
Go for it … him. I keep telling people not to get a dog because of the effort and the responsibility. Our first two years weren‘t easy and there is always some problem but now also every day we realise how much he means to us, how wonderful he is. With lots of love and patience, gaining trust, eventually a wonderful partnership has emerged. My life has been turned over, far less time for making music, but these unplanned things happen and we should not regret them. I admire you for fostering him and wish you all success!


I already have 2 human sons and a cat, so I’m prepared :joy:. I’ve also lived with a lot of dogs in the past so I’m used to them. I also know just the right places to scratch to make them fall in love with me instantly. There’s someone home 99% of the time too.

We have a “casita” where my mother in-law lives. He can stay there if he has a horrible blood thirst for the cat. I’ve managed to get other cats and dogs (roommates dogs) to get along in the past though.

Fostering gives us a chance to get to know him and at least help him recover. Plus if he’s as awesome as he seems he’ll probably just stay.

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I had a northern inuit once - beautiful dogs

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It’s always a little more poignant when the animal finds you…

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Definitely! My cats were the same way. A stray had kittens under our back stairs when we lived in San Diego.

We were going to try and capture some shortly after they were born. We left food on the stairs and they were eating when we came home one night. My wife opened the back door while I came up the stairs. Three of them jumped off the stairs but 2 of them ran inside the house. We kept those 2.

Here they are a couple months after we caught them

Oops :grimacing: Did I just contaminate the Dogs thread?


Is there seriously nothing that cats will get into…?

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They’re cats, it was bound to happen eventually! I can haz dog thread?

ok, it is quite clear that you are the right person for this dog … and that you are a nice person. He is lucky then.

This thread, together with the one on setups and the one with the view out of the “studio” window, give a glimpse into the home and personality of the Elektronauts. This is probably why I like these threads.

There are some people here who are not only very knowledgable but also supportive. This makes me curious what the people are like, to have an idea what is behind the profile image or name :slight_smile:

From my experience with animals, I assume that people who are nice to animals, are also nice overall :wink:


Interesting observation. If I think back to the people I know who are/were big animal lovers, this holds true.


Pictures tell the story but…

He was never claimed. Once he was well enough to leave the hospital we decided to just go ahead and adopt him.

He has Valley Fever (Arizona fungus infection thing). He was Anemic and had atrophy in his front leg. He’s already walking better but we have to keep him on meds for a long time.

Anyway he’s at his new (our) home now!


Great news!
Are you feeling any names yet? He sure is a beautiful dog…

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Congratulations on your new pack member! I was actually wondering about him the other day after your previous post. I’m glad he found you.

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Nanuk, after the Inuit Polar Bear God.
He’ll get called Nook, Nu Nu, Nookey, and other cute names by my wife and probably my sons.

Thanks! He’s settling in nicely.

He already tried humping my leg. He’s close to 6’feet tall on his back legs, so it sort of a bit much. Things are going well :joy:.

All in all he’s actually a really good (and huge) dog. He’s great with my sons too! Listens pretty well, and seems incredibly intelligent. Our neighbors seem to think we have a wolf now.

Here he is saturating my youngest son, Caspian!


This little asshole got into my friend’s bag on Saturday night and ate an apple pie and a caramel slice, which were not only in a zipped up compartment, but also double bagged. Scared the shit out of me as the caramel slice had a layer of dark chocolate on top. Luckily all it did was make him vomit a lot and feel sorry for himself for the rest of the night; he was back to his usual self the next day. I don’t need that kind of stress! Especially since my partner was away for the weekend and he’s been her dog since before we were a couple.


This little bugger has been cracking me up all week, my wife gets the dogs a few presents each year and wraps them up. One of his presents was some hide bones, and within 30 minutes of my wife putting all the presents under the tree, he had sussed out what was in this particular present. Every day he walks to the tree, trying to look as nonchalant and incognito as he can, then has a quick sniff until the inevitable “no!” comes from whoever spots him, he walks away moaning (staffies are very vocal, like a human grumble not a bark or growl) then goes and has a little sulk :laughing:

Anyway today he walks over and to his utter surprise is told “go on then!” he does a triple take, me/present/me/present/me/present still unsure, until finally he very carefully picks it out from the pile, walks slowly away with it, then drops it on the floor for my son :laughing: My son helps him open it until he gets the idea, then he takes a bone out and finally he is happy :joy:


My 2 friends, always there with me…



Our little Sarlacc Snack (“Boba”)


This little guy will join us in a week.


Princess Peanut Butter Sugar Star, our utterly ridiculous APBT who might allow her dad a few minutes per day to make his weird little bleep bloops. If she’s content to lay in the room with me, I know I’ve got something good going. She doesn’t give praise lightly. If i get too glitchy or venture into IDM she lets me know about it, in no uncertain terms. We argue, she wins, because she’s had my heart from day one.
(BTW…thanks for including dog lovers for a change, not every synth enthusiast has a cat!)