Drambo (iOS)

I’m confused, can’t you use the mapping menu in Drambo to change the mapping to whatever you want? It should be able to handle any cc/note values on any channel. The mapping menu is the circle icon with the 2 dots in it.

Edit: Oh I think I understand. The octatrack sends a different value for each pad on the same cc. I’d post a feature request to forum.beepstreet.com for this. Though you’ll probably still run into issues because to select scenes in Drambo you also have to map the scene select button currently, and then Drambo won’t accept multiple ccs for the same scene buttons. Maybe ask about that too. If I was solving this I’d probably use an arduino with a midi shield to do the mapping but its not much better than the nord.

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With the Nord G2, the Value Multiplier module (bipolar so also works as value divider) does the trick - works for audio as well as midi . Anyways, even if there were a module capable of midi CC value multiplication / division, I reckon it’d be a bit of a pain (long/resource hungry work around to route it to control the scenes.

Does this UC4 require the iPad to be connected to power at the same time? Or is the iPad itself enough to power it?

The iPad powers it, which is great! Just connect via the Camera Connection Kit, or whatever the newer version is called. (Mine is from 2013 or something and still works!)

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Ah, I meant using the Faderfox UC4 with the Octatrack, but thanks for those tips.

Interested to know, can you switch Drambo’s 16 scenes with the UC4’s 8 buttons; assign 8 scenes to fader left, and 8 to fader right?

I don’t think you can do it that way (the crossfader on the UC4 is essentially just another generic fader that happens to be on its side, which you can assign to the crossfader in Drambo but I don’t think you can ‘link’ things to it on either side), but you could assign scenes to different Groups. Have a whole Group of buttons for the first 8 scenes, and then another/same Group for the second 8. You can mix and match different Groups on the knob encoder buttons and the buttons underneath the faders, for example, so you could control all 16 at once or have one set control scenes and another control other functions, and switch this on the fly.

What I’m not entirely sure about is how you would make sure that each scene change was assigned to the correct end of the crossfader without having to be clicking in the right place in Drambo while switching - I’ll have to think about that one and experiment. (EDIT: Oh! Maybe you could map the left or right placement in Drambo to each button too, so that hitting a button on the UC4 will say something like, ‘I want Scene B and ALSO want it to be assigned to the right of the Drambo crossfader’. I’ll give this a go at lunchtime and report back.)

OK, so I’ve had a look at this. You can assign the left and right scene positions to a button, so what you need to do if you want to assign, say, Scene C to the left side of the crossfader in Drambo, is to hit the button you’ve mapped to that left position, and then the button you’ve mapped to Scene C. You have to be in the Scenes view (by hitting the left or right buttons next to the Drambo crossfader) in order to assign a scene.

Interestingly, the buttons you’ve assigned to trigger Tracks 1-8 are also assigned to Scenes B-I automatically. Meanwhile, what you’ve assigned to trigger the ‘Main’ track is also assigned to Scene A. This seems like a curious dual assignment for the normal user (I would hope that Tracks 1-8 would map to Scenes A-H if both have to share a CC or note). I believe it happens because the ‘Main’ track is just another track in Drambo, really (which happens to be set up to route Tracks 1-8 into it), and so is just the furthest track on the upper left, as is Scene A.

But I’ve suggested a few options to the developer today to get over how counter-intuitive this is for most situations - for example, either letting us make 1-8 map to A-H by default, or for there being a way to separate CCs for tracks and scenes, or for there to be the ability to assign more than one MIDI CC or note to a particular command. Giku is a smart cookie, so I’m sure he’ll come up with something… although I hope it’ll be a very quick fix to program, as it’ll be waaaaaaay down the list of priorities! Might have to wait a while otherwise!


Thanks for posting this info; great that you submitted the request to Giko. About a year and half ago I requested Midi Program change be implemented, he didn’t see why this would be useful, I responded with an explanation and he then got it; said he would get around to it at some point.

I had hopes to use Drambo with the OT for a compact live set, but the hitch with the scenes and lack of midi PC rule that out for now. Still, I’ve built a load of instruments and have a load of compositions but together in standalone mode: I need to get around to recording these into DAW projects.

I think that having the UC4 will finally make me start to use Drambo in more creative ways. For example, I can now record, overdub and clear a Flexi Sampler without being anywhere near that track or the record screen on it in the UI. Being able to accomplish loads of stuff without having to be on a particular screen, is quite the gamechanger. I can see myself being able to properly arrange a live performance, and even improvisation will be much easier. Er… just have to write some suitable songs in the app now!

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I just want to say, yet again, how much i love Drambo. It is truly one of the first pieces of music creation software i have used which allows me to be me when composing. For this i will eternally be thankful to you BeepStreet :facepunch:t3:

Thank you on so many levels.

Anyhoo, here’s a track i pretty much got lost in via the Scenes functionality. Just a series of Samples and 1 synth and a bunch of effects to hopefully transmit you to another realm for 7 minutes and change.

Thanks for listening and watching. I hope it finds you well…


A soothing winding journey through my state of mind last night:


This was very nice. Thanks for sharing, and the inspiration!

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I built a Digitone in Drambo


Is there anything it can’t do?!


It cannot love but it’s on the roadmap. By 3.0 it should have full sentience


it cant help derailing songwriting from going into sound design

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Sounds great! Sharing is caring :blush:

use ‘notlately’ for an introductory discount


Here’s some details about the features until I can make a video rundown.

This build uses the same 8 algorithm set as the Digitone and is numbered accordingly. I tried to organize the operators to indicate signal flow when possible. (would be cool if Drambo made a module for loading a picture but that’s another story, Drambo is great).

I originallly made the crossfade rack to test which sounds would blend together best when building scene morphs. I ended up really liking how it sounds stacking and cross fading between sounds.

The idea is to start with an init algo on one track and then put a preset one track below it. Lock a scene and move the knobs on the init layer to match the preset below it. Do this with multiple scenes for different presets and get some wild combinations while morphing. The included project has this set up and 4 scenes to fade between.

I plan on making a feature run down video this weekend with some more details.