Dreadbox Typhon

These pics are making me want one! Adam is crushing with the bug reports and investigation, which is making me want to order one even more since I know all these bugs are gonna get worked out. Love the new knobs and little customizations.

I only asked because I had issues before 2.0 but not since. MPC2500 JJOS as master clock.

I had that faint hope too. Ah well.

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I havenā€™t been keeping up with this thread, but thread search doesnā€™t specifically address the problem Iā€™m having.

Iā€™m plugged into a wall charger using a shielded USB cable. Sometimes the box spontaneously goes into a noise mode where I get tons of white noise blasting through. Everything else works as usual, but now with the constant noise. The only fixes are to power cycle, reload the patch, or load a new patch. Does this fit the poor USB power supply syndrome? Iā€™ve tried with a couple of different USB power supplies, including an Apple 12W. Because reloading the patch cures the noise, I thought it might be some other problem. The problem only seems to happen when Iā€™ve been messing with the reverb.

Sweetwater has two left in stock.


Made a little track with ot, typhon and volca drum. Great pair.


Mine finally arrived from sweetwater after ordering in August. Disappointedā€¦that I slept on Dreadbox for so long. This thing sounds amazing, as fat and weighty as any Moog Iā€™ve ever tried. Awesome synth, excited to explore it more tonight and over the next few weeks.


There is such a big difference in the Awesomeness of the Patches and my own Soundsā€¦ I have so much to discover and learn!


Is programming patches from scratch complicated for the inexperienced?.

If you want to make use of a lot of modulation, itā€™s a little fiddly.

But otherwise, no.
Filter, OSC, and envelopes are either on knobs or a single button push away on the sliders.

Saving and recalling is simple.

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I imagined the basic tone generation would be pretty straight forward, but does it rely on fx modulation to sound great or is it icing on the cake?.

There isnā€™t much Fx modulation currently available from the 3 modulators other than FX levels, so no, not crucial. (Other fx parameters will be modulatable in a future firmware)

The FX themselves are high quality and donā€™t need to be modulated to make things sound good. And the new pitch shifter has its own internal pseudo modulation, where it climbs the registers.

I say the modulators are fiddly because they are powerful AF.
You can send each one in different amounts to all destinations at the same time. And doing that with the sliders isnā€™t an instant kind of experience.


Just keep it simple at first and it shouldnā€™t be overwhelming at all. The only thing I kept forgetting was that if I set a parameter to be modulated and then moved the slider to a different parameter that first parameter was still being modulated (I think each modulator can go to 7 parameters at once?).

The Typhon sounds awesome without any fx to me. I really want to try a Nyx now!

Edit: Iā€™d like to add that the sequencer was way easier to learn than I thought it would be. I honestly put it off for a few weeksā€¦and one day I sat down in the park to learn it and didnā€™t even have to reference the manual once.


The Nyx is a little weird to get the hang of at first as its routing, particularly the filters, and modulation options are quite unique; but it can get you to places no other synth can, and the reverb is lovely.


Yea, Nyx2 is at the top of my want list.

But seeing as this Typhon brought so much in digital capabilities to a Dreadbox product, Iā€™m actually going to hold off to see what they do next.


I really hope itā€™s nothing I wantā€¦ Thereā€™s already a backlog building up of great Dreadbox instruments and modules for me.

Thatā€™s exactly what Iā€™m looking for!

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Aaand is here, the last one from the synthesizer.grā€™s stock. I m mesmerized, didnā€™t expect it to sound that good. I didnā€™t had that feeling of good spent money on a synth since the first day with the Digitone. Also built like a tank, very similar construction with the digi boxes with the diff that the front panel is three times thicker.


I was REALLY surprised too! Couldnā€™t really be happier with it, and I usually get bored with ANY monosynth pretty quickly. The construction is amazing. This is the first Dreadbox synth Iā€™ve owned (besides the Medusa). I like the Medusa too, but wasnā€™t as into the sound as I am with the Typhon. The meaty analog combined with probably the best built-in effects Iā€™ve heard in a synth is pretty amazing in such a tiny box. Now if they could just wrap up that external sync bug, everything would be flawless.


After three months with it, I have to say that, considered holistically (sonic territory, musicality, price, features, ease of use, convenience, etc.), the Typhon is hands down the #1 gear product of 2020. Last year, I called it for the MicroFreak, so call me quirky, but I bet there will be more agreement for the Typhon.