Dreadbox Typhon

yeah, it would be cool to have specs for parameter ranges and such. might be fun to programmatically generate some patches.


This was exactly what I was thinking. Waiting for some things to compile so started writing a bit of Perl to generate these. If anything comes of it I will post it here.


Has anyone found an effective way to ā€œdisableā€ the sequencer or clear an existing pattern? Since the Typhon doesnā€™t have or any way to change the sequenced pattern, Iā€™d like to fall back to using the DN or DT as a sequencer for now.

Why? Often times I start from a preset, tweak it to fit the sound I want in a lead or bassline, save it, then I want to sequence it from the DN. When I hit play on the DN - it starts playing the pattern that was stored in the preset on the Typhon, not what I sequenced with the DN.

I donā€™t see the internal sequencer being useful in songs until there is program change support. I figure that would work to swap to a duplicate preset with a different sequenced pattern. Thatā€™s also only viable if the program change behavior matches Elektronā€™s delayed change. If the DT/DN change late and the Typhon changes immediately the best I can hope for is a happy accident :slight_smile:

If nobody has ideas Iā€™ll probably look into blocking midi transport messages with a sketch on the Midiboy for now.

Oh yeah - forgot to mention. If you set the master clock to internal - it ignores the midi transport message. Thatā€™s fine, but I lose the ability to sync the modulators to the clock.

Go to the Digiā€™s midi settings and disable send transport(you need the latest firmware)

LE: another hacky option would be to set all the sequencer notes to rest on the Typhon.

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Oh, yeah, I missed some important details there.

My DIN-5 midi chain is:

Keystep out -> DN in -> DN out -> DT in -> DT thru -> Typhon in

That lets me do pattern changes on the DN and the DT will change pattern to match. Since Iā€™m using the thru port on the DT, the transport messages still reach the Typhon.

This also has the benefit of letting me use the Arturia as my main keyboard. I have the Arturia sending on the ā€œautoā€ channel to the DN. On the DN - I can switch between my 4 tracks, and the midi track which I mapped for the Typhon.

Iā€™ll look at changing all the notes to rest - that seems like the cheapest option for now.

I just received a demo version ordered from sweetwater. Simply having a 6 step sequence with the probability tweaked and looping through the two cloud effects engaged has kept me happy for about 45 minutes. The effects really give the meris/chase bliss vibe but integrated in to the thing. So great.


I use mine on Internal Clock but sequence it with the DT. Just be sure they are on the same BPM.


First impressions with the Typhon were really, really positive. The oscillators and filters sound incredible, and have a distinct character from other analogue monos I own. The effects are surprisingly good and didnā€™t require any supplementation in jamming. I do wish it had a power switch, wasnā€™t on USB power, and had a ā€œrevert to panelā€ option, but otherwise I think the Typhon is a no-brainer for anyone who ā€œneedsā€ another mono synth in their life.

Hereā€™s my first spin with the Typhon (and friends):


Couldnā€™t agree more.


So, I bought my Typhon a couple weeks ago, and unfortunately the screen died after a few days. I raised this with Dreadbox, and they promptly posted me a new screen, which arrived the next day. They were really helpful in providing support on how to repair it. Itā€™s all up and running again now, so thatā€™s good!


Most of the demos Iā€™ve seen of the Typhon are on the aggressive side, anyone have any fave demo vids that focus on the softer and smoother side of this synth? Ideally not ones that are mostly 100% wet reverby drones.

I watched this one last night. Nice and mellow.


ah lovely. yeah iā€™ve really been wanting to hear it do rolandy warp/idm type vibes because i get the sense (especially from this vid) that it can really nail that.


Finding my stride with my Typhon.
It helps to be very intentional about what you wish to accomplish with the sequencer, knowing which scale you wish to work in, and knowing where your rests and ties should be.
You do find some happy accidents, but I think it helps to start with a concrete idea.

Just made this one this morning, and it is probably the first Typhon sequence Iā€™ve made that Iā€™m real happy with, and reminds me of the kind of thing I would make with my Pro 2.
Also, really love the phaser and HPF.


hell yeah.

i really hope sinevibes does some kind of interesting formant filter or something for this, could really bring out the best in the oscillators i think.

Yea, with intervals or simple detune, both the OSCs and FX really pair nicely.
Great box, and thrilled that at least for now the internal clock is solid enough to manually beat match with other gear like this.

Every 4 minutes or so, I had to briefly nudge the Typhon back 1 bpm. Stable midi sync will be great, but happy I can at least work on my live set now.

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I have been digging the sounds I have been hearing in these vidā€™s. Hope to get one once the Midi issue is cleared up.

Nice! Really like this!

pretty frustrating that there still isnā€™t solid MIDI sync yet, huge misstep considering the fact that its internal sequencer is one of its biggest selling points

I know, but itā€™s definitely on the way

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