Dreadbox Typhon

Man I wish I could get a blank panel.

@AlexandrosLiarokapis thanks for the updates!

v2.0.2 sync seems good, and I like the new sequencer arm mode. Previously I was using an extra Midiboy box to block MIDI transport controls so I could use my Digitoneā€™s sequencer instead. This is a good compromise because I can still sequence from the Digitone but if I want some crazy extra arps or mods I can trigger on demand I can just hit a button and let the Typhonā€™s sequencer add that extra variation.

MIDI PC works great too - on the Elektron sequencer you can use the ā€œBankā€ and ā€œProgā€ controls that are already in the menu. Banks 1-4 are A-D on the Typhon, and Program is 1-128 to match. Just a note - when the Elektron sends a bank change (CC#0) it sends a PC too. Leave the ā€œSBNKā€ field disabled on the Elektron - itā€™s not needed.

I updated the CC list on my unofficial docs Introduction | Typhon Wiki (dreadboxunofficial.github.io)


Grawart churning em out:


Got mine a few days ago. Glad to hear that the hype is true. It really does sound amazing and the synth controls make it easy to play. Looking forward to going down the modulation and fx rabbit holes


Forgot I uploaded this one, tried something ā€œambientā€ with slow knob twisting. Even though I just fooled around with it (meaning not reading the manual and before I knew all the modulation possibilities as I just got it) I was able to get some sounds I wouldnĀ“t expect from such a small mono synth. Good tool in the toolbox for scoring some moviesā€¦


Hello there,

I got my Digitakt two weeks ago and I only have the Typhon for about a month so please forgive me if this sounds like a silly question but Iā€™m completely new to this:

How can I trigger the Typhonā€™s sequencer with the Digitakt???

By the way, nice videos, especially the one with the funky bass!!

Only through MIDI transport aka start/stop messages, using the latest OS update on the Dreadbox site.

Make sure Typhon clock is set to external, and Digitakt is sending MIDI clock out of the DIN MIDI port.

Use a 5 pin MIDI cable from DT MIDI out to Typhon MIDI in.

Make sure Typhon sequencer is ā€œarmedā€ (see updated OS manual), then press play on Digitakt.


On my Typhon (first generation with dead red LEDs) the update 2.0.2 was causing sudden loud white noise sound after a few minutes playing. I was forced to downgrade to version 2.0.1. Hope you can find and fix this for the next update.

Thank you very much for your answer.

I was doing all that with no result because I had TRANSPORT SEND unselected!

So for anyone dealing with the same problem and stumbles upon this here, this may be your solution:
In the Digitaktā€™s SETTINGS MENU > MIDI CONFIG > SYNC, check the TRANSPORT SEND box.

Thanks again.


Iā€™ve been torn between using it with its internal sequencer + modulation and just doing all of that on the Octatrack. The internal way certainly gives me some great happy accidents while also forcing me to have a melody in mind before I start programming it.
On the other hand, with the OT MIDI sequencer, I can CC p-lock the VCO level (CC#8) to get some kind of velocity sequenced into the pattern that doesnā€™t include faking it by assign FX1 drive mix amount to velocity.
The Velocity menu has loads of destinations, but VCA level and/or VCO level arenā€™t included.

@AlexandrosLiarokapis , is there any plan to add velocity to volume modulation of some kind (other than FX1 drive) in the future?


Iā€™d love to see a polyphonic typhon in the future. :stuck_out_tongue:

[no doubt this has been mentioned already. Iā€™ve been away for a while tho so Iā€™m a liā€™l out of touch] :slight_smile:

Coming up in the next update with a ton more destinations too!


Great to hear, and thanks for the update. Now I wonā€™t spend the time to p-lock VCO level from the OT, and just have to redo it once velocity control drops. So this saves me some time, and Iā€™ll focus on the internal sequencer for now. Cheers.

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My music partnerā€™s Typhon has failed. He turned it on yesterday - screen blank and one fader unresponsive. Reboots havenā€™t worked. I hope the store where he got it will get him a replacement soon. Disconcerting.

Just received my Typhon. Went to update the OS and was hit with ā€˜the updater needs OS Mojaveā€™ and Iā€™m still on High Sierraā€¦

Donā€™t you have a PC with Windows 10?

Luckily the Mrs has a more up to date laptop than I doā€¦

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I had a failed screen, and contacted Dreadbox about it. They were very responsive in addressing, by sending me a new screen the next day. It was quite easy to replace. I donā€™t know about the fader issue though.


What was the power brick you ended up with? The link is dead now. Cheers

This was the one:

looks like @thegiantarm and I got two of the last available

It was ideal because of the depth/width measurement being about the same as the side of the Typhon.

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