Dreadbox Typhon

The Minitaur sounds more conservative, not bad but also not too good in my opinion.

The Typhon on the other Hand sounds refreshing different and as Adam said it got it’s own vibe, specially when combined with the FX which make quite a part of the sound.

I’m playing with the idea to get a second one … this is an acid-machine

I heard that in your audio example. Dual osc, or single? No modution on init patch?

Hard to tell from a distance, but it doesn’t sound ‘off’ to my ears. No problem in my book.

Keep in mind, the init patch uses the double saw and beating will occur when the two oscillators are not in perfect sync (which is almost always the case). You can turn the oscillator selector to the single saw (osc2 only) which will clean up the signal.

Also, the Typhon has by nature quite a bit of drive. you can turn down the vco volume in the ‘set’ section. Around a value of 75 will be not much clipping anymore …


:+1: that’s why asked about dual osc…

FM Wave is a Square Wave modulated by a Triangle Wave.

And this will happen if you’re slightly off a Single Waveform or if you’re on a Waveform that combines VCO1 and VCO2.


Single sawtooth osc. I ran through all three mod sources and made sure there were no targets. But I still hear that ‘variance’, not a smooth tone

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Quite possible there’s no problem and I’m overanalyzing (I’d love to be wrong). But I think there are small ‘variances’ on what should be a purely initialized sawtooth patch. Almost a phase-y / ‘crooked’ sound.

This is a custom init patch I made with just the single saw. However, something to do with not aligning the ‘wave’ knob quite right for single-saw action is far and away the most plausible cause factor identified thus far. Thanks!

Yes, I noticed a driven sound at high volume. I’m splitting hairs with this troubleshooting of mine, but as said above, I love this synth! Not since the microKORG has such an inexpensive synth had such personality and uniqueness. And the microKORG was virtual analog, not actually voltage-controlled.

Enjoy the uniqueness of an analogue synthesizer!


Others have mentioned the ‘wave’ knob and this is definitely the most plausible cause for what I’m experiencing. Perhaps the unit is just not producing a single saw wave for me, and is retaining a bit of the other saw or square wave above despite my efforts to dial-in.

Yes, my quest for digital precision in analog equipment is perhaps better abandoned haha. But the joy of analog for me goes beyond the tactility / immediacy. My ears tell me the best soft synth filters still sound somewhat steppy / lack the nuances of a VCF! Typhon has been a pleasure to use, and eventually I aim to get the Erebus as well.

edit: if anyone else replies, I’ve reached my reply limit in this thread as a new user. Thank you so much for your input, everyone so far! If I decide to look further into this, it’s the wave knob that I think might be causal. Either way, gonna keep enjoying this thing


I was referring to the Wave knob. That’s what I meant by slightly off. If you are right on a Single Waveform, no modulation will be heard.


I’ve double-checked my init patch, and tested with the included ‘initial’ patch as well (but changed double saw to single saw). The patches are absolutely basic, no wave-blend or modulation whatsoever. So that’s not it. There’s definitely an issue though, I’m sure of that now after stepping away and listening again with fresh ears / perspective. My soft synths don’t do this on similar patches, and Typhon units I’ve heard on demos / review vids don’t either.

As I mentioned before, in my speakers, the issue is with high notes: low notes sound fine. This is regardless of whether I listen via audio interface, or jack in directly to the speakers. Oddly, when I listen through headphones (again, via audio interface, or directly through the headphone output), the problem reverses, making low notes exhibit the bad behavior, and high notes sound very clean and clear (this contrast convinced me there is indeed an issue - the filter sounded EXACTLY like it should on those high notes with this alternate listening setup).

Intuition at this point tells me it might be an issue related to the usb bus power, but I’ve reached out to Dreadbox regarding the issue. If the troubleshooting resolution seems like something other users would benefit from, I’ll post it here, maybe save someone else the headache and typing. Thanks again for all the help and thoughts though, and for reading my (not very succinct) paragraphs!

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I wish there were more dry demos of the Typhon. The included fx engine seems great, but I have all the fx I need with my setup so what I really care about is the raw sound. Also all of the demos are on youtube where I don’t really trust its representation of the sound…

I decided to hold off a bit and work with what I have, but am still tempted to grab one.

I have both (Sirin and Typhon) and I can say that they both sound fantastic. Of course the Moog sound has been heard more over decades.

What do you want to hear?
I’m in the studio all day today and I can take a moment to record some dry Typhon for ya. Want me to just go through presets and turn down FX? or are there certain types of sounds you’re most interested in?


That would be amazing! Yea maybe running through a few presets without the fx and maybe doing a few filtersweeps and osc “sweeps”. If you wanted to run some external audio into it and jam on the filter that’d be cool too, but don’t stress it if that’s too much pain. Whatever you are able to do would be so helpful. I can then compare to the minitaur I’m still borrowing and feel things out :slight_smile:

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This I can definitely do today.

This I will try to do, but no promises. :slight_smile:


I’m trying to get my head round how I run audio into it. I know I’m probably just being a dunce but I’d like to throw my hat in for a demo of that too if you get time and feel inclined kind sir.

Edit: I can route the audio in but I don’t get any sound out for some reason. That’s what’s confusing me

There’s a Preset you can use in Bank C called EXT IN.

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Simple 1/8th input. Turn down the VCO level. If you want to use envelopes, hit start on the sequencer. Or just use the EXT IN preset @Tchu mentioned.

Here I just ran Model Samples into it, on a couple patterns. 24bit/44.1khz into MOTU Ultralite MK4. No processing.

Using analog LPF and digital HPF. Sometimes some LFO, sometimes some envelope mod, sometimes some key tracking which references the sequencer notes (though the OSC out is muted).


Thank you. Will give it a try when homeschool is over and I can hide from the kids.