Dreadbox Typhon

Just snatched up the last unit in a Spanish store, should be shipped tomorrow! :sunglasses:


So where do you live?

In Portugal.

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Just unpacked and fired up the Typhon. Great build quality, nothing cheap about this unit other than the price! And what a nice sound. I had the Nyx for a while. Sounded great, but it didnā€™t gel interface wise.

Something I did not discover: is there a quick way to load an init patch or make an init? Couldnā€™t find it in the manual.

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Just load patches C24+ Iā€™d say.
You can also backup the patches and wipeout everything with the app I believeā€¦


@AlexandrosLiarokapis I have a suggestion to do, if you guys at Dreadbox think itā€™s worth it: when in Amp/Filter Env mode, it would be nice if one could switch from one envelope to the other by just turning the Amp/Filter time knob.
I mean, switch to amp env when turning the amp time knob while in env mode, same for filter.
It would make it smoother and quicker to adjust envelopes rather than using the other switch to toggle between amp and filter.
You would loose the possibility to adjust eg amp time while adjusting filter amp parameters, so such workflow could be implemented as a toggle option in the system menu.
But it would be much appreciated I believe.

If the two time knobs are tweaked at the same time (while in env mode), maybe keep the current displayed envelope.

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C32+ on LTD apparently.
An init patch function would be interestingā€¦

My bad, thx for the correction.

It is incredible the palette of sounds you can get from this synth, even on the analog part only.
And the sequencer is perfect to tweak sounds anywhere when you donā€™t have a keyboard.

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Iā€™m on it. In bed of course.


Player should be set already to the ā€œinit patchā€ topic, otherwise, itā€™s around the end.


This is not a bad idea at all. We have also been looking into making real-time adjusted knobs visible but it turns out to be very hard to do properly on the small screen without making it annoying. So this is a work in progress. The envelopes idea is definitely doable but as you noted would require quite some thinking on how to handle simultanous updates, whether it would need some delay before switching etc.


First day, first (bed) patch. Made yesterday, recorded tonight with some slight modifications.

Now I understand what you meant! At first I didnā€™t planned to make ambient, but more acid bass, kicksā€¦:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
Iā€™m crazy about generative/random things, Typhon is definitely great for that. Logical, easy to understand, ergonomicā€¦ :loopy:


Instant dark soundtrack. :wink: Dark, burned out city scape from an 80s futuristic action movie.


:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I like the description!
The Typhon took me to that. Unexpected, wanting to sequence drums, bassā€¦
I entered the notes randomly, moving target step, notes / octaves at the same time. Corrected after, wanting something easier to listen, but it kept something weirdā€¦:content:


Inspirational, very nice. I feel a Typhon saturday coming on!

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I really have fun with sending the sequencer divisions some random values with probabilitiesā€¦ Awesome little one!

I dig your track, @sezare56 my friend!!


Thanks for the tip! I thought about it, but it didnā€™t seem possible after a too quick check.
So could you elaborate? :content:

I like to do this with the NDLR. Itā€™s the first thing I tried when I got it last Summer.

You can set 3 custom destinations for M1, M2 and M3, first entry of the system menu.
Choose M1/Custom1 for instance, and select the last possibility for tempo, and the one before for the sequencer divider.

And yes, the reverb is insane, I got a full orchestra out thanks to it tonightā€¦ Got to rrcord something for the Battle :smiley:


Ah yes ! Forgot that. :slightly_smiling_face:
Iā€™ll read the manual again later!
Not sure if I will modulate tempoā€¦maybe it modulates the delay?