Dreadbox Typhon

It’s okay kitty, just a bit of glide.


Typhon is the best mono out there at the price point hands down. Can’t wait for a poly based on Typhon. 6 voices presets and fx. :wink:Would easily pay up too 1500e for analog poly bliss :heart_eyes:

(Edit: I didn’t know that it was named after a Greek mythological creature. Thanks)


You know Typhon refers to a Greek monster, not the weather phenomenon? :wink:


There’s one sat in the cupboard waiting for Christmas Day from my wife.

I feel like a kid again. Literally counting down the days. There’s only so many YouTube videos I can watch.


I have a question about Typhon’s midi capabilities: the manual is vague on this

“11. MIDI implementation
Typhon can accept the following MIDI messages:”

But does it transmit the CC values it responds to?

Would be nice if the CC2 could be sequenced internally and assigned to transmit any CC no…

I want to try to use partner’s Typhon (don’t have it here now) to sequence my old Technosaurus mono and run its audio out into the Typhon. But the Saurus’ Glide on/off is on CC 65. (CC5 on the Typhon)

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I have downloaded the update 2.0.2 IT WORKS!!! THANK YOU DREADBOX!!!


That funk bass, though…


Dig it :ok_hand:

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Came across the panel maker on ig, thought you folks might also like to see these:

They also do metal work for SPL, Dtronics, Soundforce, Tasty Chips, ALM/Busy Circuits, Doepfer, WMD, and many others.


Can anyone tell me what, if any, CC’s the Typhon transmits from its sequencer? Thanks

Hi there, Typhon does not transmit any CCs itself yet but it’s on our would-like-to-do list. We know this is very useful for recording and playing back sessions . Sequencer only transmits optional voice messages at this point.


Many thanks Alekandros for the reply; great that you respond to questions on this forum. When you can, please explain more because I won’t have my hands on Typhon again till next week and I don’t really understand what you mean by:

i.e for now ?
1- Clock send (when Typhon is master)
2 -Note on / off


Cheers, and big kudos for you and Dreadbox delivering fixes you promised (and within self-imposed deadline)

It is amazing how awesome atmospheric pads you can get out of that single voice an Arp and the onboard Effects!

Currently reduced my „learn the OTmk2“ setup to just OT and the Typhon and while learning a lot about the OT, I love the Typhon more and more!


This new update is terrific.

Well done Dreadbox with your implementation of it. Love the stop and restart still keeping in sync. It’s a great way to position the sequence differently in regards to the rest of the arrangement.


Hi there just note on/off and velocity for now. Midi clock out is comming in the next update so Typhon is not a great master yet. We had to change the internal architecture to support it since we didn’t have an internal midi clock before (we were using elapsed time instead of bpqn pulses). This is fixed with the latest update but we still need to get it out.


Yeah! As much as I struggled with getting the device with those MIDI sync issues but ordering it before it was fixed, I am now really happy, that they were so fast!

Ah, that explains, why you needed to rework for that external clock. When I played around with sequencing on microcontrollers I learned one thing: Midi and especially Midi Clocks are unstable as hell and suck from a developers point of view. :slight_smile:

I’ve noticed that when performing a Backup before updating to the new Firmware, it only saves the Presets but not the Settings. Possible in a next update?

That’s true, global settings are not currently saved between updates. It could be done in principle but we would also have to rework the updater & preset handler as well. Settings at this point are just the midi channels, sync and slider/knob controls. It’s certainly something that would be convenient to add.


Very fast response, thank you. I really love the Typhon, great work. For me, it’s the Mono Synth of the year.