
Golden. My rippled sleepy face looks less happy in the morning though😂

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Here is our 1.5 years old new friend. Picked him at shelter on saturday, he’s fuckin lovely! Full of energy, sticky as hell, feels he adopted us way faster than we thought!


They are a handful. Hehe. We where surprised by the intensity and biting. But we are starting to find ways to survive. Haha.

But they sure have some heart melting moments. :slight_smile:

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zizel name(dog) 14 years and mini name (cat) 1,5 year


What bread is zizel? Looks just like my patterdale milo


2 Borzois chillin with cat. Oh I love my silly dogs!


they really look alike.yours is smaller. it’s beautiful.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So today we found a dog chained to a tree in a small copse of woodland at the end of our road :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. Honestly, I’m lost for words.

Been a hell of a day, but the short story is - he is microchipped, but the owners gave him to someone else who then decided he couldn’t look after him. Original owners have give consent for us to keep him. He’s an old boy, supposedly 8 but we’d say more like 12. Big old lump on his side (vets seemed to think it was ok though). Bugger all teeth and a little porky.

Seems great with kids (obviously not left him with them or anything), very affectionate. But grumpy towards my dog whilst in the house - no worries on a walk though.

If he can learn to live with my dog, looks like we have a new pet.


Good luck with him hope he settles in :+1:

People who chain a dog to a tree should be chained to a tree.


Thanks! :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

That is so f’ed up. Hope he settles in so he can get a good home!


This reflects exactly how i experience the polarized world today. People so lost and people so kind that they offer their home, time and energy for anything crossing their path in need.


In my opinion they are already attached to a fucking dirty karma.

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Agh. This isn’t going well. He really doesn’t like another dog in the house. No problem going for a walk, but in the house it’s constant barking and growling and snapping at my Lab… I’m right in the middle trying to buy our first house with no clue of completion dates, current landlords (after we complained about a few things) have handed us 2 months notice, kids about to start at secondary school in the new area 30 miles drive away, wife starting a new job in the new area……


Brutal, good luck, stay positive!

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Maybe you could tie your wife and kid to a tree in the new area?

Seriously though, staffies can have a tendency to be a bit over territorial with other dogs, especially if there’s food/toys around. One of mine hates other dogs, to the point that she’ll pretty much immediately try to murder any dog within 6 feet of her, but she gets on with my other dog because he’s super submissive and just let’s her have whatever she wants. We have to feed them at opposite ends of the house though because she would kill him instantly if he was anywhere near her dinner.

It’s possible the little geezer is just nervous and posturing to try and get himself up the food chain a bit. If he’s just nipping and barking then it’ll probably settle down, but you might (if you haven’t already) want to think about removing anything he might be trying to compete over, like toys, food or beds/whatever and try feeding separately.

They are a noisy bunch by nature though, growling and howling and gobbing off are all part of the fun, but it does sound to me like he’s probably not used to other dogs and is struggling to figure out his place. Just keep an eye on him, if he starts nipping round your other dog’s throat, get him away.


Maggie doesn’t like to get up in the mornings either


You might find after a few days of walking with them both that he will settle down a bit, 99% of dog aggression is fear/anxiety based. Once he gets more used to your lab he might no longer show aggression aside from possibly the usual stuff like food/toy guarding etc.

As @Fin25 says though staffies can be a bit gobby, especially if they have been like it all their life, and it goes without saying keep your eye on him around your dog, kids and other potential dangers.

If you can’t get it to work there are specialist staffy rehoming places that will take him, they understand the breed and don’t rehome dogs that are not suitable, but they keep them, don’t take him to RSPCA though, anything remotely challenging they put them down.


Yeah, I second this


Maki looking at my wife while she eats something