Dreadbox Typhon

that should work as long as you un-arm the sequencer when on external sync.


Yes that works! Not all instruments deal with it correctly though. Typhon to typhon works correctly so itā€™s possible in principle :slight_smile: Biggest difference should be due to gate treatment and filtering.


Think of the step sequencer like a custom waveform. The first level is used to the change the waveform per step the second is the same as on other modulations so global for the modulator.


Thanks for confirming. A custom waveform is a nice way to see it.

Concerning Note Step Sequencer, Iā€™m not sure if Tie last to next played note, taking probability in account.
If not, would it be possible?

Thank you so much, @AlexandrosLiarokapis - that is extremely helpful for conceptualizing what the Step Modulator is doing.

Price drop in Montreal. 40$ less than usually. Not even on sale. Would it be permanent?

The default behaviour would be that the tied note waits for the next actually played note but this is explicitely disabled so that ties are broken if the next step is not played due to probability. This was done after the sequencer rewrite so that it matches the behaviour of the original outsourced implementation. There are good reasons for doing it this way but it could be done both ways really. We can probably change this if enough people feel strongly about it.


Would be an interesting option!


Iā€™d really like Note Step Probability as Custom Destination too!

Are M1, M2, M3 rates destinations working with Step Sequencer mode?


Probability as a target is possible. It was just not added due to the team not really liking the result but at this point Typhon has so many modulations that itā€™s probably better to just add any remaining parameters. Step sequencer and envelope modes have secret Rate modulations. Envelopeā€™s acts as the scale knob on the normal envelopes and step sequencerā€™s acts as divisions. Itā€™s actually the only way to get access to these.


How to set those divisions?
Increment correspond to divisions?
LVL 100 correspond to normal rate, 50 half?

Ah and sorry, another feature request for dotted notes delay values!

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Intersting! So they at least used a chip that makes it possible. hmmmā€¦ :smiley:

Dotted values in general are a work in progress! Not only on delay times though :slight_smile:

Divisions are spread out in a table : /1,/2,/4,/8,/16,/32.

Modulation is offset in this table. So -100 is -5 offset. If you are on /32 you will get to /1.

Didnā€™t hear this from me ^^


Now Iā€™m pretty much a total poor and not priveledged to the higher end of anaologue richness, but my god this synth soundsā€¦ really flimminā€™ flaminā€™ awesome :smiley:

Got the 2nd to last stock from Andertons and am pretty chuffed for it.


:loopy:Would be great for generative stuff!

Just recorded the patch I made during holidaysā€¦

Typhon standalone. Internal fx, drive, Chorus, L Reverb.
Note sequence, Probability slider, 2 different length step mod on osc1 and 2 pitch, Random modā€¦


Very nice; some suitably Vangelis vibes there!

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Was just using the scale mode on Octatrackā€™s MIDI tracks and it makes live jamming so much more fun and rewarding.


hell of a sound for a monophonic synthesizer! :boom:


Would be great, with notes as Target!

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My OG I picked up locally yesterday. I just wish it had a noise generator. I like to use my monoā€™s to synthesise drum/perc sounds and noise is a big part of that.