Dreadbox Typhon

my knob-twiddling and slider-tickling skills are middling at best (so says my wife), but i find it crazy easy to dial up sounds on the Typhon. Dreadbox really caught lightning in a bottle with this thing.


will echo others’ sentiments here. it’s very easy to get decent sounds out of this box quickly. i didn’t know what to think of the sliders before getting it, but it’s easy to get going. the manual is short, but you probably won’t really need it. i kinda wish it were possible to get a complete summary of a given preset’s parameter settings, including knob positions. in practice, it doesn’t really matter. it’s easy enough to check the sliders for each modulator and effects to see what’s involved. i often just sit on the couch, tweaking a sound with a short sequence plugged in. if anything’s worth saving, i’ll do so. if not, no biggie. it’s pretty satisfying.


It really is a fun synth to design sounds on, and just PLAY the synth. (even without external control) The effects are just beautiful on it. Even the noise, distortion, and bit crushing have a “pretty” quality to them. :smiley: When I had my original one, I was in the middle of moving, and I pretty much sold most of my gear since I wouldn’t be using it for a while. The move was cancelled though, and the Typhon is one of the big ones that I miss (even though I’ve built the rest of my studio back up). Point being, I spent a lot of time with just it and a Digitakt in a hotel room during that time. It was quite enough to get me by through that time, and took a lot of the stress off just by twisting knobs and making sounds on it. Digital Chill Pill TM. :smiley: It’s so easy to come up with something great on it. I can’t wait to integrate it into my now “proper” studio setup since I didn’t get to last time.

Incidentally, here are the knobs I ordered. Both large and small blue, and large and small gold. We’ll see which look better. Maybe even split them per the old color coding on the original color scheme or something.

For the blue there was a separate item. I went with a more aqua color like the original Typhon, so the blue in these pics is a bit more BLUE than what I got.


Not a blue fan but I’m waiting for your pictures

Does GNAS exist? Gear Non Acquisition Syndrome. :content:

No joke, I was already dreaming about making sequences / patches with the Typhon. Several sessions! I hope to receive it next 2 days otherwise I’ll have to wait 10 more days minimum. Originally ordered mid January.

Well. I have new things to try on my Micromonsta 2

I haven’t gotten any updates on my pre-order yet, but haven’t really expected to see any. I got in pretty late I think. Hope you get yours sooner than later!

I think like with anything color needs context. The aqua knobs I got are kind of a long shot, but I wanted to see what they look like on that gold and black case. I love to use blue Rogan knobs on my synths, but they fit in better on a silver panel with blue, white, and grey banana jacks for example.

I have found in the past that mixing blue and yellow on a silver panel turns out pretty decent though, so maybe the blue knobs will work out. If not, I suppose I need to design a device to use them :smiley:

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good luck! i hope the shipping company tracks it down to deliver soon. the micromonsta 2 is the only thing on my GAS list. whenever they’re back in stock, i’m done

 no, really!


I have my typhon for few months now, I really want to keep on loving it, but I realize that I like bigger interface. The analog part is awesome, but the digital side with the menu diving (although not too deep) and the sliders might not keep my love for too long. That being said, I don’t like using computer for music, I didn’t like the OP-1, I am not a fan of the Pocket operator - I like bigger synth, with bigger pedal, but not too big either! The Mopho keys, with the Medusa, to the avalanche run and the OT is my setup at this point
 and the typhon might end up in the trade/sale list on here


Preset preview is such a cool feature when sequencing this from another device.

I was sequencing it through OT last night, and scrolling through my own patches for other ideas. The incoming MIDI notes sequence the previewed patch, but all the knobs and the sliders (on whatever FX or MOD screen you were on before previewing) still work. So you can not only preview the sound but tweak it.

Fantastic feature.


Amazing thanks!

Must post images when you get them on :slight_smile:

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Received! The last 100 km were at 1.25 km/hour. I could search it on foot, would have been faster! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

No surprise. Really good!
Before programming in bed :wink: I really enjoyed it with my 88 keys piano. @darenager :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I really like the raw sound, the knobs, the analogue part is a breeze to set, play.

Fx are effective! Too much on presets imho but it gives a good idea of their potential.
Easy to setup, I read the manual and watched some videos before but I think I would have been comfortable without.
Nice quickstart guide.


I agree they went a bit heavy on the effects on the presets. I also think they could add a bit more expressivity to the patches, in terms of aftertouch and velocity sensitivity. The options are all there (which is amazing) and easy to set up (bravo Dreadbox!) but the presets themselves are a bit bare in terms of expressivity from what I’ve seen. I went into a preset yesterday and added aftertouch routed to the VCO volume 50 and cutoff 25, was blissful!

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Need to resist GAS, I see it very well near my Norns, both on USB

Very neat on the piano. Enjoy the God.

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The store where I had my the order just cancelled saying the don’t know when they will have stock again. :frowning:

Where is everyone else ordering (the standard edition) from in Europe?

Check Global Audio Store (France)
Edit : apparently out of stock

Musicstore, Andertons?

Musicstore is out of stock too, Andertons has them but it’s in the UK so I would paid extra taxes at Customs. :confused:

The price is lower with non UK taxes.
Check as is you were buying it

I did, it was something like 260ÂŁ without taxes IIIRC.

Ah, i didn’t know that! I will check it then, thanks for the tip!

I just checked but it’s still way more expensive than buying in the EU
 I guess I’ll just have to wait it out. :expressionless: