Dreadbox Typhon

ah, that’s encouraging. i joined the group but haven’t touched facebook recently. while noodling with the sequencer, i was also trying to convince myself the typhon could work for 303 style bass line/sequences to save me from picking up a cheap behringer td-3. it seems possible, at least. are any of you doing such things?

As a matter of fact, I came across some good acidy bass lines last night.

I wanted to compare the filters between my Typhon and my Pro 2, to see what was going on, as I like both quite a lot. They’re both 4 pole LPF so why not?

I had a single saw set up on both and got better acid out of the Typhon than I did the Pro 2.
This was just through exploration. I wasn’t intending to find an acid sound on either.
Unfortunately I’m not a card carrying member of the “we love acid” club. It’s just not a sound I immediately gravitate toward, and so I don’t really remember the filter envelope settings I used.
What I do remember was filter EG settings is where the magic is, and keep the resonance out of the self oscillation zone (the tb-303 filter couldn’t self oscillate either). And don’t forget to map velocity mod to VCA for accent.

Next time I sit down with it, I’ll try to program a solid acid patch/sequence and report back.


Been eyeballing a typhon. Anyone out there think that a tr6s and a typhon would Be a good combo??


Yes. But add a digitone too. :slight_smile:

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I’m using a Typhon, Digitakt, and a Minilogue XD right now. Not a bad combo really. However, I do need a nice Sequential keyboard to control it all.


It does acidish stuff in spades. I mean it’s no 303 but it does it’s own acid thang. Just have to put it into legato mode. And make sure you tie notes where you want it to slide. Adjust portamento to taste. The Chaos Saw wave in LFO is also a lot of fun to use on CV1 or 2 or both. Lives up to its name. :thup:

Now for that new firmware update. All I need is MIDI clock! … and LFO and Delay sync. Done.


Indeed! MIDI clock now!


64 note patterns will be nice to match up with Elektrons too, but I need transport support.

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This plus improved MIDI note latency when receiving notes from an external sequencer.
I have many OT MIDI tracks that I’ve micro timed the steps to correct this, and while it stinks that I’ll have to undo all those when the firmware drops, I’ll be glad to not have to do it anymore!

I’d love to be sequencing it with my Pro 2.

Then again, with clock and transport, I’ll probably use the internal sequencer much more. It is rather funky.

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I can really feel the latency when playing. as a keyboard player i really hope this get improved.
Anyway its an incredible synth , really like mine !

I love the design of the Typhon, very intuitive and the internal FX are good. But today I wanted to play with some external FX + only the internal bit crush. I recorded some crazy sounds!
Looking forward for the promising new update especially the new FX.


I wish i could have one

But sadly , there is none avalaible anywhere :confused:

Patience, there are a few annoying things to fix anyway. :slight_smile:


soon available :sunglasses:


I luckily got a second-hand one, one month ago… brand new, with a second-hand price :unicorn:
Very cool guy who pre order one but it wasn’t his taste.

Actually I’d had my Behringer Model D the very same way. People are crazy.


Dreadbox’s communique on firmware update status from fb:


If I have learned anything from this experience of owning a Typhon since July and waiting for this update, it’s that this new paradigm of 5-10 YouTube reviewers hyping an instrument while the first ones are shipping out is very problematic when they ignore basic functionality and focus on sound only with generally glowing reviews.

I’ll have to go back and watch (to be fair) but I don’t remember any of the longer form videos mentioning lack of midi clock sync/transport, midi note latency (when sequenced external), or internal clock drift above 120bpm.

These three things have kept my Typhon underutilized for most of the time I’ve owned it.

Nick Batt made passing mention of lack of clock sync, but mentioned it in context of the LFO, not midi transport, so a bit murky there.

I’ve grown impatient after being patient for months and I don’t necessarily WANT to go and comment on the long form review videos that omitted this key functionality, but it might be warranted as a warning to their viewers. Criticizing influencers isn’t really my bag, but at this point they have responsibilities and some are dropping the ball.


Yeah, I think the „silence“ of the influencers will lead to us need do „test and send back“ again, because no one is honest to their watchers anymore. Even loop, who’s videos I really really like, skips some topics in his reviews.

Will the missing midi useability be part of the October update? I would really like a small portable synth, but I use all my synths by sending midi to them.


It has been implied that it will be.

IMO this crucial midi functionality should have been addressed with a smaller update already, before this larger forthcoming firmware update that adds bonus features.

We’re waiting, for months, for basic, core usability features so that they can squeeze in more FX.

I understand the desire, especially in small teams, to put more things in a roll-out and spend less time on the general logistics of pushing out updates. But the cart must be behind the horse, first.


It’s like buying a car without the wipers. When it’s not raining, it’s perfect but when the rain appears you say : « Why didn’t they put wipers in the first place! »


i think many initial videos are overly positive … the launch of the digitakt particularly sticks in my head as everyone avoided/skipped over the midi side… glowing reviews/previews without mentioning midi was completely ‘not quite working’ to put it politely. even though this was many years ago it still bounces around in my head when i see new releases and what are reported as ‘reviews’ … which theyre often not… an ‘overview’ may just about cover it except for loopop, i think he generally covers things well.
many pop up at launch just to be included in the flurry of interest.

regarding typhon - at least the info got around eventually and dreadbox discussed what was being looked at with an estimate to the firmware update.
i’m sure there will be a few things still not right, but its a step in the right direction.

i saw they also released a nyx v2 firmware update this week too but i didnt seem much reporting on it except the dreadbox instagram/twitter feed.

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