Dreadbox Typhon

Something to keep in mind with the new catch mode for the sliders:

One thing I noticed that just requires some documentation not yet available… I did find in 2.0.1 is when sliders are set to catch - they still “jump” in parts of the sequencer and mod pages, while they do catch (when set to catch) on the EG pages.

The parameters on the SEQ pages that do respond to “catch”, when catch is set are on page two, and they are “swing” and “length” and “probability”. “division” does not. And all of the page 1 sequencer parameters are jumping, always. I do kind of like this as it still allows me to play the notes on a one note sequence in realtime, creatively.

Some MOD parameters also jump when in catch mode, such as Destination, and Waveform.

All of the EG sliders do indeed “catch” when set.

So just have to pay attention and develop some memory/intuition for this new functionality.

I spoke to the dev, and this is intended operation. Though they are open to suggestions if this operation is indeed limiting for many people.

I had expected all functions of sliders to “catch” when I set sliders to catch in settings. But I do like being able to make the note and octave sliders jump while the rest catch.
It helped a lot in making this track, allowing me to play the note and octave sliders a bit like a slide guitar.

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Ho ! Thanks for the information , i was trying to understand why “catch mode” was not always working .

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t’was a head scratcher for me as well.

Looks like I also found a bug when using velocity mod in the sequencer. Getting them the info now, for the next firmware.

Looking forward to the “by the end of the year” firmware with more features, as I am hopeful most of this stuff will become mod targets.

Would love to modulate HPF while feeding through these great new FX.

Can you imagine if we could modulate Sequence division, length, and probability?!?? :boom:


I put it back to the old style. :smiley:

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This would bring this box to a whole new territory, from x0x to modular sequencer!


That would be absolutely lovely!

Side note: They need to make a little, dedicated analog drum box in Typhon form factor. I could sit with that pair for days. Mount them in a small briefcase enclosure, install a large battery/power bank. Maybe a small recorder like the Bluebox in the lid of the case.


that’d be fun.
the drum version would need a stereo input for sure, though. roland boutique style :slight_smile:

this is basically a plan I already have for my TR-06

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oof… GAS is very present in this house. i definitely don’t need a tr-06, just like i don’t need a typhon. damn!

That’s what my M:S is going to be! And both of them plugged in my OT, ouh boy!

Do you remember this video?


Put some samples from my mpc through this today. Drums through the distortions. The bit reducer is so nice. Chops through the filter, lfos and reverb… Love. Typhon is my gear win for 2020


Got one arriving the week before Christmas. Can’t wait to see what it can do.

I neglected to comment about how much I’m loving the step modulation and probability options. It’s really clever and elegant.


this may have been covered before, but did the midi cc behavior change with the 2.0.1 firmware? it feels like mapping encoders on the digitakt controlled things like cutoff, resonance, etc. before but doesn’t seem to now. i was just messing around with the two boxes (DT midi out -> typhon midi in). typhon receives notes and can be sequenced but doesn’t receive parameter changes.

ah, yes… from the 2.0.1 manual:

  • CC now have a choice to be deactivated. Press the encoder to enter the menu,
    then go 7.MIDI CC —> 1. CC —> 1. ENABLE or DISABLED

all good now.


Sorry if covered before, but;

Modulating pitch with the modulator sequencer – is it so that slider 5 sets the target pitch for CV (say, 12) while the LVL setting determines how close the pitch goes to +12, in terms of percentage?

So basically dialing in precise transpositions is tricky?

The way I understand it a mod depth of 12 basically gets you one octave, 24 gets you two and the step value determines the note. Loopop does a nice job of explaining this in his video and made a handy chart that shows step value note equivalents for quick reference.

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There are still 2 available at synthesizer.gr . Free EU shipping (I think)

Edit: 1 left

Edit: well, now there are 10 in stock…


Thanks for the advice and also for the Loopop tip, will go and have a look!

Damn you!
You discuss this with my wife!

:slight_smile: Thanks for that info!

I was the 2 -> 1 stock update.


I think you’ll enjoy it. Since I’m stuck in a hotel room at the moment, and my audio interface packed away, I’ve just been sampling it with the Digitakt. Really need one of those handy Blueboxes. I wish they’d show up! :smiley:

It will jam with the M:S
Sampled by the Tracker
And Looped/Recorded by the Maschine+
Mostly, when I want to stay away from that bunch of gear in my studio.