Dreadbox Nymphes

How is the lack of stereo does is bother anyone? and what techniques do you use to widen the sound like a true stereo poly?

Doesnā€™t bother me at all. If I want to widen the sound Iā€™ll likely add Chorus on the Octatrack. Im no expert, but from what I understand itā€™s the added effects that make synths stereo, otherwise a mono output is perfectly acceptable.

I would suggest visiting the Nymphes website, they have numerous review videos with opinions from folks far more informed than I am, as far as synthesis.

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some say itā€™s up there with some of the flagship polys in terms of raw sound.
Wouldnā€™t be too surprised as many worship the sound of dreadbox synths.
Letā€™s see, I paid 350 euro, it basically has to be a winner


thanks, I did some snooping a while back.

the sound and form factor is what keeps bringing me back. And yeah a delay, chorus, reverb should widen the sound for sure

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The Tri mode, which doubles up the oscillators, sounds great, and very big, with a little oscillator detuning, and the Poly mode isnā€™t thin by any means, except maybe the Triangle (which Iā€™ll often slide a little toward the Pulse waveform and add PWM or shift up an octave to blend with the Sub). A very light touch of the on-board reverb, and a touch of noise, also sound nice faded into patches. And, sure, chorus and reverb from outboard sources are the place to add stereo.

Nymphes has been my first and only analog poly, and while Iā€™m under no illusions itā€™s a Prophet or a Juno, it always sounds great, and Iā€™m still finding new sweet spots all the time after over a year with it. And most of the settings become second-nature very quickly and are clearly marked (LFO sync and range, and Legato are the exceptions).


Just got this synth tonightā€¦:heart::heart::heart:

Hereā€˜s a little jam with the Nymphes. Itā€˜s all live and a single track (ie no layering), all sounds are from the Nymphes:

NOTE: Recording starts on a few peak resonances


Im joining the party! Here my unobxing with audio from my first Jam, thanks to @johnl for sharing this thread!


Thanks very much for sharing! Iā€™m completely new to touchosc. This is game changing in terms of editing presets to see the modulation on each parameter. Excellent for fine tuning and saving presets. Great for live set prep!

Hello Bloomsday, wondering if you saw any issues when loading presets where values for modulations loaded incorrectly? When I load a preset all the faders load but the lfos and other mod sources show up different in the touch osc app.

Hi dulla, yes absolutely, I have the exact same issue. I havenā€™t fully identified the cause, although I have two diagnostic theories.
When Nymphes/TouchOSC tries to load a preset, the way I implemented it, it sends a simple MIDI program change message. TouchOSC receives each MIDI CC associated with that PC as Nymphes cycles through its changes.

So I think either

  1. Itā€™s a MIDI PC/CC handling problem.
    Perhaps Nymphes isnā€™t sending every CC change that it should.
    Perhaps TouchOSC isnā€™t capable of handling the CCs at the speed they arrive from the hardware Nymphes.
    Maybe the way nested functions operate on the Nymphes are incompatible with
    the ā€œnormalā€ MIDI CC function.

  2. Itā€™s a format problem. The ā€œcorrectā€ way to handle presets is not by MIDI program change messages, but in sysex. Nymphes does allow a sysex dump, but Iā€™m as yet unsure how to implement that in TouchOSC.

Anyway, Iā€™ll keep looking into it dulla!


Thanks Bloomsday! Itā€™s still very usable as I can save presets to the Nymphes just as they ā€˜soundā€™. And when reloading the preset, fine tweaks can be done on the Nymphes itself. Please do let me know if there is an update. This is by far the best way Iā€™ve seen to edit and shape sound on this unit.

He got one :slight_smile:

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Just checked out the TouchOSC Nymphes controller you uploaded, and just wanted to say thanks for sharing it. Really impressed by the way you handled the design challenge of the modulation sources. Iā€™m considering putting together a Syntakt controller for my iPad, and seeing this made for a lot of inspiration.

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That is lovely to hear, Humanprogram, I really appreciate that, thank you. I am still working on this, but away for work for a month, so hopefully Iā€™ll have some improvements once I get back to working on it. And of course, feel free to copy and iterate on it yourself and share!

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Does a iPad Pro 12.9 M1 (USB-C) powers the Nymphes?

Yes, confirmed it can be powered by a 11ā€ M1 iPad Pro just now.

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not that I have a nymphes or anything but I saw this awesome enclosure for nymphes+keystep 37 on reverb the other day.

looks like a hammond.


I didnā€™t like the previous noisy Oversynth overlays much, but these are nice


Thanks for your template for Touchosc.
I previously made one in tbmidistuff, but that isnā€™t working anymore on my new ipad os.
Still figuring out the program, but I ran in to these issues earlier with my old template.

Nymphes sends out all ccā€™s when it receives a Program change or manually switches preset.

All mod destinations use the same midi cc number for all mod sources.
It just switches the mode (vel, aft etc) with cc #30 (Mod source select 0-3).

So the midi feedback in the app will not work for those. ( basically it works but the values only show the last received mod source). Not sure if Itā€™s possible to get around it or maybe display only 1 mod source.

Iā€™m working on modifying the template to refine it some more. It was pretty perfect, but there were some minor issues with buttons and stuff. I changed the modsource select per row into global mod selection.
I will upload it when finished for other users, if youā€™re ok with that.


Just got the Nymphes and mapped almost every function to these 2 midi controllers.
First few hours with it were pretty satisfying. But i became beware of the very mediocre velocity and aftertouch capabilities of my keystep. I might get a better midi keyboard at some point. Any suggestions?