Drambo (iOS)

Bah, we all know these iOS apps, just another insignificant small upda…

  • Euclydian sequencer
  • Flanger
  • Knobs modules for macros
  • support for multiple Midi I/O

:exploding_head: :star_struck:
Holy sheeps ! Funny, I don’t remember paying 500€ for this thing but we do get one hell of a premium service though…



Having another poke at Drambo now that it has external MIDI clock sync. One thing I can’t find an answer to is external audio input. I’m trying to setup a flexi to receive audio input from my attached audio interface. Tapping on the header of the first module, the one with the track number, I see ‘Audio from’. Options are ‘Module input’ and ‘Ext.In 1’. My UR44C has 6 inputs. 5/6 are line inputs and I’m trying to figure out how to select them as a source but I can’t find information anymore. Is this possible in Drambo standalone?

I’ve been waiting for external clock before giving Drambo my time. Now that it’s here it would seem that at least standalone doesn’t support audio input.

And no, I don’t want to host Drambo in AUM because it doesn’t support external clock and the MIDILinkSync or ‘nesting in Audiobus’ options are unstable and clunky.

Hoping there’s a way to get audio input to Drambo standalone.

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Awsome, I wanted this for a while and when testing it, realised you can connect modulation between multiple tracks :exploding_head:

Yea, amazing value for money and clearly BeepStreet really cares about making it the best app it can be.

Would be really cool to be able to modulate more controls than just the ones with “arrows” next to them, unless there’s already a way (except P-Locks)?

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You can only get one stereo pair in at this point in time, the first ones on your audio interface/soundcard (on a Zoom, usually LR or 12).

I can’t imagine that multiple inputs aren’t on the list of things the dec will add.

Sadly, inputs 1 and 2 on the UR44C are Mic/Hi-Z combos. Totally unsuitable for line level.

Back to the waiting game.

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Isn’t it possible to assign the inputs in AUM with Drambo being used as send bus?

I couldn’t get AUM to send audio to standalone Drambo.

AUM, like every audio app I’ve encountered on the iPad, adheres to the iOS paradox; make everything work but one crucial feature. For AUM, that’s external MIDI sync. The day that happens will be a glorious day indeed.

For Drambo and my needs, it is per track steps and/or time divisions. Everything on iOS seems to need some cute workaround that never really works or is too unstable to trust incorporating into a live scenario.

Thankfully, the Drambo dev seems very active so it’s just a matter of waiting for those things to be addressed. I got really excited when this update brought external clock to Drambo.


Great new features. My fav iOS app by a mile becomes more powerful.

Has anyone managed to map Drambo scene selects to the OT’s output, i.e. CC 55 (left), CC 56 (right), value 0 to 15 for both? Looking at the new midi capabilities, it still doesn’t look like this is doable, but I hope I’m wrong; I don’t want to have to use a midi processor between the OT and Drambo.

On the Nord G2 - to select the 8 variations (scenes) on that synth - I used multiplier modules to multiply CC values 0-15 to 0-127 range.

The dev has plans, and as you can see, he executes and implements. Waiting is hard because we all see the potential when we stare into the Drambo. Thankfully, it winks back.

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Am I the only one here wanting to control Drambo scenes with the OT? :anguished:

For those that are interested, here is a link to a combined MiRack Drambo patch, that sends Drambo waveforms to MiRack where they are converted to cv data, quantised to C Pentatonic and then are sent back to one of Drambo’s instruments. The patch requires both Drambo and an instance of MiRack, so Drambo needs to be standalone. Try moving the AB fader to transpose the melody. Most likely this could be done solely using Drambo, but the patch demonstrates the power of combining these two amazing tools. Obviously the AB fader controlling transposition could be driven using an Elektron sequencer or hardware fader on say the OT.

N.B. The lfo waveform and cv sequence are combined into a stereo pair that directly flows into Mirack where they are separated into waveform and gate signals.


I’ve been running line level into my UR44 1/2 for years and it sounds great. Lower levels with the channel gain knob as well as the instrument’s volume to avoid clipping. The noise floor is low. You won’t blow your preamps if you keep the gain down.

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One option I was considering for those inputs were inline attenuators like these:

Just had no need to spend $60 as I had four other inputs ready to use. Not a terribly expensive option to protect the preamps.

Wow, this is fun. I now have Drambo hosting two instances of Grooverider on a single track, mixed with a crossfader that’s linked to A/B, C/D, E/F, etc. scenes.

I’m in the process of setting up various types of generative synth and sampler tracks directly using Drambo modules, to layer in with the underlying Grooverider machines. Because I can have up to 16 scenes of generative settings that can crossfade along with the GR-16 machines, as well as some Drambo pattern play or live play when I want, I’ll be able to EASILY do any kind of long-form sets I want in short order, with almost infinite variety.

This “build your own groovebox” thing that Drambo does is really connecting with me, especially since I can bring in the work I have already done in Grooverider in an organic “device” way.


does Drambo allow for bouncing internally so audio can be exported to other systems? so i can take all the parts and throw them in Live or Logic for further manipulation and jamming?

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You can export a song or a pattern to audio. More sophisticated options are apparently on the roadmap (buried in a thread on the AudioBus forum somewhere).

You could also track out each track by muting, etc. using IDAM on MacOS. A bit more time consuming, but has worked great for me in the past.


Is it wrong to want some form of song mode/arranger mode with drambo?

Googling around it seems like a requested feature. I’m only starting to go through some of the drambo guide series so maybe the later ones talk about how to arrange a whole song.

From what I’ve seen people talk about just copying patterns a lot, etc. There is no formal arranger/song mode? Maybe in a later version?

You can use whatever you want to arrange/song mode.
Patterns are midi-mappable.

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See above. :slight_smile: