Does anyone really use their Octatrack/Digitakt/etc on the couch?

Elektron boxes all seem great for lap-top sofa playing, but do any of you do it?

It seems like a bit of a pain. You have to plug into power, and in the case of the Octatrack, unplug 10+ cables (and plug them back again later).

I know you can use a battery pack, but then you need a power cable and the battery!

Tips? Tricks?


I’ll go one better. I’m always in bed when Digitakting. Fuck sitting at a desk after a day of work.

As for tips. Use only one source of samples at a time to keep things simple. The less wiring required the better.


I’ve used the OT in the hammock for a while in combination with a powerbank and the MyVolts ripcord. Nowadays I only use my OT on my “music desk” as I don’t use it standalone anymore, but I often use my PE Tracker in bed/the hammock or even in the bathtub…


digitakt yes. have used the octa but keep it as the hub of my studio now.
I prefer battery operated stuff on the couch, currently using po32/35, volcas but was just thinkin about bringing the DT down about 20 mins ago :+1:

would love elektron to start using lipo’s in their gear giving u the option of battery power. would be epic.

There are people who added a battery to their elektron devices. I may or may not do it to my OT eventually.

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Terrifying. And yet also relaxing…

@pidgeo Batteries in Elektron gear would be killer. I’ve thought about doing the mod, but getting all the bits together is a pain.


Yep, I use my Octatrack and Digitakt on the couch all the time. USB power is a wonderful thing.

M:S with USB power is great for this. I do want to get a stand at some point though. At the moment, if I want to process anything through pedals, I’m sitting on the floor

I guess I’ll just have to label all my cables and try it.

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Octa on the bed,
Octa on the floor,
Octa on the couch,
Octa on the moor!

Well not the moor… but the others is frequent


Ready to roll:


Yes, and one of the devices go out on holidays too once a year. And for tips: don’t think just unplug, pick it up and power up elsewhere. In minutes it’s not that bad.


I spent so much time rewiring my desk. I didn’t want to mess it up. Glad I did though. Early night tonight, OT and cocoa in bed!

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But it could just as well be the AK or Digitone keys. Elektron makes a perfect couch potato!


Cool stand!

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Yup. All the time. I don’t actually have any space for a studio so work ion sofa, bed and on the kitchen bench.


I feel your pain, my OT is the heart of my studio, so literally every port on the back is occupied- all inputs outputs, headphone and MIDI- the only port unoccupied is the USB…makes it such a pain to take off my desk. Not to mention having to get on all fours and reach through the spaghetti to unplug the power cord from the power strip hidden behind my desk. I feel like I go through this with so many “grooveboxes”- they look small/portable enough, and then I set them on my desk and integrate them with the rest of the setup, and I never feel like taking it off my desk again. That’s why I’m really excited about this M8 Tracker- it’s truly as portable as a cellphone so I think I’ll finally have a couch device. It’s almost small enough that I feel like it’ll be kinda the opposite- I won’t feel like ever having it tethered to my desk (even though it has rubber feet which is nice, to have that option). The MC-101 is the smallest thing I currently own and even that feels clunky to me, which I know sounds silly.

my digitakt’s sleep number is 80


The answer is yes

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I literally never have mine wired into studio, always in a portable state so i can either use it on it’s own, go into the studio to sample into it, or today been on the floor with it. Literally packed up live setup in 5mins, takes 10 to set all up, and less if just Rytm.

I did have it in the studio for a while, but never used it always reaching for other stuff.