Drambo (iOS)

Really lovely :+1:

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I love it

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Thanks @sid6581 @FGillis for giving it a listen and enjoying it :facepunch:t3:

That looks lovely from the demo video but, try as I may, I couldn’t get it to work with internal Drambo sounds. Shame. A bit more info from the author wouldn’t go amiss, it’s a fairly overwhelming patch!

Give this a try:

I made it into an Instrument Rack with an internal FM synth and it should play properly internally.

The PatchStorage file was set up to play an external synth on Midi Channel 1 so i copied it and moved it into a new project.

Hope it helps.

So yeah. This just happened:

A few quirky parts but I really like the Loop Randomization aspect of it so far.

Here’s a quick video capture of it sequencing Drambo:


Makes me want to hook my Torso T1 to an ipad. Got no ipad though.

Get an iPad already :stuck_out_tongue:

The Torso T1 looks cool. Hard to find out here though.

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The Torso T-1 is in November available again, worth the wait! But the SQ-64 looks promising too, for that price. The iPad is a good companion for it, thanks for the demo.

Sure thing. I have something I’ll try and post later tonight that really makes me love this sequencer…

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I updated my DrambOctatrack module collection here: DrambOctaTrack Collection | Patchstorage



Any chance for a quick video walk thru for how to best use all of this in Drambo?

Thanks for the awesome Patch!

Oh man. Tbh, I haven’t used it much yet. Haha. Here’s what I posted about it on the Audiobus forums:

All of them (except the arp module) is built off the Monotrack, which is supposed to basically be 1 instance of a sampler track with all the extra stuff one would want (pitch shifting, dirt, filters, lfo, etc.). It has all 3 sampler types already built in from Drambo so you can choose what kind of sample you’ll be working with.

  1. The OctaLooper module is basically a looper that allows you to load up 8 different loops and trigger them via a different keyboard note on a single channel. The original use of this was to trigger loops with my DT during a performance. The voices are set to 2 so that if your loop has a tail, it overlaps with the next cycle and doesn’t get cut off.
  2. The DrambOctatrack module is almost the same as the OctaLooper, but it’s not set up for the looping as much as just having 1 whole Octatrack on a single channel. You could load it up with 8 drum sounds and trigger them all on the same channel.

What’s great about this is that you can easily modify it to fit your needs. For example, if you wanted to be able to pitch the loops up and down via the keyboard, you can add a few more modules (I forget off the top of my head) and change the note assignments for each track. Then you’d have some freedom up or down for pitching.

Maybe after my show in 2 weeks (when I can finally stop tweaking this damn live set) I’ll sit down and make a video using it. I haven’t actually used it too much yet as I started building it while preoccupied with other projects.


Drambo test flight link where?

Damn, I couldn’t help but catch a little inspiration from that…
It really is ridiculous how much ground can be covered with only two devices.

Between Drambo and a small handful of other wonderful apps, I’d estimate that nearly 75% of my hardware is now on the chopping block… along with any GAS I previously had for just about anything bulkier than a breadbox.

About to explore this, it looks absolutely killer. Thank you for sharing @slicetwo


Super cool. How is it?

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It’ll do that.
Also are you sequencing that over BT? Lag/latency issues?

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In that picture, yes and yes…. Let me explain…
BLE midi has something like a 20 millisecond minimum latency inherently ?(someone with more knowledge can correct me if I’m wrong there)… so it certainly does exist in this setup, but i was still able to comfortably make a full song this way.
I don’t typically leave any sequencing tasks to ble unless ALL sequencing tasks are from ble, so at least the latency is universal…. but I don’t ever really work like that either.
Honestly I usually reserve ble for playing a few synth notes that can afford to be a few ms behind the rest of a track, if I use it at all… today I was just excited and couldn’t be bothered to look for a usbc cable for any longer than I had, hence the no cable setup in the pic.

See the above,
10/10 would use again if I can’t find a cable…. Now with a usbc cable this setup becomes absolutely next level, not dissimilar to your q64/iPad rig I assume…. sequencing heaven plus a ton more io to further demolish the divide between hardware and iOS goodness… not a bad future we’re living in here, eh?

Excellent as usual

How does the sq compare to the launchpad I’ve seen you use before?

Im aware of the latency. Just curious how bad it is if the One makes it worse than it already is. Bluetooth interval is set by iOS to 11.25ms. Doesnt account for device latency nor include jitter.

Ill eventually try standalone adapters like the cme stuff, but itll be back to a dongle and at that point, might as well stick with my cable.

Apple really needs to drop the lightning and go usbC on all ios.

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