Dreadbox Typhon

Smart move!

Between no midi sync, drifting playback of the internal sequencer above 120bpm, and the midi note input latency when sequencing it from other gear, those of us who actually own a Typhon are also still waiting months for a usable firmware.


Yikes… that makes me feel better.


That’s why I didn’t get one already.

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Ugh, but it sounds sooo good…

It’s my favorite sounding Dreadbox so far. Definitely waiting for that firmware update tho


If I didn’t take delivery of a mint Pro 2 this week, I’d have a pitchfork at the ready.

Still though, the Dreadbox team has been communicative on the Typhon FB page, working with users to discover this midi latency bug. So at least when the firmware finally does drop, it will hopefully have been made even more solid.


Maybe they’ll release it on the day mine arrives next week :stuck_out_tongue:

There’s a LOT slated to be packed in with new FX, modulator settings, midi, additional CCs, etc.

A small update to add midi sync and address latency would be nice in the meantime, though. Hopefully you’ll have at least that, once it arrives.

For now I sequence Typhon with OT and sometimes Pro 2, and send Typhon direct to the computer to correct the latency in Ableton (-6ms). Not ideal, but at least I can still make new material with it, for now.



I personalized it. :smiley:


I’m thoroughly impressed with this little guy! I can’t believe some of the sounds I’ve gotten out of it so far, and I absolutely love the interface. I was worried it would be tedious, but it’s super-fun! Can’t wait for the update to come out.


WHOA! If they came with knobs like this as standard I would have ordered one already!


These knobs are fairly reasonable from Thonk UK.

You have me wondering whether I should cancel my order for the Typhon. I bought it to use with my smaller rig (since I’m having to spend a fair amount of time away from home); the effects, sequencer and audio in sounded useful. Sadly, the latency and sequencing issues you describe might need my Multiclock and other home-specific solutions. That wouldn’t be ideal.

Keep your order open if you don’t mind waiting until early Oct at best, or late Oct at worst.

Good thing is they’ve already identified the latency bug and have said it will be fixed in the forthcoming firmware, and the other sequencer issues are due in that same update as well.


Good points all. I’m only concerned that in practical use with idiosyncratic gear, the Typhon’s issues might not be entirely resolved.

I still might keep my order, though. I try to buy kit for its lasting value, so a month’s delay isn’t important if I expect to be using what’s delivered for a decade or three.

I’m actually thinking about getting another one at some point :smiley:

If they built a quad-version that could be four parts multi-timbrel or poly I’d buy it in a heartbeat.

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I thought about doing the same, but think that an AS-1 would be a good alternative partner. You can use the Typhon’s sequencer to sequence it, with it’s funky probability, octave sliders, and velocity mod, but get another proven flavor of analog synth.
Additionally you could input the AS-1 into the Typhon for use of Typhon’s filter and three FX processors, or use it for unison stacking.

And the used prices jut about line up (at the moment).

I’ve talked myself out of the AS-1 by getting a Pro 2 instead, but the idea is still free for anyone else to use. :sweat_smile:

Yea, hopefully this is just the tip of the iceberg and there is much more to come from Dreadbox. Look at how far (and more affordable) they’ve come with their eurorack products.
I hope they continue to work with Sinevibes as well.


so I just double checked the website and it looks like they are doing a “series of updates”:

We have already started working and we will release a series of major updates, with the last one arriving on the 15th of October 2020.
Here is a list of the most important ones:

1. Controlling, handling and MIDI connections
– Midi over USB
– Midi Program change
– Midi clock in/out
– Sequencer midi control
– All user controlled parameters assigned to a CC order
– Selectable GRAB or JUMP mode for the knobs and sliders
– Preset level control
– Preset handling and exchange software tool v1.0

2. Modulators
– LFO and RANDOM sync to BPM mode
– Step sequencer free run mode
– New modulation targets
– A way to set a modulator Level (or multiple levels) as a target
– Envelope generators real time update

3. Effects
– New effect: Barber pole phase shifter (FX2)
– New effect: Granular cloud reverb (FX3)
– New effect: Granular pitch shifter (FX2)
– New effect: smooth reverb (FX3)
– New parameter: distortion level (FX1)
– New algorithm: digital 2 pole resonant high pass filter (FX1)
– Delay time BPM sync mode
– FX1 workflow reworked

MIDI latency bug fix not mentioned here but was confirmed by one of their devs on the FB Typhon group page.


awesome. i looked around tonight, but usb audio doesn’t seem to be in the cards, eh? overbridge has spoiled me lately. i was just sitting on the couch using the sequencer and wished it had usb audio capability.

No, it’s in the cards. For “we’ll try” and if so, next year.

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