Dreadbox Typhon

Re: decksaver. I asked them about it last summer and got a “not at this time” reply a couple hours later.

For transport, I am using a couple pieces of foam, the auralex eggshell kind (but the dirt cheap Amazon version), wrapped around my Typhon, with an elastic Velcro strap holding it on tight.

For dust, I am using a small paint brush every couple days :grin:


I’ve received my Typhon and I’m having a blast. This thing is absolutely mad. I’ve had ear-shredding bass and ambient drones all within the last 5 minutes and the one small reservation I had (the tiny screen and slider interface) turns out to be no problem at all. I’m really blown away with what’s possible.

I was wondering about the “open amp” thing. I can do a one note sequence with a tie and that works fine for droning but is there any other option? I can’t seem to just “open up the amp” as you’ve suggested. It really doesn’t matter, I’m just curious more than anything else.


you can use the step-sequencer modulator as offset.

create a ‘sequence’ of just one step and set the targets as you desire.
in this case it would be vca>100.

this is also handy for many other things, e.g. different osc2 ratios, synced delays with odd timings (f31+f31 > 33) …


Hey all,

So I just got my Typhon (white sliders) SN in the 1500’s and first off I think this thing sounds amazing. I am on firmware v3 and have something that’s been bugging me a bit. I haven’t really been able to find much info on it but here goes:

When a patch is loaded and running, initially moving any of the sliders and/or knobs are not immediately responsive. They do eventually “catch” and then it’s all good but there is a lag.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


yes, it’s a feature. you can disable that behavior for sliders and knobs. check page 19 of the manual. you change it in global settings -> control handling.


Thank you for this! I was about halfway through the manual when my Typhon arrived so I didn’t finish reading it…

I was kind of on the side of the author in the Introduction: “I never read manuals” :smiley:

That’s not actually true as an electron owner, I always RTFM.

Anyway thank you!

I’m having difficulty with my Typhon locking up when using external midi clock. It seems that using external clock also enables start/stop of the sequencer and through some sequence the Typhon ends up unresponsive to midi notes. I need to reboot to get it to work again, and I haven’t figured out exactly what is causing it to lock up. I’m running with a deluge as the sequencer.

Also, is there a way to avoid that crazy tone on boot-up? Having to boot a few times per session makes it more of an issue than just avoiding it at power-up.

Everything seems to work properly if I do not enable external midi clock, which I need for syncing lfos etc.

Any ideas? This is a bit of a bummer, is keeping me from using the Typhon in live jams.

I have exactly the same problem when using external clock. It works well for a few minutes then starts making a mad noise and I have to power cycle the unit.
It’s frustrating when recording a live jam video ad I get 10 mins in then have to start again.
When i power cycle the unit also makes a crazy barking noise on re-start.

Yes this is a known bug and will be fixed (I contacted Dreadbox about it)

In the meantime: set the midi output to Through instead of any of the midi channel numbers. Even if you don’t have anything connected to the output, it can lock up your Typhon.

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8 February 2021

  1. Release notes
    1.1 New features
  • Added MIDI CLOCK out. Please go to MENU—> GLOBAL SETTINGS —> MASTER
    CLOCK —> TRANSMIT (enable/disable).
  • Preset preview: when scrolling above a preset , you may play it without having to press
    LOAD again. By pressing BACK—> BACK , you can return to your last loaded preset
    without losing any changes that have being applied. Note that there is a delay of 200ms
    added before loading the preview, so that scrolling down would not feel bumpy. Finally,
    while doing this you may have the sequencer playing.
  • Sustain pedal added on CC64, where 0=off and 1= GATE on hold
  • Preset volume added on CC39. This corresponds to the control found on the SET
    page, under the name VCA LVL
  • CC93 to CC98 will now allow you to change the modulators and FX types
  • CC List updated, please check MENU—> MIDI CC—>CC LIST
    1.2 Bug fixes, precautions and trims
  • Fixed a bug where MIDI OUT in some cases would cause Typhon to crash
  • All CC’s are now forced to 0 when loading a preset
  • When saving a preset the effects buffer will not perform a reset
  • Modulating the TEMPO while sending the clock out might not be handled correctly from
    some other machines (although we did not stumbled on one here that had that issue)
    1.3 New factory presets
    Tones of new factory presets added and old ones reworked. The list goes as below:
    BANK B : The SINEVIBES touch
    BANK C : 1- 18 basic presets
    19-31 presets from our generous users
    32-64 empty INITIAL presets
    BANK D: From our friends synthesizer.gr . DARK and DEEP presets for the limited version of
    Black/copper Typhon.

Limited typhon ?



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some nice sounds… it can do decent 303 too.



Glad to see they fixed the midi output crash bug.

Does anyone know if they planned to add an option to send knob midi CC and disable the note output as well?

The actual version is already so limited that the one I bought on October 15th is still not home…


thats a shame, as in the uk theyre available :slight_smile:
10+ in stock…

Just received a message telling me the order is on the way!
:man_dancing:t4: :dancer:t3:


now I want a Dreadbox wrist band.

And homeschool to finish so I can get on with the update

If there’s 1 thing children will need to know … it’s how to update firmware in basically everything they buy except for food.


I’d been struggling to integrate the Typhon into my setup but just discovered it’s a perfect portable pairing with an MPC Live. Had a great couple of hours sequencing and sampling with the two of them.

One question… has anyone managed to get the Typhon to respond to program change messages?

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