Dreadbox Typhon

I’ve had a Microfreak since launch, liked it a lot but couldn’t quite love it because of the strange bugs(jumping values for knobs I did not touch). The sweetspots were amazing, tho. Found a trade deal and exchange it with a Micromonsta and I have no regrets, that little box is a beast. I would like a KeyFreak, basically a keystep with microfreak keys and MPE.

And now back to Typhon, there will be definitely more consensus here because:

  • Dreadbox oscilators sound fat and clear(Boog Model D is for sale)
  • Modulation heaven;
  • Clever design, I compulsively turned the knobs while playing preset sequences and couldn’t make it sound bad. Once you give it some thought you go from sweetspot to sweetspot and it feels alive. Great for performing.
  • Great FX;
  • Cheap and a much more modern alternative to the Behringer clones;
  • Looks and feels neat;

Don’t forget midi control of all(?) parameters and patch storage functions :slight_smile:
Too many behringer synths without that…


i’ve been using inline power switches for some of these, moog minitaur/sirin does not have a power switch either for instance https://www.amazon.com/Cable-Matters-Grounded-Outlet-Switch/dp/B07QKPBZX1/


Nice tip! I just recently ordered something similar, waiting for it to arrive. Will report how well it works out with Typhon and others.

Only needed two prong on the back side, because that’s what runs up to the desk for USB powered devices at the moment, and it’d mostly be for future USB powered devices anyway.
I only wish it came in black.

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Love the typhon.

I wish it had a sine wave for the lfo.

I wish the amp and filter time could be modulated

In general i think there could be more mod destinations ie:Effects parameters and ability to modulate the other modulators.

Hoping to to see these in future updates

I also cant seem to get a satisfying PWM sound from it. I was told to just set the wave to 12oclock and modulate it. But it just doesnt sound right. Any body got any tips for this?


Wow. I just got my Typhon yesterday. I had a scary moment on hooking it up where there was crazy noise on the outputs, but the problem was the faulty sub cord that it shipped with.

After that, though, I have to say, I just didn’t realize that monosynths could be this rich. The modulation options are pretty great, though like others, I’d love to see more fix parameters and the ability to modulate them. But, this synth sounds lovely and is capable of a WIDE variety of sounds, which Dreadbox managed to accomplish in a pretty small box, and with a minimum of controls while somehow also managing to keep it from being too menu heavy. It’s a joy to program.


So far so good. Definitely no more noise than other USB wall adapters I have. But considerably less than USB plugged directly into the 2015 5k 27" iMac.

Noise wise, the measurable peaks are in high frequencies around 10khz and 19khz. And those are. -94dB
(Where as with USB direct to iMac the noise peaks are in the same spots, but -79dB, and a big 150hz noise peak at -72dB, computers, I tell ya…)

We’ll see how it goes with the TR-06 arrives, as I’ll power it from the same adapter. Till then, it’s nice to have an on/off switch for the Typhon.

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Just got a Typhon. Does external sync has been fixed (that’s what I read)? My unit is drifting (latest FW, 96 BPM). Here’s an Audio example. Thanks!

How does Typhon compare to Micromonsta, for you?

Just read @AdamJay 15d post and no it’s not fixed. It says that it will be fixed in the next days. Well…

I just updated firmware to version 2.0.1. After doing this I’ve found that the fader encoders do not respond right away each time I try to set a parameter. I have to slide them up and down a couple of times before values start to change. Has anyone else updated to 2.0.1 and noticed this?

Yes, that’s because they changed the default setting of the sliders, so that you don’t automatically get a jump in values each time you touch the slider.

So now you have to move the slider back to the current value of the parameter before it will ‘catch’ to move the values. This is my preferred method, but maybe it’s not the best option for everyone.

I think you can change it back to the previous behaviour in the settings.


Yes, very easily. Go to Settings > 8 Global settings > 3 Control handling and choose between 1 Knobs and 2 Sliders which can either Catch or Jump as preferred.


Bought them for different purposes:
T: mono for basses, leads, FX and fx box
M: poly for pads and chords/textures

Of course they overlap in some areas but overall they are different beasts. Would definitely buy those two over Digitone for example if I would already have an elektron sequencer or something similar.

Things in common:

  • great value for the price

  • clever and intuitive interface

  • good form factor

  • they are not clones and come from pasionate people

  • both sound massive and have lots of modulation options for what they are compared with both bigger names in the market and other expensives boutiques.

Typhon > Monsta

  • analog? those Dreadbox oscilators man, they sound how I imagined a Moog should sound from some old Trent Reznor videos
  • better build quality and aesthetics
  • better FX and audio in
  • sequencer(conceptually it has a modular flavor for me)
  • It’s mono and nothing compares with a good mono for some types of sound
  • Better sounding filter
  • works with external battery
  • less menu diving, not much tho

Monsta over Typhon

  • 8 voice poly with lots of felixibility and oscilators, more filter types.
  • Digital, great for some types of sounds and extensive control with the matrix and the lfo’s
  • arp and chorder
  • power switch and power adapter - no noise problems.
  • cheaper
  • Bigger screen
  • no sync/midi issues

The conclusion? get both! I didn’t think I need the Micromonsta if I have a Digitone, even if I followed the product but I found a deal and got it by trading it with a Microfreak. Best deal ever!
Similar story with the Typhon, I got it now because I found it in stock and put my Behringer Model D for sale.
If I would need to choose right now, I would take the Typhon but maybe is just the enthusiasm.


these are back in stock in the uk. I feel myself succumbing to the inevitable

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I’m not sure I’m clear on the latest available firmware version, the website says that version 2.0.1 is available but then mentions a version 2.1
I haven’t seen it mentioned on their social medias so I’m almost certain it’s just a typo, have you heard of it?

I think they only meant for one of those version numbers. Not sure which, but guessing V2.0.1 is the real revision number. I’m not in front of mine at the moment. There’s only one new firmware so far, until they release the fix for the last of the timing issues.

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Had it up to ‘confirm payment ‘
Changed my mind.

Gear4music have 4 atm.

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thinking about this the other day, i don’t see why this wouldn’t work. i threw up a github repo of some backed up patches if anybody wants them. until dreadbox releases a patch manager, you should be able to use other people’s via the backup/restore mechanism. feel free to contribute if you’re interested. i can’t say these patches are anything great, but you’re welcome to try them out.


Thanks for throwing this up…didn’t realize they were just stored as text files…interesting.