboarding, skating, rock climbing, ect). Itā€™s awesome tho, pushes me to put my best into everything I do.

@DavyP , @TrabanT - lots of flags auto hid some of your posts for not adhering to forum guidelines.

Please reacquaint yourselves with the guidelines immediately. Adherence is required for participation on Elektronauts.

I had to look up MMORPGsā€¦but figured it had to do with computer gamesā€¦maybe thatā€™s why you believe women donā€™t exist on the internet ;o)


a guy here and never played computer games in my life. always thought there was some kind of programming involved in it :slight_smile:

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wow this topic tho. Sets a new low for this forum imoā€¦

If you feel that you have to deceive your close ones while purchasing new shiny things, you probably should stop and seek for help. Chances are that you have an addiction.


Did someone suggest deception or deceived their partner? but I guess it takes all sorts to make up a community of sortā€¦honestly though us humans are capable of anything and everything.

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