Dreadbox Typhon

The TR-06 and the Typhon are rolling on their own internal clock? No sync via USB?


USB only used for power in both instances.
Typhon does not have midi over usb yet.

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Is that just the internal fx on the Typhon?

That osc+filter combo sounds really good.

Yea, phaser, overdrive, hpf, and some delay. All onboard fx.

Yea, there are a couple reasons I’ve worn off some of the silkscreening to the left of the cutoff knob, and that’s one of them.

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Tim Shoebridge is one of my favorite youtuber.

Yeah, he makes some great videos. He’s made some interesting user oscillators for the korgs too.

does Typhon’s midi out not work? I can’t seem to slave anything. global settings are set to master clock, and midi channel settings look fine, sequencer is running but not slaving any of my devices.
Typhon is not tight enough to be slaved, so was hoping to use it as master clock.

The midi implementation is incomplete.
Does not receive program change messages, no proper synchronization.
Info from official page:

Updates coming before the end of 2020

1. Controlling, handling and MIDI connections
– Midi over USB
– Midi Program change
– Preset handling and exchange software tool v1.0

2. Modulators
– New modulation targets
– A way to set a modulator Level (or multiple levels) as a target


thanks, looking at that list, it’s still not clear to me why I can’t use a standard midi cable to another device to sync as I’m not trying to use midi over usb.

is your output set to “THROUGH” in Menu/Global Settings/Midi Channels?
Here you can set it to be an output, by choosing any MIDI channel instead.

And also make sure that Master Clock is set to Internal in Menu/Global Settings/Master Clock

This is for Firmware version 2.0.1

Thanks for your help, settings are correct, running 2.01, typhon sequencer starts when i hit play, midi set to through but rd6 does not start. When i unplug the typhon and use my multiclock, rd6 starts as normal, same goes for my other devices. So your midi out works?

That is the issue.
Set it to anything other than through, instead.

Choose a midi channel that isn’t important to the rd-6

As mentioned earlier:

If it is set to through, it only sends clock that is coming into Typhon’s input, not the Typhon’s own internal clock.

I tried setting it both ways as well as different midi channels but still no joy. One thing i have not tried is a power cycle, perhaps it needs one like the manther. ill go over it once again with a fine tooth comb, if it still doesn’t work, i will reinstall the firmware. Otherwise I’ll have to raise a support ticket.

As long as master clock is set to internal, and the midi out is set to anything besides “through” , it should send clock sync.

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Hello, how do you see the synchronization with the elektron model cycles and how would we connect them? How about a couple? Thank you.

after raising a support ticket with DB, Yanis confirmed midi out is not working, he said it will be sorted in the next update. I can’t quite believe it tbh. thankfully I love this synth despite not being able to sync it to anything lol

My music partner pulled out a Typhon today. To my ear, it definitely lives up to the praise in this thread. I’m more than impressed. Was pleasantly surprised that the internal clock at 125 bpm kept pretty much in sync with Cubase for 7 mins. Can’t wait to borrow it for a few days!


Don’t do that if you don’t want to spend the money! :wink:


I try to find a way to modulate VCA via velocity, but I can not manage to find a way to do it. Any ideas?

One way to get any kind of velocity to volume modulation, at this time, is to modulate FX1 level. Not ideal, but there ya go.

Velocity to VCA Level would be a good feature request to submit to Dreadbox, as right now the only VCA parameter in the Velocity menu is VCA EG Level.

VCA level is one of the modulatable parameters in the M1/2/3 modulators, though. So you can at least kind-of sequence it, for now.