Dreadbox Typhon

I think it was 50.

Ok, I found my source :man_facepalming:

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As shown above it was 50. Will be 50 per month until 500 total.


I have a couple of those DJ Tech Tools thin encoders in black on my desk, however I couldnā€™t for the life of me get the original encoder off! I tried with an (admittedly thin) file to wedge it off and the file broke! Also the Typhon finish is super fragile so please do be careful or else you will damage it.

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Wow, mine came off without tools. But it is definitely a tight fit. The conversation here today had me pull out my bag of knobs to see what I might like. Some old rubberized Rane dj mixer knobs were nice.

Yes the blue to the right of my encoder is all gone and a portion of the blue line to the left of the cutoff knob has worn off. Battle scars :wink:

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Ah man, no way! Iā€™m so precious with my stuff that the miniscule mark I left just trying to get the encoder off is driving me crazy! I might try again gently with a teaspoon, I find those get knobs off really easily.

I just gripped it real good with my pointer finger and thumb, tried to get under the skirt as best I could, and lifted up, using the faceplate as a fulcrum under my fingers.

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Same, best way to do it without leaving a scar.
Well, on the gear I mean.

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Thanks, thatā€™s what I thought first, but someone said it was 500 for the first batch!
Sold out in 2 days!

Already looking for knobs that complement the new color scheme :smiley:

Would you prefer this ?



I like my original Typhon colours!

Just a suggestion (probably not an original one) but Iā€™ve been playing with the audio input and my M:S a little bit. I just looped one of the factory M:S samples in reverse and then messed about with the Typhon FX (filter -> distortion -> granular cloud) and it turned something very flat and dull into a very interesting ambient soundscape. Itā€™s made me reconsider selling my M:S (which I otherwise donā€™t use any more). High resonance into the distortion brought out all kinds of weird artefacts and harmonics.

I reckon this thing is a future classic, it has far surpassed my expectations and the possibilities seem vast. Iā€™m considering buying another small desktop synth (with a different flavour) just to feed into the FX for drones and ambient experiments.

I think it would be an amazing pairing with a small modular setup - even if you just had one complex oscillator or other ā€œvoiceā€ to feed it. Must tread carefully! Iā€™m not made of money!


This was the final push, just ordered one. :sunglasses:


Wahey, first time Iā€™ve influenced someone to buy something. :smiley: That L Reverb is lush.

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A quick question for people: how fiddly is the Typhon to edit, to create a sound from the ground up? Those sliders look a bit on the small side, and that screen looks a bit small tooā€¦

I know a lot of you are still in the Honeymoon period, but please try to be honest (muahaha! :slight_smile:)

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Iā€™ll be honest - the analog controls are super easy though I find the faders a bit fiddly. You can choose whether you want the values to catch which I find a bit easier, but moving between say -100 to +100 is a little chaotic, though itā€™s easily managed with a bit of practice. I find assigning steps in the sequencer and editing the EGs a bit cumbersome, especially with the two screens to flip through with the shift button to the right of the sliders, but again, itā€™s forgiveable all things considered. Plus you can record sequences in from external sources which is awesome. Setting FX values with the sliders is super easy, itā€™s just the more complex stuff like modulation targets that gets a bit confusing for me. But itā€™s way easier than navigating say, my Virus B with its labyrinthine menu structure.


Just ordered a set of gold and a set of aqua blue anodized knobs for the limited version. Gold makes sense with the coppery gold color scheme, however, the blue might inject a nice theme close to the original, but with darker shades. Will post pics once it all arrives. For some reason Iā€™m not into the pseudo-Alco knobs on the Typhon :smiley:


I find itā€™s easier to edit a blank patch and create from the ground up as you say. Itā€™s pretty straight forward and well organized for that usage. Iā€™m not much of a preset person to begin but I guess that would be one issue is figuring out what is modulating what if you donā€™t start from scratch. I love the form factor though and the controls are very logical and intuitive so making your own patches is a breeze. Also, I would recommend having it angled on a stand as the bottom line of the display is not very viewable if itā€™s flat on surface and you arenā€™t looking at it straight above. All that being said, I wouldnā€™t change anything with the form factor or controls. I think itā€™s the best designed synth of 2020.


When I had my previous one, I mostly designed patches laying in bed at night :smiley:

Canā€™t wait until my new one arrives. I miss it.

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There must be better things to do when lay in bed ?

ā€¦ sleep , watch Netflix , eat biscuits. ā€¦ surely thereā€™s nothing else ?

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Incidentally, I use this stand for the Typhon. I used to use it for the Digitakt too but itā€™s awesome for pairing a synth or whatever with the Digitakt as itā€™s the perfect height and you can thread the Digitakt cables through the hole in the base. :slight_smile: