Drambo (iOS)

The pending update sounds (from partly confirmed, partly rumour) incredible - CV output (with a suitable audio interface) and a total overhaul of the modulation system meaning almost everything can be a modulation target. Can’t wait!


I just discovered something fucking really brilliant.

So you know how when recording automation you’re stuck with the resolution of the sequencer steps, so your smooth filter cutoff movement, for example, is always stepped?

I wondered, as cv and audio signals are essentially treated the same and interchangeably in Drambo, could you stick a sampler in between the modulation control and its destination and sample the cv?

Turns out you certainly can!

Try adding an LFO and a Recorder into a track. Connect the output of the LFO to the Recorder input. Plock PLAY and REC of the Recorder on the first step of the pattern. Press play on the transport.

You’ll see that the LFO signal gets sampled into the Recorder buffer.

Add an Oscillator and connect the Recorder output as a modulataor of the Oscillator pitch (and turn up the amount trim). Bingo!

Now what you can do is hit CLEAR on the Recorder and it will begin sampling the LFO again on the first step. This time move the LFO rate control as the Recorder is sampling.

Some interesting possibilities here. I was playing with three Recorders on the same track, each of their inputs connected to an LFO (or a knob or a slider - anything that produces CV), sampled 3 different CV movements in the Recorders then connect all three Recorder outputs to a a N-1 switch you can then switch the switches to play back different CV patters or Plock the switch changes.



Hey, this is super brilliant. Awesome, thanks a lot.

I’m looking for a bit advice on workflow.

I want to use Drambo as a sort of daw type thing and record in audio from my synths and then be able to export these as stems.

I have been using flexi samplers to do this but it limits me to 8 channels and is a bit clunky.

Any other ideas?


You mean Drambo only has eight tracks? You can add four more. Go to “main” and at the moment with a plus as if you wanted to add a module, the option “track” appears and you can add four more tracks this way.


Inside the iPad I use Audiolayer to record, it lets you record longer stems than a Flexi Sampler.

I tend to record my stems directly into Bitwig on my laptop though

Wow!!! Thank you. I had no idea you could do this. Drambo really is by far and away the best thing on the iPad.


Interesting. Do you think it is worth the money? I have spent so much money on apps I don’t use I am a bit more careful these days. Thank you by the way.

Glad you found it helpful. :slight_smile: In fact, I think that these additional tracks should be added as default from the beginning, there would be no confusion. I have no idea why they are left empty, maybe it’s about optimization. Or maybe Giku left it to user’s imagination.

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If you run into limitations recording stems to Flexi, and don’t want to record externally, then I believe it is worth it.

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Drambo is very imagination led. Thank you again!

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Looks fun.
Can you share it on patchstorage please?

Having a good vibing time tonight with some brilliant patches for Zeeon in Drambo:

Be sure and check out @ChildOfTheCornDog site to learn more:


Thanks for the recommendation! It’s an amazing collection of patches. Beepstreet is killing it. And so are you with your Drambo jamz! Thanks for sharing them.

Drambo is insanely cool. I love it. Cheers!

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Many thanks. Glad you liked the vibes. If you own Zeeon, these are some very nice patches for it.

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I knew you could mute individual modules in Mute Mode, but I had no idea they were p-lockable! I just melted my mind locking mutes to the crossfader/various scenes, and to steps.

If you aren’t doing this, I highly recommend giving it go. EXTREMELY POWERFUL feature.

Knock on fellows.


Yeah, Drambo makes it easy to melts one mind with all it can do :slight_smile:


Wow, great. Thanks for that tip.

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I just received a Faderfox UC4 in the post and MIDI mapped it to a test Drambo project. Wow, what a game-changer! I mapped the 8 faders to each track volume, the knobs to various parameters, the cross-fader to scenes, buttons to things like Record and Play… even out of the box, it was bloody excellent. Once I fully figure out how I want to use it, and also connect up my little Roli Lumi, the amount of direct control I’ll have over the app will be pretty amazing!

Now on to using it with the Octatrack!


I’ve slaved Drambo to OT with pleasing results, but the catch came with trying to map the scene buttons in Drambo to the scene buttons on the OT (I posted on this topic in this thread some months ago). OT scenes buttons send CC values 0 >15, (on CC channels 55 & 56 iirc, but do check). But the 16 Drambo scene switches respond to CC values in increments of 8. So, you need a midi processor between the OT and Drambo to multiply the scene switch values the OT scene buttons spit out. I built a patch on my Nord G2 which does this, but it’s not exactly a compact solution. If you’ve got some knowledge of programming, you could build a patch on Mosaic. Still, I wouldn’t want another app between the Midi input (iConnect DIN and Drambo). I’d love to know if anyone comes up with an elegant workaround within Drambo

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