Does Overbridge warrant buying a Mac?

I decided to jump back in to the Elektron-sphere and purchased the New Black Trinity.

I’ve been computer-free for some time, only using an iPad.

Is Overbridge useful enough to warrant getting another MacOS computer?

What would you do with Overbridge?


That’s the question isn’t it? First thoughts: configuration, pattern/project handling.

What are Overbridge’s key must have/often used features?

You really need to get some basic information before making your decision.

Also, download and read the Overbridge manual from Elektron’s support page.


As someone who has been a Mac user for decades: this is an awkward time to buy one, as the transition to the new Apple-designed chips has just started. I can’t imagine buying one just for Overbridge but I also can’t imagine buying all three Elektron flagships at once, so… I think Peter is right. Identify a need sufficient to justify the purchase.

To clarify…what boxes do you mean by New Black Trinity? Since the AR, A4 and OT MKII have all been reskinned in black, I am never sure if this refers to them, or to the DT, DN and AH.

I’ve owned the three Old Black Trinity units in the past, so am familiar.

I am trying to gather ideas about whether Overbridge is useful or not. I’ve glanced through the manual. But that is not the info I’m looking for.

Yes, the black versions. The original MKII units were often referred to as the Black Trinity, IIRC.

Indeed. I have also heard the DT, DN and AH referred to as the “New Black Trinity” lol.

I am sure you know that the OT doesn’t have OB implemented at all, so it would the odd device out when it came to trying to run a hybrid setup…you’ll have to get its signal into the box somehow [and any attendant latency mismatches that may result between it and the AR + A4], and you won’t have the benefit of controlling it like a VST, or using DAW sets to manage your projects.

I have found (for the DN and DT) that being able to save and sync my projects entirely in the DAW makes that aspect of running hybrid with OB fantastic. I also love the ease of loading and managing samples on the DT (which would apply to the AR as well). IMO Elektron also has done a great job with the UI/UX in OB…I wasn’t expecting to use it to manage parameters at all, and I still principally use the encoders on the boxes, but having a clear view of all of the parameters on my DT/DN at any given time is more useful than I expected it to be.

All that said…it still keeps you tied to the box. I actually haven’t used OB at all since the DT 1.30 firmware was released, because somehow it messed up the clock sync, and I don’t have time to be debugging it. So I have been using the boxes standalone (altogether a Rev2 outs -> DN in -> DN -out -> DT in, and using the DT’s new ability to monitor in stereo and apply the compressor to the whole mix) and I have to say that I am having more fun than I was when I was in hybrid mode. I have been more productive for sure.

So in the future (if they can stabilize OB with an update, which I expect they will) I plan to mostly work out of the box, and then when it comes time to record, use OB that way.

But all of that is relative to the DT/DN…again, I sort of think the OT (especially if you’re using it as a performance mixer for your other devices) kind of negates the value of bothering with using a computer.

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Right now, for me, Overbridge is buggy. But I hope that is temporary. I have little experience with it, but the main features seem to be a shallower user interface (including, at least for the Analog Heat, features that are not accessible from the box itself) and multitracking / DAW use. The latter is less important to me right now so I tend not to think about it a lot.

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LOL That makes sense. Sorry for my coop.

If you have no purpose or need for it, why would you buy an expensive computer just to use it?




Beat me to it


I don’t think Overbridge alone would warrant buying a Mac.

Now, Overbridge can be useful if:

  1. you want to edit your sound with Overbridge instead of the onboard screen.
    I find it easier to see what’s happening with the software so I always have OB opened up to edit my sounds (but I have mk1 versions. perhaps mk2 are easier on the eyes)

  2. you want to record the individual tracks via USB.
    A4 only offers 2 outputs but with OB you can record each track individually (so 4) and record the individual inputs.
    AR offers all the outs you need so might not be that useful but if you don’t want to fiddle with cables or don’t do outboard processing, one USB and you’re good, I like that.
    You don’t even need a DAW for that as OB offers a “capture” feature that will record each tracks directly on your HD.

  3. You want to create songs with the help of Ableton Live (create loops in Live and work from there).
    this would be more problematic from what I have seen as the sync seems to be not very perfect.
    But I don’t use it like that so I can’t really be sure this problem is still true.

For me 1 and 2 are huge but if I didn’t have a computer I would live without because it would also certainly mean I don’t use a DAW that much.


…the black trinity is, was and ever will be…ar, a4, ot…all mk1…all same formfactor…
sorry to say so…

and cupertinos silicon revolution took already place…no way back…no worries for years to come…THAT’s the new standard…already…even top notch windows machines see only backlights when compared to an actual airbook under 1000 bux…in bulit quality and pretty much all daily and even many pro tasks…and this is only the beginning…
from this winter on, apple becomes best bang for buck for everyone…
will take years and years for the pc industry to catch up to come eye to eye level again…
xmas 22/23 u all will see…just for those who are laughing now in disbelieve…

but who’s intrested in next level shit in mbp laptops…better waits another 2 or 3 month…

and ob…will finalleeeee become a no brainer…soonish…


Re NOT recording over USB, you’d need a decent audio interface to record all individual tracks, so offset the cost of this vs an old Mac. I run latest OS OB on an old iMac and old MB Pro without any issues when I want all tracks from A4 and DT simultaneously.

The OB interface, as mentioned above, is graphically nice and helpful on a Mac.


indeed, you don’t need a class compliant audio interface (that works with your iPad) to record the 6 outs if you use OB. 2 cables direct into your Mac and you’re good to go.
A cheap class compliant audio interface would still be less expensive (focusrite I guess would offer the right amount of i/o) than buying a Mac though.

are the ARmk2 and A4mk2 class compliant like the DN/DT? because then one of them could be used to record the stereo out (say AR > OT > A4 > iPad) if OP does not need the individual tracks that is.

I do hope that with M1 support they will also bring OB to the iPad, even if it’s just as an editor to begin with that could bring some fun to the party with the touch screen and they could certainly charge for this app, I’d buy it.



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My A4 is. Website tells me Rytm is also.

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