Dreadbox Typhon

Yes, seems subtle. Grayer (US) works no?

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Actually, we prefer “gruyere”.


Oh, yes it seems.
Anyway, the difference is rather subtle. But exists.

You can also see that the lower bar under the screen is not as thick as the higher one, on OG, while they are the same on the LTD.
I have no clue which one I’ll keep though ^^

Both have encoders that I don’t like much. Plastic for OG, slippery for LTD.
Fortunately I have spare ones :sweat_smile:

My man!


I don’t understand the OG encoder hate?
All the knobs on the pots are plastic too.
I like that it’s thin at the top, so my fingers and thumb don’t crowd the screen when I use it.

FYI, Elektron rubber knob caps fit the encoder shaft just fine, but they’re slightly less deep.

I prefer the look of the original. Thanks for putting them side by side


The encoder cap doesn’t feel good under my fingers, a bit too thin I guess.
On the look side, it’s clearly plastic but above all it’s like too short pants on ugly socks ^^

Fortunately I have quality metal knobs that are a perfect fit!


That looks real similar to what’s on my Blackhole pedal. Those do feel nice. I just worry a bigger knob makes my fingers start to crowd the screen.

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It’s as large as the LTD edition encoder, only with more grip :slight_smile:


OK, there is a thing to say about synthesizer.gr, it’s that their customer service is gold. I was already impressed at the speed of delivery; now that I exposed my (tiny really first world) problems I got an apology within 20 minutes and they told me they will take care of this.

Top notch :ok_hand:


If that make you feel better about it, the specific store is kind of big in the synth scene here in Athens. They run their own label and a lot of artists hand out over there trying out synths.


Plus greek inscriptions saying “NOISE SYNTHESIS” is pretty awesome ^^
Nowhere is written the store’s name btw.


so I had to order one of the Chroma Caps “thin encoders” for my MOTU. Same shaft size as Typhon, so I ordered a 2nd. Looks like it’s wider than the OG, but still has the little skirt. Hopefully just a little wider and rubberized. I’ll report back when it arrives (might be weeks as we have a blizzard coming in right now)


Definetely more obvious with that angle / light! Thanks.
I posted your pictures on AF…


Oddly specific question, but did they ever update the mod section so it automatically shows what destination is being effected in a preset? Having to jiggle faders around to figure out what’s up seems a little cumbersome, though may buy one today anyways.

That’s just the way it works. The modulators can each modulate up to 13 destinations. All can be controlled simultaneously. No way to show all of those on screen at a time.

It’s not as cumbersome as it sounds.

But only one way for you to find out for sure :wink:


If we all keep selling so hard I think we definitely deserve a Dreadbox wrist band or two.

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Pardon me, do you have any Grey Ty-phon?



I need to stop looking at the LTD.
That side by side @LyingDalai posted is starting to draw my gaze in more, and I am beginning to like it more and more.


@AlexandrosLiarokapis Do you know how many LTDs were sold with first SynthesizerGR batch?