Dreadbox Typhon

Not going to lie. I feel a bit jealous. Like suddenly finding out you’re with the uglier twin.


I prefer the original one! But I also prefer the grey OT Mk2…so something is wrong with me


the other limited things were on their website only I think, so I presume this will be on there too at some point.

Someone on Instagram has one and said they got it from https://www.synthesizer.gr/
Is that site attached to Dreadbox somehow?

I don’t know. But when nowhere else in the world had any Typhon stock (a few months back), they had some for sale, and I was able to purchase from them.


They are our greek distributor friends! The new Bank D is from them. Stay tuned :slight_smile:


So the new batch will be the limited one or a mix of both versions?

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I guess both, but I hope limited version is not limited to one unit! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I asked Thomann if it was possible to cancel my order, I wasn’t sure, but they did it!
Now I’m pretty glad, it would be esthetically perfect with Micromonsta 2!


same here, bought the last one in stock in november. Great customer support

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I really need to find a Shadow/Black Microwave XT, the one synth I kick myself for selling.
The blue around the screen would really tie my Typhon into my setup of entirely black (with hints of red) synths, samplers, and MIDI controllers.

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same here on both counts.
u have good taste indeed :facepunch:t3::sunglasses:

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Just received the little beast. What a screamer!
I absolutely love the filter!


At long last!


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This one coming to Belgium… :slight_smile:Typhon Limited edition




Question is, do I risk the extortionate import fees I might get by getting one shipped to the UK.

Ouf! Good luck with that.

The new limited edition does look great, but I’m still glad I got mine from synthesizers.gr back when they first came out. I spent a good hour just auditioning the new presets last night, and there’s some great possibilities opening up with this synth.

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What is the site?

I understood he’s getting it from www.synthesizer.gr

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Free delivery worldwide too.

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