Dreadbox Typhon

Anyone knows if I can get the Ext In while playing note on the typhon? Or the VCA needs to always be open so I can’t really play notes on the typhon, but I guess I could use it as a drone, while the Ext In could provide more sound. I’m trying to use a PO Ko sampler connected in, and I though I could have that mixed with the music of the Typhon…

edit: I was watching this guy playing with the audio in :

and now realize that his gate is probably always open letting the external audio to play at all time. Lets see how that can work

Yes, exactly…
EXT in is always open by default. The filter envelope will interact with it when you play notes.

There is no EXT in volume, but there is VCO Level. So if you want to hear the EXT in through the filter and FX, and not heard the synth, just turn down VCO Level

The “EXT IN” patch that comes stock in Bank C is just a patch with the VCO Level turned down.


nice thanks - I was able to do something that sounds all right. I’ve manage also to send the sync from the keystep to the po-ko so the arp timing is in sync with the po… Getting somewhere with a super minimal setup :smiley:

edit: Well might as well plug the Typhon in the PO-KO to get both sound at the same time so I get the full audio from both device :smiley:


I like my Typhon but I really wish it had a proper power supply option so I could use USB midi with my laptop without humming from a ground loop. Has anyone achieved that yet? Not sure USB midi is out yet. If that never gets solved, then it will always require Din midi into a laptop which would be kind of a shame. I see there are Din midi to Usb cables, so I guess I could do that, but… environmental waste and all :wink:

USB MIDI is not yet an available feature.

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This subject was discussed in the Micromonsta 2 thread.
You can isolate the audio (but possibly add distortion) or the usb (which can cost a bit more.

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I wonder how much a 9v power outlet would have added to the cost, I really have no idea. I would have gladly paid it if it was 10-20 bucks.


I don’t mind USB powering, it’s actually rather convenient. But the hum is unforgivable IMO. I wouldn’t mind an extra 30 bucks to have a hum breaker inside the synth.


Yeah I don’t mind it either but I also want an option to plug in my own power cord for studio use. It’s a pretty small design change (I think) that for me would have provided a lot less hassle. I have extra usb inputs available but no more midi DIN, so it’s kind of a pain. First world problems, I know.

Yea, one door closed allowed for another to open.
I love that it is USB powered, as it means I can keep mine mobile with this handy 6700mah battery pack velcro’d to the side and a 4" USB cable. It’s always there, just inviting me to take the Typhon off somewhere else in the house with my headphones.

The lack of power switch is also a little bit of a bummer, but I ended up getting a handy USB power supply that has 2 USB ports plus a couple AC outlet ports all on one on/off switch. It’s turned out to be super helpful in my studio, powering 2 other things that don’t have power switches.

So I gotta take the good with the bad.

Andertons have them back in stock.

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Since updating to 3.0, I can no longer perform a Program Change. Anyone?

I tried with OT and DT with no success.

This isn’t a bug… it’s new functionality.

See third to last item:

So make sure CC is enabled.
Testing in Ableton, CC enabled makes PCHNG work for me.

Also, for this reason, I recommend, if you do want PCHNG, to avoid the “ALL” MIDI channels option in Settings / 9. Global Settings / 1. MIDI Channels / 1. Input
My OT was sending it all kinds of CC#s that I did not want it to, until I chose a specific channel for the Typhon to work from.


Solved. Thank you. I was sure I enabled CC’s. I guess not.


My Typhon is offsite, so hence my question… are the custom targets new in this version? Can you explain the custom targets a bit more… what does it let us do that we couldn’t do prior? I read the release notes but it wasn’t super clear to me. Thanks!

Yes the custom targets are new.

They only mod destinations for M1-M3 previously were the following:

  1. CV Pitch of both VCO
  2. CV1 Pitch of VCO 1
  3. CV2 Pitch of VCO 2
  4. WAVE Waveform of oscillators (as shown on the WAVE knob)
  5. CUT Filter cut off
  6. VCA AMP level
  7. FX1 FX1 MIX amount
  8. FFM Filter FM amount
  9. FX2 FX2 MIX amount
  10. FX3 FX3 MIX amount

Dreadbox added 3 more targets per modulator, and you can choose what those targets are, per each M1-M3 modulator, and per patch. These are the custom targets.
New destinations bring the total possible destinations to 40. See the manual for the list.

You can also modulate the modulators.

This is all separate to modulations available in the Velocity, Aftertouch, Keytrack, and Mod Wheel menus. On each of those mod sources you have access to 39-40 destinations simultaneously.

When you add it all up, there is a ridiculous amount of modulation.


Morning all. I can’t find it or I could be going mad but did anyone post about syncing rate to bpm. I assume that 25/100 isn’t just 1/4 of bpm??

Does it work that way?


In the Sync Options menu.

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I should have RTFM. Thank you!

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Isn’t it possible to get the delay to sync with dotted times? Currently it seems that you can only sync with whole devisions/multiplications of the beat?