Drambo (iOS)

Are you using the zoom unit as audio interface ? Using a usb hub ? Which one ?

Thanks !

For this setup using it as the audio interface routed via a USB hub. I was using my MPC One earlier for this mobile setup.

So I’m playing around with loading in samples and figuring out a workflow. Here are some things I tried:

  1. Loading in my Octatrack chains I made a while back for kicks, snares, hats, etc. These end up being 128 samples in one file. I told the flexi sampler to detect transients and it did an OK job? Half of them were spot on, the other half were a little early, causing clicking and a “delay” of sorts. Not sure why that happened. Could be that it can’t go up to 128? I don’t know.

Even disregarding that, this sort of workflow is a little less convenient because there’s no easy way to change the start time aka sample slice. For instance: I usually get a kick pattern going, then just scroll through the STRT parameter on the OT (in slice mode of course) until I find a kick I like and leave it there. Here, I have to play the kicks on the keyboard, then P lock in the notes I want. If I decide I want to change the kick sound (which I often do…) I have to do that whole process again. Not ideal.

  1. I tried loading in some breakbeats which has gone nicely, almost as smoothly as would go on an Octatrack. My only issue is that when you load a new breakbeat in (because I’m indecisive) the slices don’t stay in place, and I have to set them again.

This has all been done on the flexisampler. I tried playing with the regular sampler, but that seems to want to look at a whole folder of sounds rather than one individual wav file that’s got a bunch of transients in it. Or I’m doing it wrong (which is very likely) and should watch that @bcrichards video again. Either way, I think I’m going to load in a folder with kicks, hats, snares, etc. Though the stock sounds have been suiting me fine so far…

which usb hub ?

The transient detection in the slicer is not perfect by any means. Doesn’t sound like you’re doing anything wrong. If you generally use the same chain, I would just load them in to flexi, and perfect the slices one’s (you can move them around) then save a Flexi preset for that chain.

Yes, you would select the slice by note if youre using note slice mode. But you could also use offset mode, which is the default. Just scroll the offset parameter which will cycle through the slices, which sounds like the equivalent of the STRT control on octatrack. That might get you where you want to go quicker. You could also use the transpose module with note mode, if you wanted to.

With the Sampler module, you have to pop in a zone first, then you can load an individual sample for that zone. There are similar slice modes for Sampler, where you’d have to change the slice by note.


You’re right. I suppose I could do the leg work of making sure all slices are nice and neat, then save that as a template. I’ve already saved the whole sampler itself as a template and this would be nice too.

My only other “issue” is that I would have 128 slices. Are there enough notes on the keyboard for that? Does it stop at some point? I honestly don’t even need that many, I just did it because that’s how it would work for an Octatrack chain.

Not sure about a limit on slices…it should allow at least for 128, midi ranges 0-127/1-128.

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Right of course MIDI…Here in my head I was thinking “well pianos are only 88 keys…” but we’re in electronic land now

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Just posted this elsewhere, but to all looking for AUM external midi slave:

I do digitone keys to powered hub with other stuff (interface) to CCK to iPad. DNK sending sync. Using this app, generate Ableton Link clock from incoming digitone usb midi clock. Set AUM to use Ableton link. It still requires starting the AUM transport, and I think that’s because the app doesn’t send any position info, or perhaps camemout before Link included start/stop, but in any case, it’s the best solution I’ve found so far.

At the same time I sync DT to DNK via 5 pin, and sometimes also sync the BSP and/or TD-3 via MIDI out over USB in AUM. DNK’s 4 MIDI tracks can sequence AUv3s in AUM; add a USB cable for the digitakt to use its 8 MIDI tracks in AUM. Or the DT/DNS MIDI tracks over 5 pin could be additional LFOs. Or a AUV3 MIDI FX could add extra modulation to either. All easily set up in AUM, which btw, as of the last update, AUM does a much better job remember connections even if they are missing. Was a very nice detail.

Hope that works for you! I can’t see the apps current price but I think it’s only a few bucks, and for a 5 star app that single handedly fixes such a huge omission in most iOS hosts (even those I own that do support slaving to external midi each still have their own issues…) is a steal if you ask me. I recommend it every time I see this asked, which is so much more often recently I need to save a boiler plate or just drop the f’ing link already…

Guess I really do need a canned response for this…lemme go grab that link again…

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Does your zoom powered by batteries in this case ?

Well, I didn’t realize that you could use the Flexi sampler module to live sample. In Flexi sampler you got all the stuff that I thought the Recorder module lacked. Boy do I feel stupid hehe

…So whats the Recorder module good for anyways? :slightly_smiling_face:
One difference I found with the Rec behaviour is that on the Recorder module you can step-lock Rec (but you must clear recording if you want to re arm recording). On the Flexi you can not step-lock Rec at all.

In the flexi sampler, if you set your slices for a sample chain and then want to swap out the samples while preserving the slices, hit ‘Rec’ then ‘clear’. Then you can load in your new chain and it will retain the earlier slice timings.

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Is it just me that finds the sampler times in flexisampler to be off? If I set it to record pattern length it records an extra bar. If I’ve got a 16 beat pattern and set it to record 16 beats, it records an extra bar too

I was working through some tutorials/videos yesterday and the pattern recording was working fine for me. Was delighted with how everything was working.

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It’s working fine for me, just tested. Set sync to ‘Pattern’ and hit record again before the end of the current cycle.

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No. Powered by USB Hub but you can use batteries if you want to.

Anyone successful with sampling with Drambo from AUM? I would like to sequence another plugin and sample that. I am able to sequence, but I am unable to select a source for sampling. :frowning:

Have you tried placing Drambo in an fx slot in AUM? Not sure if the Recorder shows up there or not but worth a shot. Also don’t forget that you can always sample directly in AUM by bussing to that Record enabled channel.


I just tested that, works great here. (Drambo mfx in AUM effects slot) , just used a flexi sampler module, hit the record tab in the top right - press record button and it works like a champ. Easy to edit and save sample from there.

Recorder module works fine too and has one benefit over Flexi, in that you can P-lock the record button to sequence your record trig, though it doesn’t seem to have the ability to overdub like Flexi Sampler.

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Just tried again. Set pattern to 1 beat and press record. The recording triggers fine but it just records continuously till I press stop. Is there a button I’m missing somewhere? Makes it hard to quantise recordings properly

Edit: works if I trigger the recording but I have to press rec and disarm it while recording for it to stop recording at the expected time. Is this normal behaviour?