Dreadbox Typhon

Fortunately, the manufacturer still has them. I just ordered an extra, as it really is the perfect fit, and I love using the Typhon in a mobile, around the house with headphones kinda way.

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Late to the party but hats off to Dreadbox on an incredible piece of kit.
Just had my first proper go with it and I’m really really impressed. Amazing sound.
Well done Dreadbox.


I love this synth so much.


Happy New Year- Some fun with Typhon-


Version 3.0 out!

– new TEMPO range, now from 6BPM up to 500BPM
– Added a screen saver mode.
– Added 27 new modulation targets, for a total of 40.
– Preset Manager is now available and combined with the updater in a single software.



You can get some real good wonky swing going by modulating the tempo and the sequencer clock division at the same time.

It’s a great update and deceptively deep.

With 3 custom targets per each M1-M3 modulator. That’s now 13 x 3 modulations in M1-M3
Add to that nearly all 40 destinations are simultaenously available in each of the Velocity / MW / Keytrack / Aftertouch destinations list as well, with negative values possible in most.

Want the sequencer’s note velocity to modulate the tempo while the key track adjusts the sequencer clock division?
You can!

This little box is deeper than ever now, with all FX parameters modulation capable as well.


wtf… thought this was a joke for a minute.

Oh wow.

Do we have an ETA on USB midi? I remember there being one, but I can’t find it now.

By the way, have the midi sync issues been solved already?

Yes! Since v2.02 :slight_smile:


Following this thread with a LOT of interest :slight_smile:


Updated to 3.0 and my Typhon locks up constantly. If I touch touch the back button and instead turn on the sequencer while sending midi from a sequencer the unit locks up and needs power cycle. :frowning: Is there a way to downgrade my firmware?

Try to re-install?

Strange. I cannot reproduce. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, same issues. Unit will either lock up or become unresponsive to external midi if the sequencer is turned on/off, requiring a power cycle to recover.

I made some progress. It seems that starting/stopping the sequencer is sending some MIDI CC that is messing with my sequencer (deluge) output, sometimes setting the tempo to 1000s of BPM. That seems to lock-up the Typhon even if internal clock master is selected on the Typhon. Will investigate more.


Your Typhon is also sending MIDI out to the Deluge? Perhaps a MIDI loop?
Try setting MIDI CC on the Typhon to CC Disabled.


Would very much love getting CC messages from the knobs and sliders. <3

Yes, downgraded to the last usable firmware on my device: 2.01