Drambo (iOS)

Saturday morning noodling before heading for a walk with the family:

Have a blessed weekend everyone :pray:t3::two_hearts:

I really should make more time for this one. Sat in the garden in “scorching” (for Scotland) heat and had the sort of pattern I would create when I was just fannying about on an A4 or DT (when I had them). I haven’t dived in as find the module approach a little daunting (I am Mr Preset). But I kind of feel a pull to learn this one. Almost like I know it will scratch an Elektron itch for some time. When I started p-locking and things I was cheesing.

Now to just actually find time to learn it. Maybe it’s time to upgrade this old original iPad Air too… I don’t even have iPadOS 13 :frowning:

If this helps with the whole workflow here’s how to control and process other apps with Drambo.

I might have to go with this until I can develop some good instrument racks to pull into ad hoc compositions.


It’ll almost certainly help. I just need to sit down with the iPad and these vids and just watch em through.

To be honest, if I wasn’t such a lazy shite then the synthesis would be fine and I’d be building my own racks and things easy peasy!

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I hear ya. juggling an iPad and computer/iPhone running YouTube is not the most convenient thing

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If you want a solid usb-c interface, tape op gave the Steinberg UR22C a glowing review, although I believe the reviewer said you’ll still need the camera kit. I’m planning on grabbing one so I can record directly into my iPad instead of into my MacBook and then transferring files. At $189, it’s seems like a good deal.

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You again !!! I purchased it I swear I did. :stuck_out_tongue:

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What audio interface are you using ? I just purchased a Presonus 1810c and Tascam 208i, Presonus surprised me ! Headphone amp is dead quiet , I will try the micpre’s tomorrow. Tascan is nice and well laid out but past 1 o’clock position noise ( loud hiss ).

Looks like I am about to buy Continua as well

Out of curiosity, I googled what temps are in Scotland today. You guys have a very liberal definition of scorching heat. Like what I would expect a penguin to say is scorching :slight_smile:

Edit: Googled some more stuff about Scotland and it’s pretty fascinating weatherwise. Major cities in Scotland are much further north latitude than cities like Montreal but way warmer in the winters. I’d heard of the Gulf Stream effect on the UK (I believe) but didn’t appreciate just how much warmer it made the UK. Edinburgh’s average low in January is a good 13 degrees (F) than higher Montreal’s average high.

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How do I make a pattern swing?

exploring and trying to learn, made this live goofing around: https://soundcloud.com/k4nsk3/drambo_playground_001

simple synth I made, internally sampled and processed by fx chain. some drums. all sounds from drambo hosted in AUM with eq and compressor by fabfilter

It seems to be only a global swing in the metronome settings.


Thanks! I found it right after asking lol

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Is DRAMBO the PERFECT drum sequencer?
(/clickbait youtube video)

I have often complained about drum sequencers’ lack of good options for playing in different time signatures. If I want to play in 3/4 on an Elektron box, I set the number of steps for page 1 to be 12…But then I can’t have a two bar pattern unless beat 1 starts on the 13th step of page 1. Yikes. That is no bueno, amigos.

I asked around a while back for a drum sequencer that could do odd time signatures and have dedicated FX per drum part, as my short-fuse with LM1 and Elastic Drums burned out too quickly and too frequently. People recommended Patterning which is a hoot, but besides the filters per part it only has reverb and delay master sends. Yuck. I want my hi-hats to have flanger and chorus and my kick to have overdrive, damn it.

So I set up a Template in Drambo to behave like a Digitakt as a user pointed out earlier (sort of, just kick, snare, hat, aux perc and a loop) and finally…this is it folks. I can FINALLY play in 6/8 time and it MAKES SENSE. I can set the amount of beats to be 6 and the amount of STEPS per beat to be 3 and now I can FINALLY at LAST, VISUALIZE a 6/8 pattern with a triplet feel. Even patterning couldn’t do this because you couldn’t change the steps per beat (unless I’m mistaken). You can tell the division to be eighth note triplets but that looks a bit wishy washy.

And every single drum part will have its own dedicated FX as I see fit.

It’s a dream come true. Now I just need to load in some drum samples (I’m thinking those Octatrack chains I made should come in handy, no?) and get cooking.


Yep this thing’s as badass as everyone’s saying it is.

apply bit reducer to the master audio
wish I had an LFO
realize I have as many as I want and use an LFO to modulate the bit reduction


Welcome to the new world of Drambo. It will be everything you make it to be. :facepunch:t3:


The kind of jam I usually have on my Octatrack in terms of sound design and general groove…But Drambo is of course more intuitive and a lot more flexible. Here I have a pitch shifter applied to the master audio because why not? And a modulated filter for extra liveliness and breathing.

And yes that is a beat in 6/8 because I HAD TO

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Does anybody know if there’s a way to do per track scaling?

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Maybe try Midi to CV > CV Quantizer and set your scale:

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I mean per track scaling like on Elektron boxes i.e. track 1 is set to 1/2 tempo, track 2 is set to 1/4 tempo, etc. This way, hypothetically, you can fit a four bar chord progression (assuming one chord every four beats) into one pattern and not have to scroll through pages.

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