Dreadbox Typhon



Hi there,
does anyone know of a way to turn off USB audio on the Typhon?
I’ve gone through the menu and read the manual but haven’t found anything.
Reason is I have it connected to my iPad and Typhon always takes over the iOS audio and doesn’t release it. I would like to use USB MIDI though.
On the Model:Samples and Model:Cycles I can simply turn it off.

Pic unrelated, just to show my Typhon with the coloured knobs that I had lying around from a project I never finished. :slight_smile:


Maybe suggest this feature to Dreadbox? They are very open to feature requests and will probably release a new firmware this year.


Really? I just assumed they were done updating Typhon firmware. Would love to be wrong about this though!

Will do that, I already had a conversation with them and they are very nice.

They told me they were working on it.


Maybe interesting for some here?


They replied:

Yes this behavior with iPad is already being addressed. Unfortunately, at the moment the only suggestion that I have for you is to change the port configuration inside the global menu to use the only the MIDI port. We are planning to release a new update in the near future, hopefully we will be able to implement this possibility :slight_smile:

So a new firmware is coming.

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If that response is recent and from Dreadbox, then it certainly looks that way. But I wouldn’t hold my breath - USB-audio was also coming in an update in the “near future”, and that took a year.

If that response is recent and from Dreadbox, then it certainly looks that way.

The message was from today.
I wonder what else would be in an update.

Maybe some stability/bug fixes. But additional Sinevibes effects and new presets would be a welcome addition. Unless they can add 44.1 Khz USB-audio support, that’s literally the only thing I want.


Ok so after 10 month thinking about it and practicing my MPC One I decided to order a Dreadbox Typhon and will receive it next week.

The sound of this Typhon is incredible (tried it) and no plugin can produce this warm analog sound (even if I love Odyssey, Hype and OPx4). The effects are very very good also.

So my project is to sequence this Typhon with my MPC One, sample some patches to make polyphonic Keygroups, warm-up MPC’s plug-ins by recording them through the Typhon and use its good FX with my guitar, the MPC or even synths iapps.

I think that I’ll order a Microfreak later, maybe on Christmas. I hesitated a lot between these two machines. Quite sure that the Typhon will be a good friend with it and will help it getting warmer and fill its lacks of FX.


I received my Typhon this afternoon. I stayed hypnotized during 3 hours, trying the presets, turning gently the knobs.

Deep sound. There is love inside this synth. You can feel it. This synth has a soul.
It is much simpler to understand than I though. I never opened the manual.

The step sequencer is a bit tricky to use but well designed.

Dreadbox team are smart and passionate guys.

I know that in few months I will start to request new features. But today I just want to say thank you.


Welcome to the Typhon family!

Thank you. I’m really happy. I will try tonight to use it as a filter and FX for other gears (guitar, iPhone apps)


For those who can use the USB audio of the Typhon do you know if you can Power-up it AND use the USB midi AND use the USB audio in the same time.

I have a MPC one so for now I can’t use the USB audio due to the 48kHz sample rate but it seems that Dreadbox will issue an update for 41khz gears owners

I do this all the time. Powering the unit, multi-tracking parts, sequencing it from the DAW, recording to the DAW, all through USB. Dunno about MPCs.

Great. Thank you for the information.

I must be patient now and wait for the Dreadbox update. I will then be able to perfectly pair my MPC with the Typhon. I’m excited

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking:

Where did you get this information? I was personally told by Dreadbox support that the Typhon hardware doesn’t support 44.1 Khz sample rates and that they cannot support USB-Audio at 44.1 Khz (I also have an MPC).

*EDIT: looks like I wasn’t entirely correct - as of last October 2021, they were working on a “workaround”. Maybe they were successful!


Yes I talked about the workaround. I hope they will find a solution soon.