Dodgy purchases

Sure sounds like deception.

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Maybe an addictionā€¦could also be a bad relationship or you are a dishonest person or you worry too muchā€¦or your significant other doesnā€™t understandā€¦or maybe Iā€™m just analytical. & maybe some people take things too seriously. I thought everyone basically answered stating their ā€œpartnersā€ were cool about their purchases.

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My goodness . . .:hushed:

Maybe Iā€™m stuck in the 1970s; I thought the topic was quite innocuous. :slightly_frowning_face:


I thought it was a quite funny topic. Nothing where post should be flagged. At least the initial post. Maybe people take their problems at home too serious.
My wife hates my purchases but we are happy together.
If you get in an argument with your partner (whatever) remember itā€™s not you against each other but you both against the problem.
Keep spreading the love


I really hoped to listen to some funny storiesā€¦



maybe via negation and compromiseā€¦:slight_smile:


My wife doesnt have any problems with my purchase. She know music is my passion and she even encourage me.
My stepmother though , she really think im nuts having all those synths since im not a professional musician :slight_smile:

I wish my ā€œcritical otherā€ was more strict about purchases. She never says a thing and I tend to go a bit overboard (and get a bad case of the inevitable buyerā€™s remorse). But, I do detect a hint of relief whenever I talk about downsizing the studio. She says my true hobby is plugging and unplugging things.


That would dependā€¦

haha that is gold right there :joy:

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Just get separate bank accounts and keep the olā€™ ball n chain chat in gearslutz pls


Somtimes when i hum and haw over a potential purchase my significant other will chime with ā€œstop being a whiney bitch - buy it or forget about it.ā€

I then decide to not buy it. :confused:

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man, I would choose the other option


Gear is in the studio, only I have the key and finance is not a subject I care to debate with anyone since all expenses are covered.

Smooth enough ? :joy:

It was meant to be light hearted and to be honest itā€™s pretty silly that some of my posts are flagged.

The world we live in now is going downhill fast!


:thinking: ā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow: ā€¦ :wink: ā€¦ :joy:

You ment plugging cables, didnā€™t you?

Yeah, I wonder about the current desire to make society so benign; I appreciate there are some terrible inequalities, injustices and prejudices that need focus and effort to put right but in my opinion, and it is only opinion, we dilute some of the most serious situations with, what I think is, nitpicking.

So we have flaws and social and individual patterns of thinking or behaviour that may or may not lean towards embedded social stereotypes, however, that does not always need to be challenged or fought against.

Itā€™s a sliding scale, full of grey areas. I guess Iā€™m just on that sliding scale at a different place to some other people and also tend to just not respond that often to the things I disagree with.

Each to their own.
