Dreadbox Typhon

shit god damn

@re5et said this a while back. Might be useful?

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Thanks for that :slight_smile:

yeah, you can probably fake it out, but i didnā€™t try. my guess is the app itself may use libraries not present in mac os below 10.14, like ui stuff.

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I had to use my partners mac to update.

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I was very nervous doing itā€¦ but I couldnā€™t get my pc ( win10) to connect via usb ( it displayed 3x comms ports but none worked )

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Just a note to everyone, we have a beta updater working with 10.12 onwards. Hopefully this issue will soon be solved.


Iā€™m really impressed with how engaged you
are. Thank you.

Just had an answer from the guys at Dreadbox and last batches are coming with v3 installed :slight_smile:
Sent the email yesterday.

Does anyone have an opinion about the Typhon as a filter unit? Iā€™m looking for something to run some iOS audio into for that nice filtered sound. Iā€™m doing this with a Minitaur I am borrowing and it sounds rad, but maybe a Typhon would be a cheaper and more versatile choice. I may even buy 2 units and sell my Moonwind (which sounds good and has a lot of useful features, but sucks live and doesnā€™t have adsr envelopes).

I donā€™t really care about the fx and sequencer (though nice to have). Iā€™m also curious if anyone has a general opinion about the Typhon vs Minitaur, because I do see myself using it as a synth when not using it as a filter.

I think itā€™s awesome as a filter unit, beyond the fact that it just sounds good, itā€™s pretty full featured.

Discounting all the other features you said you donā€™t care about, as a simple knobby filter box you get an analog LPF with modulation, and a digital high pass that you can use simultaneously, plus filter FM, 256 preset storage, and mono to stereo output conversion (though of course the filter is still mono).
What other box is going to give you that for $379?

If it had stereo filters Iā€™d buy an extra one for just for my Octatrackā€™s output for live work.

I say go for it! But you will find yourself using and loving the FX for sure :wink:


Buy 2 more for stereo! :pl:

Does the sequencer send midi notes ?

Pretty certain it does, as I remember considering buying a Nyx2 to be sequenced by it.

Thanks for the thoughts! How does the LPF compare with the Minitaur LPF? The Moog is so creamy.

Itā€™s got its own vibe but no one is complaining about it. Very big sound.
It doesnā€™t dominate a track as much as the Minitaur, and for a lot of people thatā€™s a good thing.
Big without being obnoxious.

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I couldnā€™t find a confirmation in the manual.
It can send clock, start, stop.

Looks like a synth :

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From Dreadbox :

Unfortunately Typhon does not output MIDI clock yet due to a driver issue. This has been addressed and will be released with the next update, we are currently finishing up a few more interesting features and going through testing. It wonā€™t be very long now.


Ah sorry, I probably misunderstood that :

Added external MIDI clock sync + start/stop midi orders for the sequencer

Hey all,

Purchased a brand new Typhon from a large retailer recently. Latest firmware. I think it sounds incredible, but thereā€™s one thing I wanted to ask you about, something bothering me. With an ā€˜initā€™ saw patch, no modulation, and the resonance at its lowest point, I sweep the filter, and there are some sounds near the top of the filter (around the 2-3 oā€™ clock knob position). I canā€™t tell if theyā€™re a normal part of the ā€˜gritā€™ and ā€˜dirtā€™ Dreadbox synths are known for, or if thereā€™s something wrong with how my filter is behaving. Here is an audio example (excuse the obnoxious / errant melody - just trying to reproduce the issue!):

the sounds are present throughout, but can be heard at 0:08-0:14 and 0:34-0:43, for example. turn up the audio file to hear properly!

As you may be able to hear, there are certain spots for certain notes where these sounds occur. Sometimes they sound like intermittent noisy / inharmonic off tones, other times they just sound like the amplitude / VCA is being modulated by a slow LFO (even though no modulation is being applied). In other words, certain spots where the note / timbre should be constant, but sound like they are moving. This seems to happen with high notes more than low ones. It also happens less / is less noticable with the resonance turned up.

It could be that I am just ignorant of analog synths (Iā€™ve used digital VSTs for years), and that this is part of the unpredictability / ā€˜realnessā€™ for which they are sought and desired. Iā€™m just trying to figure out whether thereā€™s an issue. If not, Iā€™ll enjoy the synth all the same, but if so, obviously Iā€™d want to get it repaired or looked into. Do your units have a more consistent filter movement on an init saw patch than mine? Any feedback / thoughts you can give would be very helpful and appreciated!

Thanks again, and best regards, midnightmeteors

edit: itā€™s powered by a usb adapter in my wall, not by the computer on which iā€™m recording. i know this can cause problems, but itā€™s not applicable in my case!

That was for the incoming MIDI clock issue making Typhon not being able to sync properly to other masters. New update is coming very very soon and we also get MIDI clock out (with modulations applied :slight_smile: )