Dreadbox Typhon

DoS: Your sounds comprise a good noise piece (or experimental piece, if you prefer); I just listened to the whole thing.

I wonder if you’d be interested in creating a separate piece by editing and/or adding other minimal arrangement elements – not to replace this piece, but to be a kind of reimagining for fun. As it stands, this piece reminds me of the soundtrack from the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and that’s a compliment. And the only thing Whitehouse would have added was William Bennett screaming

Like many of us here, I have too many different systems of composition, harmonic language and programming in my head from years of study and being a studio musician. That’s why experimentation and stylistic consolidation are all I want to do.

My girlfriend is a trained artist. Her mother studied with Robert Motherwell and then returned to representation. She (the grillfiend) now looks for ways to bring everything she knows into a unified, powerful style. She talks about paper texture and width the way we do oscillators and VCFs.

It’s fun for us to work on hybrids in the same room together. You can feel the correspondences in the air. The Typhon sounds like a good synth to use when we’re away.

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Your comment about the sequencer made me look into the versatility, sound and cost of the Typhon. That compelled me to buy one from Detroit Modular during a sale.

I got it because I’m stuck spending a fair amount of time with an XPS-15 away from my studio.

Now to decide on two things: which tiny audio interface to get and which tiny two-tier stand for my Typhon and Syrin. (One stand, two mythic beings.)


Any update on those new FX yet?

This is great, right up my street.

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Thanks - at the risk of derailing the thread, I did consider adding other material to the piece, but decided that the whole of that album and its companion were to be as minimally overdubbed as possible (though that was by no means rigorously applied, I’ll admit) so as to avoid spending months more tweaking it to the point that it would never be released and would stop me doing anything new.

Thanks! As an aside, it’s working title was “How To Tape-delay Angles”, which may tell you where I was coming from if you know the Coil track “How To Destroy Angels”.

I think I may well try to recreated something like that on the Typhon, if only as an exercise in sound design and seeing what its modulators and FX are capable of achieving. I don’t expect to get it sounding anything like the Nyx piece, and nor would I probably want to.


For people who are kvetching about the shipped Typhon’s inability to do USB MIDI: that’s on the official list for the October firmware update (you have to select the pulldown of additional firmware documentation to see it):

“1. Controlling, handling and MIDI connections
– Midi over USB
– Midi Program change
– Midi clock in/out
– Sequencer midi control.”



Not sure if this has been asked but can you mix the internal synth with an external source and have them both go through the fx?.

got further confirmation from Dreadbox that the MIDI sync update won’t be coming before October.

Sequencing it with OT for now.
Not quite as fun and inspiring, but I am able to get a few usable hooks out of it and get work done while we wait.

Oh, and I noticed velocity mod on the VCA is super sensitive. I won’t go above half way to get some dynamics out of it when sequencing with OT.


The one problem I have with sequencing with the OT is that I can’t seem to get those legato slides that I get when sequencing with the Digitone. Have you had this problem too?

Here’s a spontaneous snippet of what happened when controlling the Typhon from the MIDI output of the Monome Norns’ Drift script (button clicks and shaky camera work included):


Well I haven’t had a Digitone for a couple years so I can’t do the immediate comparison.

They both work by overlapping notes don’t they ?

@AdamJay I don’t think you need the DN to try, it’s just that I can’t seem to get the classic 303 slides when i sequence from the OT

@re5et Yes, this works when sequencing with the DN, but unfortunately not for me with the OT as sequencer

Something to do with Mono Legato?

So after starting this thread and waiting FOREVER I cancelled my order to get one of these (which was actually in stock)

Very different obviously but more aligned to the sounds I’m into at the moment.


This is a beautiful picture.

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And what is this beautiful picture of, if we had to end with this slightly off topic discussion?

Landscape.FM Stereo Field. And it is quite lovely to behold.

Did you take the picture? Which phone?

Actually no, mine are always B&W :slightly_smiling_face:

Edit: it’s from Landscape’s site.

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