Drambo (iOS)

Oh. Gotcha. I’m not there yet :grimacing:

Be sure to hit up Giku on the http://forum.beepstreet.com

just an fyi, patterning 2 has multi out, so if you host it in AUM, you can have each drum or instrument in patterning have its own effects, then mix them all back together at the end into one channel

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This is good to know…I still haven’t jumped on the AUM wagon yet but this may be a good reason to do so. Still need to buy a MIDI to lightning cable like was linked so I can get my iPad in sync with my other stuff. Does AUM come with FX? If so, are they any good? Though I’m not picky about FX…

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aum is the best imo. i think it maybe on sale still… not sure.
it does not really come with effects other than a couple filters, panning, saturation… but you can load as many as your cpu can handle into each channel strip. depending on what you’re looking for you can get a slew of effects for probably 20-50$ and be set for a long time, there’s some good free ones, cheap ones and some more expensive but if you need any recommendations, myself and @echo_opera have a lot hehe we can steer ya the right way

this one actually puts into words why I like this app so much

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There are just so many great iOS synths now… The 8 that I consider must-haves are all AUV3 and represent a wide range of synthesis types:

Synthmaster One
Model 15

We have an odd Maritime climate here in the UK. Even odder in Scotland where you can get 4 seasons in one day (genuinely can happen!). It’s also a bit of a running joke that whenever the sun pops out many immediately go “taps aff” (tops off if needing translated!). Our climate is also the reason we cope poorly at the worst of times - we must encounter every type of rain/snow imaginable during a winter. Which is surprisingly more difficult to manage than what many far snowier countries have to deal with. Apparently far easier to predict and manage huge snowfalls in Canada (for example)… The major downside in all is this is that it is Nearly impossible to plan holidays in the country - summers are often wash outs. Which is a real shame as some of our coastlines are stunning if you’re lucky enough to get the weather for it.

Anyway, I better stop there or I’ll get the “off topic wrist slap) :joy:

I’ve decided today is the day for some Drambo learning though

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This is quite like how I was approaching things yesterday. In my head I was working to a “like a digitakt” kind of Approach. Started to make a lot of sense with the samples when I did.

I use iConnectaudio 4+ paired with a focusrite Scarlett 18/20. Works pretty well. I use this setup both with computer and without.

AUM is fabulous ! just go for it. it’s a mixer, the fx are not really there but you should get fred anton corvest bundle and you’ll be more than happy ! also eventide blackhole is a jewel… and klevgrand modley… and :sunglasses:

What we hosting in people? AUM would be perfect but I want to slave drambo to OT and neither it or aum have midi clock in. Beatmaker is somewhat unreliable for me so I’d prefer something that won’t crash mid session. It’s great for everything except hosting

Drambo doesn’t have midi in?

Out of curiosity, why not slave the OT to Drambo?

You could always host AUM in Audiobus 3 - AB3 as the clock slave, and AUM using IAA sync.

Or just use AB3 with Loopy HD for recording audio.

and sunrizer and spacecraft hehehe!

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Until AUM gets ext slave, MIDI Link Synch

Do you guys think a novation launchkey mini Mk3 is a good match for Drambo?
wanna make a small portable workstation! Or any controller for that matter.

Thanks for the reply. Can you mess with things like you would a live sample, for example: pitch, length time, reverse? That’s what I’m trying to get at… all plockable.

I didn’t realize you couldn’t plock sample start… that would be a nice addition indeed.

nope apparently not unless I cant find it and they fail to mention clock in the manual. ideally id just have no host and use it as an instrument. suppose I could slave to AUM. i’ve just always preferred using OT clock cause I know its stable plus then i’ve got my actual play/stop button. I use my ipad on a stand behind OT. is AUMs clock out reliable?

@xidnpnlss I saw that suggested somewhere, also the audiobus slave thing but trying to avoid too many layers. midi link sync looks like a good bet, link is confirmed coming to drambo standalone too so theres at least that to look forward to

Sure is