Dreadbox Typhon

Circling back to see other Typhon owners various solutions for the USB/line out noise issue. While using my Typhon with my Akai Force - powering the Typhon via a USB hub into my Force so I can use USB-MIDI - I’m getting the dreaded buzzing/noise, regardless of whether I have my line outs going back into my Force sample input, or into my Roland MX-1 mixer.

Anyone figure out if a specific USB cable or quarter-inch cable solves the issue?

For the record, I do have my screen set to go off after a couple of minutes, and when it is off, the noise does decrease a bit, but there’s still enough there to make the synth unusable in this setup.

Looking for any and all input from other Dreadbox Typhon owners!


I had noise when it was coming from a hub but when I switched to its own power supply from its own wall socket the noise stopped.


USB POWER/DATA splitter - Dreadbox Synthesizers (dreadbox-fx.com)
This helped me with the usb noise issues.

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Hmmm… I see it’s made specifically for the Nymphes. This works with your Typhon?

Yeah, this works for me as well, but it’s not an option. I have to have it plugged into the USB hub so I can use it via USB-MIDI. I want to avoid the old fashioned analog 5-pin MIDI din ports. Thank though!

I actually just got one of these in, haven’t had a chance to fully test it out. But I will let you know how it does

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OK thanks - please do! I’ve read several other posts elsewhere of users who said they got the cable but never posted follow-ups to report whether it worked or not. :rofl:

Would be interested to know your setup as well. I’ve got my Typhon being powered/USB-MIDI via a 4-port powered USB Hub that is plugged into my Akai Force (and then the quarter-inch outs of my Typhon going into my Force sample inputs).

It does work indeed (not sure why they don’t advertise it for the Typhon too). I’ve been using a powerbank to power it, then another usb from my computer to do midi. I think as long as you’ve got that separate power source for the Typhon you should be good.

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That’s good to hear - thanks for confirming. The sad part is, Dreadbox aren’t shipping them right now due to some “postal hack” or something going on in Greece. UUUGH…

There is a nationwide strike by Greek workers, context : Thousands protest as Greek workers strike over high prices, low wages | Reuters

Well crap, that sucks. Thanks for letting me know - had no idea things like that were going on in Athens. Hope Dreadbox survives - they’re a pretty tiny niche company, after all.

I don’t think they’re like a big company with all kinds of employees that are now striking. It seems to me more like a boutique firm that does a lot themselves. I wouldn’t worry.

Just FYI, I tried this trick using a data/power USB splitter I got with an Arturia controller, and I still have terrible noise interference connecting the power line to a USB hub… I suppose there could be some kind of difference between the one I have and the one Dreadbox sells, so YMMV.

Yes so it didn’t really work well. My setup is pretty different from what you described and I don’t have a Force, but short version, the cable likely won’t do it, but for the price it might be worth getting to try.

The closest device I have that I use a USB hub with is my rk 006. It can turn into a midi host and supports a USB hub for 3 ish devices. I have both a Nymphes and Typhon and 2 of the adapters in question. The Nymphes is very quiet and Typhon is very noisy. Midi works as expected. I may even say it is louder than without the adapter. The adapter works as advertised for the nymphes

I have a different, much larger USB hub that is powered by a wall adapter that has the same results, nymphes sounds good and Typhon is noisy

About ready to give up on USB midi…

Well, the plot thickens. Dreadbox support responded to my inquiry to purchase the Y-splitter data/power cable this morning. They requested the serial number, because there is a specific lot that the cable will not work with.

Crossing my fingers that mine isn’t one of them. Looks like anyone’s who didn’t work has an incompatible unit. :frowning:


Oh wow ok, just when I had given up… I may reach out to support also.
I love the Typhon, this is literally the only issue I have with it.
I get by either using 5 pin midi or using the headphones out (worth mentioning that the noise is way less on the headphones port but maybe I am loosing it 🤷

Yeah I’ve found the headphone port to be slightly less noisy as well, and if you allow the OLED screen to go into “screensaver mode” (read: turn off), the noise goes down even more. It’s still there, though.


Hey all, anybody had issues using the MIDI learn function on OT with Typhon?
Can’t seem to get it to work, and more than willing to believe it’s an issue on my end.

OT MIDI out> Typhon MIDI in sending on channel 16 and receiving on 16
Typhon MIDI out > OT midi In

OT listens for CC but never picks up on any knob twists

Followed the manual pg 101 OT as a MIDI Control Center to a T and still no midi learn picking up. I know the Typhon has a V convenient CC list on the device itself, so no big deal here… was just trying to get it working to get it working.
MIDI 10- Me 1

The most common user difficulty with the OT’s MIDI Learn feature is is there is an audio track set to the same MIDI channel number as the target MIDI sequencer track, in which case the audio track blocks the MIDI track from receiving messages.