Dodgy purchases

Oh I know. What a terrible world we live in where we are asked to respect people. Why can’t we step all over eveyone’s feelings if we want to? Like in your “partnership”. Now THAT seems like a paradigm of respect, let me tell you!


I am regularly shocked by how much effort is put in to defending disrespect. What does anyone care? People say its offensive, one says "my bad and then carries on. Instead some people make a huge stink about why the offended shouldn’t be offended and defend their right to offend.

It’s not your place to tell anyone how to feel and, moreover, why do you care?


If I don’t like something that disrespects people I’m going to speak to it. “Don’t read it” only serves the offender writing it.


Obviously the mods holding up the standard of this community and enough of those members to hide a number of your posts

If you don’t like it, there’s always the dark corners of 4chan where you can go.

Thread went nowhere fast and original poster suspended for forum guidelines violations.